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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. Now hear this: Anyone complaining about a thick ass is out of their fucking minds. That is all.
  2. Not with your DICK... But they say variety is the spice of life, and they also say just take it slowly, gently, and slickly. You don't have to start w/ the wang, build up to it. And for god's sake use protection and wash up.
  3. EricMM

    Heaven and Hell...

    I believe in some kind of afterlife. But I think one of the main reasons that I do is that it helps me sleep better at night. I can't really conceive non-existance, and while we all know that some day we will all stop living, I certainly hope that there's something after. And if I'm wrong, who's gonna be hurt by that? I dunno what to expect after I die, but I don't expect nothing...
  4. EricMM

    Waiting until marriage......

    If not being saddled with a kid until I'm ready YET being allowed to engage in all kinds of sexy shinnanigans w/ my chick is denying human nature then... DENIED!!!
  5. EricMM

    Waiting until marriage......

    I can't believe people imply sex is only about one thing and one thing exclusively. Like it has to be ONLY for reproduction. Not everything we have has only one use. See: Eyes (sight, communication) Mouth (Eat, Breathe, Communication) Penis (Reproduction, Waste-removal) and so on.
  6. EricMM

    Waiting until marriage......

    So you're saying they wouldn't burn it? Intesting...
  7. How can you even think about comprises on THIS board?
  8. I mean, we don't know what he would do if he owned the company. I've always looked forward to the day he took creative away from Vince. But ever since he did the Van Terminator I was like "rip off" and stopped caring about his wrestling performances. He gets over based on 20 minutes or less a year, and makes other people look bad.
  9. EricMM

    Favorite Raw Segment

    Why can't molly or anyone get a clothesline win off anyone? It's called banging the back of someone's head off the ground hard. I didn't see the move in question, but was it good? Anyways, I feel more moves should be finished off standard moves. It's certainly better than a standard roll up. Finishers should play a part, especially in main events and PPV's. But a clothesline could definitely lead to three seconds of incoherency.
  10. BTW I don't usually post in WWE that much. Who, pray tell, were the Shane lovers anyways?
  11. I think both women are remarkable (look it up) because they are not the standard WWE Diva. I don't know if Molly has implants or not, but I know Miss Hancock doesn't. (remembers miss hancock.........) And of course Molly isn't as anorexic as terri or as freakishly muscled as Jazz or Chyna. I think the main promoninant WWE women types were the skinny girl w/ implants (Ivory, Terri, Kat(?), Tori, Jackie) and the muscled chick (Chyna, Jazz, Nicole Bass (hoho)) Stacy, however, can't wrestle. Molly can wrestle, and that's what makes the pertinant. If we wanted to watch hot chicks, we could watch almost anything else. We watch wrestling for wrestling and Molly can really really do that. It's VERY arguable that Trish can, (ergo we argue about it all the time). It's undeniable she's come far, but it's denyable that she's come far enough to take our time when there are actual women out there who can work. But I think Molly is much hotter than Stacy, especially when she was Mighty Molly, because she wasn't the same fucking lady manager who bumps off the apron. So fucking sick of that.
  12. EricMM

    Jericho & Goldber should align themselves

    I just don't see how else to book this show without having Jericho and Goldberg be the top two. I actually appreciated the last PPV match they had. I don't KNOW how they'll book Goldberg, considering he's about as one dimensional as one can get, but maybe (maybe?) somehow the WWE writers can book (WWE writers can book?) Goldberg a decent character. Work with the WCW background. Without HHH evolution can naturally slip down the card a bit, and fued with Nash and Michaels.
  13. EricMM

    Jericho & Goldber should align themselves

    I forgot that HHH is injured. I suppose he will be dropping the belt? But to whom? Despite evidence to the contrary, I don't think Nash will win. I don't think shawn will win again. I HOPE TO GOD that Orton doesn't win and I don't think they'll repeat the same ending as before. So in my mind that leaves Berg and Jericho. Also, how do you think that they'll finish the match? Barring any sort of run in (how?) I'm sure they'll want someone who can work being in the finish. That leaves basically Jericho, HHH, maybe Shawn? I can't imagine some combination of Goldberg, Orton, or Nash being the last few in, it would be so ugly! Unless HHH can recover, I think he's dropping the belt. How bad would it look for him to be prone all match then win w/ a pedigree? With a HHH centrist mindset, I see them giving it to Goldie so that he can fued w/ Jericho til HHH gets well again, and HHH gets it back. With a fan's mindset, I hope Jericho gets it, via screwing Goldberg, so they can fued. I have no problem with sneaky heely Jericho holding onto his belt through shenanigans, as long as he beats OTHER PEOPLE. You have Berg in the main which some like, and Jericho in the main, which some like. Evolution can fued with the clique, and Jericho can either drop it to Goldberg eventually, or (hopefully) start fueding with Kane or RVD (who else is on Raw?)
  14. We can all just hope it's quick. Shane taking big bumps makes everyone else look shitty. Shane doing SSP's and Van Terminators made people look shitty. Shane should either wrestle or not wrestle. And he can't wrestle. So he shouldn't wrestle.
  15. EricMM

