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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Images from your photobucket are sooooo reassuring. Oh, my god, I never said it was 1:1. And a billion years ago? Come on!
  2. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    It was more the predate vs. cause thing. As things that cause change generally come before them.
  3. I know that when Dean was marrying Underbheit, I got chills. Actually, I think that is one of my favorite epsides. "Say hello to goodbye, Dr. Venture!" I cannot decide if that, or Escape to the House of Mummies (part 2) is my favorite episode.
  4. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    I tried for years to bring the arguments on this issue. The fact is that there will always be a few scientists on the side of deniers. But if, by this point, you just disagree, willfully, with Global Warming, what else can anyone do? If the mass of scientific knowledge and evidence cannot convince you of something, it cannot. There are also people who don't believe in evolution. *shrug*
  5. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    I am not in the habit of reading papers based upon rubbish.
  6. EricMM

    Huge Chunk of Ice Breaks Off of Antarctica

    Mah gawd the power! Look at the little truck at the base... I think this one had bad brakes and gears.
  7. EricMM

    Drunken Munchies

    fried rice, any variety.
  8. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    ahhh Krauthammer
  9. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    Fuck Bush.
  10. EricMM

    What kinda weapons do you own?

    One practice epee... I could break the tip off fairly easily. At least I was trained in it.
  11. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    True, and yet false. Yes, we're lucky gas doesn't cost that much. But, we've set ourselves up so that sprawl will be our undoing, should gas ever cost as much for us as it does for you (and if they start trading oil in pounds instead of dollars we won't be far from that) we're fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.
  12. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    that's certainly S.O.P.
  13. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    Here's to hoping the dollar does WAY better in the future.
  14. Seriously. But, you guys, we cannot let this important thread be derailed by Stupid Things Marvin Says. All too common
  15. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    We've proven in the past the ability to damage the Ozone layer. The earth makes oil, too, but that's not really helping us. Oh, and MX, corn is absolutely not a "renewable resource" Topsoil says hi, er bye.
  16. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    How 'bout dat surge!
  17. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    Marney will, in good time, learn to respect President Obama as much as she's respected most Presidents, I hope. After all, she was known to lambaste me disrespecting the office of President Bush II.
  18. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    As a person who grew up in a prodominantly black neighborhood, I can assure you that racism based upon previous racism is no better for the victim of said "justified" racism. Do not doubt that I completely understand the reactionary sentiment of the previous and even current black generations in this country. But me being treated differently just because I'm white still isn't okay. Two wrongs, whatever the reason, do not make a Wright right.
  19. EricMM

    Groom Shot & Killed By Police On Wedding Day

    But they were black, Black. You shoot first and ask questions later. Besides, you have a statistically better chance of them having a record AND not getting in any trouble at all!
  20. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    Racism is not based on why, it is what it is.
  21. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    A draft *would* end the war faster. Oh yes.
  22. EricMM

    Campaign 2008

    Well that's not true.
  23. Venture Bros is EASILY the best show on TV now. At least comedy. (Yes including SP, Office, etc.)