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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM


    Hey. Pilot Wings was a good game!
  2. EricMM


    I feel sorry for those of you watching this on the small screen for the first time...
  3. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    It's a speculative market, Tzar. Why would they sell their gas at the old rate when they think they can and should sell it for more? Gas is not and never will be a "fair" business or price. It is not a right at all.
  4. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    Two wrongs don't make a right
  5. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    NSS! Regarding the farmers market question I guess it would depend on how close one actually was vs. how far Kroegers ships their food to get to you. I would say in general it is better to buy locally re: Greenhouse gas. How do you not cook? You CERTAINLY don't care about your health then, do you? What about your fucking wallet?? Tzar, I've ever mocked you about The Truck, but you do have a sad situation there
  6. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    While I obviously set myself up for many many "EFA" posts to follow, I surely should not post before 10 am EST. Still.
  7. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    No, food.
  8. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    Truth. And that sort of thing will be the first thing we lose, winter fruit.
  9. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    Thats one reason its postulated she's still in it. She can only use 50% of campaign donations for primary costs. But if she gets into the general she can use that money to pay off old debts. Ultimately though, this one is over. And the Clintons will be fine, they're rich, they'll always be rich.
  10. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    How could you disagree with me when you agree with my pretense? If you conceed that carbon dioxide accumlation in our atmosphere leads to an increased global temperature, what in the world are you bitching about?? You said that there must have been temperature 1000x times higher in the past...
  11. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    Buy local
  12. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    This was, as we say in the business, a TIE. This is not a basketball game, this is a race. Margin matters. Like one newscaster said, "we're staying up so late for one delegate." This is not the Republican primary!
  13. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    For that you would actually give up on 10B in highway funds.
  14. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Yes you have. But you don't think they're legit. If you want to look at my arguments on this go back over the years here, they're here. I'm just sick of arguing with people who will pull denier talking points out of their ass (solar fluctuations!?) and pretend like they're got equal scientific consensus on their side just because they can quote scientists on their side. It just isn't so.
  15. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    Stop!! This just in, one group estimates that oil will hit $200 in a year. You think a fucking Carbon Tax is going to amount to any difference relative to THAT, Marvin? By all reason we should have had a carbon tax the last ten years to drive the AMERICAN demand down so that when the price SPIKES like it will in the coming months we would be less succeptable to pain.
  16. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    Are you thick? Numerous are the stories of people cutting their driving habits in the face of higher gas costs. They're all over the news. More people carpooling, etc. Ergo, demand is lowering.
  17. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Well then you, AND the people you know, are incorrect.
  18. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    People need to drive *less*, not *the same* So the price that is going up as demand is going up is going to do its free market best to try and temper our consumption. Now this.
  19. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    No one ever said that they were 100% of it. But whatever the percentage they are of it is enough to change the climate of the Earth and cause Global Warming.
  20. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    Jingus, don't be a COMPLETE R-Tard, please. The entire point of this pandering is publicity. If they went out and told everyone that they were knocking ~10 cents off a gallon of gas, a tax-free HOLIDAY, what do you think everyone would do AS SOON AS the price went down? They would fill up! Everyone! They would drive the price right back up! Don't be so naive..
  21. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Yes. Absolutely. It's called the carbon cycle. And if there was no limitation on some form of plant that could absorb all the extra CO2, which is NOT PART OF THE CARBON CYCLE SINCE IT'S UNDER GROUND, then we would have no problem. But the problem is, plants need more than just CO2 to grow. They need space, water, and nutrients. Ergo, you cannot say that "plants will just absorb the excess CO2" because there are not enough plants in the world. Or else our atmosphere wouldn't be increasing in the amount of CO2 it contains, and our seas becoming more acidic for the same reason.
  22. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Oh, my god. This: Helps your point not at all. Because the gas you put in your car is made from the fucking remains of plant and animal life from this planet. The ENTIRE problem with the global warming / CO2 "thing" is that the carbon being dumped from fossil fuels is basically OUTSIDE of the carbon cycle. There is no place for it to go. And, as an aside, please forgive me if that one scientist you know doesn't convince me that Global Warming is somehow false. The sheer ratio...
  23. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    Yes. Changing the rules like that...
  24. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    It would be ridiculous.