    Jericho & Goldber should align themselves

    I would love it if Jericho could align himself with Goldberg vs. HHH/Orton. But I don't see why or how that could ever work. It just doesn't book right. I suppose HHH could backstab Jericho first, but I just don't buy that. Maybe Jericho could pin Orton? HHH would definitely have to pedigree Jericho, and then immediately get speared by Berg so that Jericho would feel VERY betrayed but still be in the match. Then Jericho could turn on HHH and Orton and make it an even 2 on 2 for a while, until say orton was eliminated and then ... I don't know. How can we explain away Nash AND HBK being eliminated before Jericho? Orton can and will probably job early enough. But all three faces seem to be higher on the list than Jericho. I see Jericho being eliminated early unfortunately. Which sucks, because didn't he shine in the last one? I mean I think we've all wanted to book around Jericho more than HHH, or at least more than the rest of revolution. But in today's WWE, I've learned to stop being expectant or optimistic.
  16. EricMM

    Waiting until marriage......

    And anyone who thinks this is some kind of religion bashing, think about this. In most religions, including Christianity, hugging and kissing are good. My church youth group has an excellent youth group program, and hugging was not discourged. We were not banned from doing regular teenage things like sitting in each other's laps, dancing, slow dancing, and all. I don't care WHY someone tells me kids can't get comfortable with each other, be it religion, distaste, laws, whatever. It's wrong, and it's either a misinterpretation of something, or flat out malice. I hope these two get married buy some sex book, and get freaky. There's nothing unchristian about that. But their honeymoon is STILL going to suck, and that should be the best sex you can have!
  17. don't worry AoO! They say it's not how big it is, it's what you do with it! At the end of the day it's all friction..
  18. EricMM

    Waiting until marriage......

    I wouldn't say that I WANT them to be upset and divorce, it's just that I'm relatively sure that they'll have an uncomfortable and useless sex life, except for the purpose of procreation. I am however almost sure that they will NOT get divorced, due to their religion. Anyone who treats the sacrament of marriage as seriously as these two do won't mix it with legal matters like divorce. I don't think I understand how you could say they're NOT! They admitted that they have feelings for each other and they are repressing the natural feelings because their beliefs say so. And don't go all "If we didn't have values we'd be murdering and stealing and all" because that's bullshit. Sex and kissing and handjobs and all that don't hurt ANYONE. They only serve to bring two people together emotionally and physically. I don't understand how, if you're ENGAGED, sex is bad. Clearly these two were committed, since their parents were involved, it's not like they weren't going to get married. Anyways all your arguments about prenancy and disease don't stand up to the argument that they can abstain from sex before marriage, lots and lots of people do that. But to abstain from any displays of affection? Please. If he learned how to go down on her lets say a few months before the marriage, I can promise a better honeymoon...
  19. EricMM


    It's the stupidest thing ever, I think it's stupid and I hate it. And I can't stop laughing when I hear someone go... "TROGDARR!!!!"
  20. EricMM

    Waiting until marriage......

    I wasn't mocking it, I was just saying that the honeymoon was gonna suck, at least physically. I'm going to make some generalizations right now: One, neither one of them probably masturbate, almost definitely not her. Therefore, I find it doubtful that she will be getting off anytime soon. Two, I find it doubtful that either of them have ever talked about or seen or learned much about the various aspects of foreplay. Thus, again, she won't be getting off anytime soon. Third, it's not even going to be an issue of foreplay because they're both going to be nervous, it'll last about thirty seconds, and hurt for her. I mean I don't know if I'm saying this right, but sex shouldn't be a religious thing. I can think of many reasons why people wanted marriage to be related to sex, but I can't think of any reasons god would care if they're related. Also, let's be serious, I hug and kiss my friends all the time. In many cultures, hugging and kissing and such are part of standard greetings. Physical contact is a big part of how humans and other animals interact, see grooming in apes. What I'm trying to say is that if I hug my friend and kiss her head because she is having a shitty day and needs to feel some reassuring contact, I am not being a bad person, I am being a good person. Someone who would deny that based on religion is a REPRESSED person.
  21. EricMM

    Favourite Family Guy Character

    Gotta be Quagmire *doorbell* *Some highschool girl answers* Quagmire: Hey I heard you were having a party. How old are you? Girl: 16. Q: 18? G: MOOOOM! Q: This keeps getting better and better! Alright!
  22. EricMM

    Waiting until marriage......

    it'll be a bad honeymoon
  23. EricMM

    I need to vent some heat

    Grow a set? yeah ok you retard, you just wait til you have a set, and you're idling at a red and some fucktard plows into you. Fucks up your car or something. Like Kotz's papa said, going fast only requires pressure on a pedal, it doesn't make you brave or skilled. It does however, make you dangerous.
  24. EricMM

    I need to vent some heat

    you fucking pricks trying to dodge the cops are fucking killer idiots. You should respect the fucking laws. Even if you only hit a person once in all your years of driving, if you hurt someone because of breaking the law, you're such shit. I get sick of people saying it's only bad if you get caught.
  25. I would have liked to see some successful planchas by the cruisers but we can't have everything. Of course that match was fun, look who was in it...