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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Camera Phone Bans Seen as Aiding Privacy

    The blatent exception is the YMCA locker rooms.
  2. EricMM

    ID checks for video games

    They should card. That way parents are responsable, not videogame makers. Not that this isn't the case now, but still.
  3. EricMM

    Public Schools Cannot Discriminate....

    SP was implying there are since the priests et al makes one catholic while jesus makes one christian
  4. I voted for Nader. I may again. I don't know offhand the environmental theories of various Dems. But I don't really like Dean. Kerry looks odd. Liberman is almost as bad as Tipper Gore... And hey Gephardt's daughter is kind of cute. Maybe I'll vote for him...
  5. EricMM

    Public Schools Cannot Discriminate....

    I've always seen Catholics as Christians+. They do all that regular christians do, and then they have all this unncecessary stuff. Personally, I think that God does work through priests, in the Catholics circles. Since they OBVIOUSLY believe in Jesus and revere him and live according to His rules and message, the fact that they confess their sins doesn't HURT them. I don't know many Catholics who believe in Priests but NOT in Jesus.
  6. EricMM

    Gay marriage

    It's called a Null Vote rant. And it's UNAMERICAN! I said I support Gay Marriages because I do. I believe that marriage is a sacred and beautiful thing that all people should be able to enjoy. Any two people should be allowed to marry each other.
  7. EricMM

    Public Schools Cannot Discriminate....

    So a man and a woman can jointly file for taxes if they say their in love but a man and another man or a woman and another woman cannot? Thats wrong. Thats discrimination.
  8. EricMM

    Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    Gau CAN do shock. I was messing around in the Veldt after getting to the last save point. If you leap these saurai looking guys (retainers?) and then use them Gau will do a Shock attack. I swear to god I wet myself a little the first time it happened.
  9. EricMM

    Public Schools Cannot Discriminate....

    Then why won't the GOP allow homosexual civil unions the same economical status that heterosexual marriages receive?
  10. EricMM

    Favorite Christmas songs

    That Blink 182 Xmas song Pogues "Fairytale of New York" Lots of Rat Pack music is fun Hark the Herald Angels Sing Silent Night Joy to the World
  11. EricMM

    Final Fantasy VII

    At the start of FFVII you've got like single and double non-linked Materia slots. Plus, anyone who has both fire and cure, and ice would be a super-wimp.
  12. EricMM

    Urban Gaming Myths.....

    Anyone ever hear about being able in FF3/6 to get to the 3 teams v. Kefka "Defend the Esper" fight, and get Gau to do the Hole ability and have Kefka fall in, only to have Kain jump in and save him, and then join you? I believed it I also believed you could save General Leo if you got the potion and used it at his grave. I forget how one was supposed to be able to get the potion tho... What about using a Name Card on a character with all the Imp armor/Weapons and who was currently Imp-ed to create the super Kappa Imp! Or was it Kappah? Could you only do it to Gogo? Or Umaru? Listen this stuff MATTERED when I was that young...
  13. EricMM

    Worst Alcoholic Beverage?

    Mr Rant you're not the boss of me. Anyways, I didn't used to hate rum. I used to LIKE rum. 'til I over did it. Now I have an aversion. To that and Peach Schhhnnaps.
  14. EricMM

    The Titillating World of Cosplay

    why do you link to forums that none of use can look at? I didn't wanna see anymore Cosplay ANYWAYS!!
  15. EricMM

    Taking 'Christmas' Out of Holiday Jingles

    Easter is far more important anyways.
  16. EricMM

    Europeans are worse than cockroaches

    Dude you got rented. Hmmm Doesn't have the same ring...
  17. EricMM

    Worst Alcoholic Beverage?

    Rum, Tequila, and Whisky. Ugh.
  18. EricMM

    Final Fantasy VII

    That depends on which Magicite a person carries. That effects how they level. AND, eventually one will level them all so strongly that they all do 9,999 with ultima anyways.
  19. EricMM

    Final Fantasy VII

    First: the Desperation moves in FF6 are overrated since they're not controlable or dependable or actively usable. Second, there are almost NO class systems in FF6. Almost everyone can fight and everyone can cast magic etc. Sure, only Shadow can throw and only Sabin can Blitz. That just makes Sabin better.
  20. EricMM

    Public Schools Cannot Discriminate....

    Thats NOT the Christian view.
  21. EricMM

    Public Schools Cannot Discriminate....

    And I'M distressed that this article mentions the so-called "Christian viewpoint" of homosexuality, when it's merely the conservative christian viewpoint, or as I like to call it the conservative-viewpoint-being-supported-by-misinterpretation-by-christians-of-the-bible.
  22. EricMM

    Toning Exercises?

    But if he makes big muscles UNDER the skin he will have less excess skin. Right?
  23. EricMM

    South Park 12/9

    I loved that ep. When he went to go play Peter Gabrial outside her window and decided to play "Shock the Monkey" well that's just greatness. And I CALLED Token being in her room. Why? Because I knew there would be a guy in there and it's ALWAYS a black man. It just writes itself really. And, of course, the comedic genius that was the Goth kids, especially the guy with the hair flip and the kindgergardener goth kid.
  24. EricMM

    That "Milkshake" Song.

    Missy Elliot hasn't done one song I've heard that didnt suck or steal from someone else. Anyways. I just said Baskin-Robbins should use the song because it would be funny. Not because I thought that the song is about whipped icecream. Anyways. I wish I enjoyed going to clubs like others here do. I can name quite a few songs (Tweek "Oops" Truth Hurts "Addictive" or this new "Milkshake" from Kelis) that are TERRIBLE but guys seem to enjoy because it gets the girls moving. Come on. Girls (and guys) will move to ANYTHING. They COULD move to shitty music. They are out at clubs TO move. They would dance to a GOOD song just as easily. But no. We get crap and the Hip-Hop/RnB scene gets shittier and shittier with every Dance/Club/Crunk song made.