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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Explain THIS TO ME

    rawmvp: It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again!!
  2. EricMM

    Explain THIS TO ME

    you guys! she TOTALLY said my name! Case CLOSED! Deal = sealed!
  3. EricMM

    400-lb man dies after fight with Cincy cops

    Brian which two black leaders were executed by the govt?
  4. EricMM

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    I'm sure Duo would have preferred that the soldier shot the gun out of the kids hand. Then NO ONE would have to be hurt. Did you just ignore my point about shooting to kill? I would be very surprised if non-lethal shots are ANY part of a standard combat procedure. I AM glad that the kid didn't get killed. But if the kid hadn't been incapacitated and had shot some other person then the foot-shot would be undefensable. Don't you get it?
  5. EricMM

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    As I explained. You would be an utter fool and a completely shitty soldier to depend on a recoil to save your life.
  6. EricMM

    American troops shoot Iraqi child

    Look let me see if I can clear this up. It is much easier to reliably shoot someone in the chest than it is to shoot them in the leg. Thats why when cops (and I'm sure soldiers) know that when they shoot, they shoot to kill. Fancy-shmancy "winnging 'em" is more likely to miss than just shooting the body, thus increasing the likelihood of your own mates getting gunned down. This is why people were (I think) saying they would not have tried to take the kid down non-leathally. It's just not that easy. In regards to whether or not the kid was able to kill or not, if you think 7 year olds can't kill, go visit Africa. Kids learn to kill there even before they are old enough to get actual guns, and many die in battles before they're 10. I'm not saying Iraq is nearly as fucked up as Africa (is it?) but still. If he was raised by the right people he could definitely shoot at a soldier with a rifle. He'd more than likely fall over from the recoil etc. but still, that's just too risky.
  7. I think it can be agreed that the Tombstone or the Pedigree are BY FAR the most over finishers of the WWE. The problem with the Pedigree is that its pretty fucking contrived. it's a slow finisher, and it never looks good when it's reversed. Ironically I enjoyed rocky reversing it into a small package than the current standard, drop the arms, back body drop reverse that we see so much today. The tombstone done by the undertaker is damn over, and seems like it will be forever. But I agree with the posts complaining about WWE quality. Of course. The WWE is far less concerned with getting finishers over than it is with getting catchphrases over.
  8. EricMM

    Essay I Have To Do...

    Or you could do Manga/Anime. Considering MOST anime TV is based off a comic. I think. Or is it could HAVE? when was it due?
  9. EricMM

    FF X-2 thread

    Um, the shooting game is pretty darn easy. I got 1200 points last night. Just mash O a lot so you make sure you lock on to everything coming at you. Stay near the waterfall. And just shoot everything that comes at you. They can't move when they're being hit. Just use double ammo when there's two coming and make sure to pick up the treasure chests. If you're ever in a bind, just abuse death ammo til you're in the clear. You shouldn't get hit *period*
  10. EricMM

    Ugh! H.S. Science Lab Goes Very Wrong

    supposedly it is IMPOSSIBLE for the human body to process a gallon of 4% whole cow milk in an hour. The combination of dairy fats and I suppose (?) acids just doesn't work. It's not possible. Thats why the Jackass people tried it, because they knew they'd puke. Ditto the eggs. No matter what Luke did, if he really ate 50 eggs, you'd vomit everywhere.
  11. EricMM

    Explain THIS TO ME

    Please don't ask her out. She sounds like a perfectly decent person. Leave your crazy OUT of her life!
  12. EricMM

    FF X-2 thread

    Well I don't want to read any ending spoilage, but what do you have to do to get the good ending? I did miss a few missions at the start, so maybe I won't get it. I guess it's another run through got me... (PS anyone who said "Lets make this series into a PUZZLE GAME needs to die. Don't talk to ME about calibrating towers or dirty, dirty monkey love.)
  13. EricMM

    FF X-2 thread

    So... about X-2...
  14. EricMM

    Don't eat Doritos

    Good lord. Where do those thighs END!?
  15. EricMM

    Explain THIS TO ME

    This thread used to be classic, yew astrological bastards...
  16. EricMM

    Final Fantasy XII Details

    No I didn't save in between fights in FFTA because barring a red card for the main character it is IMPOSSIBLE to die! I mean seriously if one loses all their characters on a non-lawless area, doesn't the mission just get failed, no game over?
  17. EricMM

    Final Fantasy XII Details

    I hope (finally) that the party doesn't have to save the world. I'm sick of saving the fscking world. Someone give me a Suikoden non-saving-the-world plot anyday. Oh and rumor has it that there are judges in this game. The red cards from FFTA are the (by far) worst part of the game. Losing the game because you used a totoma when they banned full screen attacks (and losing 3 hours of play) is frustrating.
  18. EricMM

    Explain THIS TO ME

    As the young lady said: Agent, do me, do me! (I'm Taurus )
  19. EricMM

    Eminem Vs The Source

    Granted I haven't heart Em's retort... But he has often said he says things just to be offensive. He bashes everyone and anyone because it sells. And now people are amazed that he did the same thing to black people? Like he can diss women, gays, uh his fans... pop stars... but not black people?
  20. EricMM

    Mass. court turns over gay marriage ban

    We're not catholic.
  21. EricMM

    Mass. court turns over gay marriage ban

    Um I would just like to point out that MY church WILL and HAS performed marriage ceremonies for same sex people. I guess you can't get a marriage license or anything, but you can be "religiously married." Not every church is ignorant.
  22. EricMM

    Explain THIS TO ME

    I dub this thread the first (?) classic LSD thread. Or was the OJ Hart thread in LSD or just the old GC?
  23. EricMM

    Moore ousted as Chief Justice

    More than one of his posts is included in the "Classics" folder, including a so-called classic containing yours truly. He has his fans, and IIRC he's been around longer than Jobber...
  24. EricMM

    White Judge Draws Fire for Costume

    I tend to think of good rap as a form of poetry. Like beat poetry. Which is not music. I mean its a hybrid definitely, but it's not as "musical" as a band with 2 or 4 or 9 instruments. Then again, a lot of "hip hop" these days is more like "R n B" anyways, which is definitely music.
  25. EricMM

    White Judge Draws Fire for Costume

    ant I was joking. Of course having a term of endearment and fraternity sound almost exactly the same as a historically painful word is kind of a joke. Of course Nigga doesn't sound anything like Nigger. Anyone who has heard them both can tell that. I mean to be honest if some british person or japanese person said "nigger" it wouldn't be THAT offensive. To my mind the word "nigger" is most offensive when you have that southern twang on it. I guess I just don't believe that someone from Washington (the state) would ever be as racist as someone from GA.