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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    bin Laden surrounded?

    Do you really think Bush would do that? Is there anything (negative) you DON'T think he'd do?
  2. h4u, Haiti is on America's backyard. The more conflict down there, the more people trying to get here illegally. It's faaaaar more our business than France's or Canada's (both of whom are contributing troops) It's going to be our command.
  3. EricMM

    Blood Testing...??

    CWM you're being stunningly responsable. But... can you afford a bairn?
  4. EricMM

    Stardust & Max Power

    You guys, distance internet relationships DON'T work. At least not the squishy kind.
  5. EricMM

    REAL polls on gay mairrage

    the bill of rights (the first ten amendments) didn't "amend" anything. They were part of the first constitution. The basic 10 rights of Americans.
  6. But again, wouldn't that help N. Korea?
  7. EricMM

    bin Laden surrounded?

    DNC: Of course... It's ... it's perfect...
  8. This IS going to be an American project, since it's America's business.
  9. EricMM

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    You know throwing rice kills the birdies? *Hands AoO confetti*
  10. EricMM

    bin Laden surrounded?

    Basically. Unless you can think of something more insulting.
  11. EricMM

    REAL polls on gay mairrage

    oh god, h4u, what... I mean christ it's the 2nd amendmant... Where are you FROM? What do you KNOW, if you don't know that?
  12. EricMM

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Oh my god Mike, you conservatives are SOOO quick to judge people as "against traditional values." But what are we against? We're not against marriage, we're trying to get MORE people married. I swear what traditional values will a strait couple lose if gay people get married?
  13. EricMM

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    AoO of COURSE I feel that a broken marriage is a tragedy. It's not like I'm against divorce either. But monogomy is generally good for families, right? And Marriage is a basic vow of monogomy. I see nothing wrong with that...
  14. EricMM

    The New Marlboro Menthol Midgets

    Thats what I'm talking about. Although I WAS kidding...
  15. EricMM

    The New Marlboro Menthol Midgets

    Go back to your smoking room thread, Nikky!
  16. EricMM

    City of San Francisco sues State of California

    Conservatives feel that Strait up normal marriage is good for this country. The *traditional* family unit is what they want to build this country on. They dislike anything that would remove any aspect of it. As it stands, Bush is heavily pushing marriage as something that stablizes one's life, which I actually agree with. But he's doing it as part of a faith-based thing. It's not just Marriage he's pushing but traditional conservative Christian Marriage. So he might say (I think he would) that "Marriage" is the victim when "Marriage" is changed in any way. And that in turn hurts American values, America's future, etc.
  17. So what exactly was she saying here? That all hispanics look alike to her AND that all whites look alike to her. -or- That she cannot tell the difference between whites and hispanics?
  18. EricMM

    New Iron Chef America series on Food TV

    Yea but I wasn't going to go there. Lemme tell you, there was one ep when she was swimming around in the tropics, like florida or mexico or hawaii? Please. She makes me want to cop a 30 minute feel (rimshot)
  19. EricMM

    New Iron Chef America series on Food TV

    Alton Brown is surely the best "host" of the food network shows, seconded by Rachel Ray. Hey maybe Rachel Ray could be in a match, because she could bring the quickness
  20. EricMM

    "Passion" Opens Big

    This is a *Passions* movie, based off the old *Passions* plays, which were totally and only recreations of the Crucifixion.
  21. EricMM

    "Assault Weapons" ban picks up GOP support

    Surely thats what she's saying. If any criminal had to consider that any potential victim could be holding a gun? Why would you want to attack them?
  22. I dunno. What do you think the reactions will be if HHH retains?
  23. EricMM

    Help Howie pay off campaign debts

    this is just so funny to me. may we call him a panhandler yet?
  24. EricMM

    $3 Gasoline This Summer

    So what, pray tell, is the solution?
  25. all about the FZM thread...