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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM


    This reminds me of Sin from FFX...
  2. EricMM

    Mass Effect

    Oh man, if it happens to any other games, you may wish for a red ring; Microsoft's warrenty only applies to that, as you know...
  3. EricMM

    Mass Effect

    Red ringing right after purchasing Mass Effect is like gotta be its own circle of hell...
  4. EricMM

    Let's send Ripper some water

  5. EricMM

    The Writer's Strike

    I just love how logic goes completely out the window on issues like this. How is showing a show on the internet any different than showing it on television? Why should they not get paid for one and get paid for the other? It's sheer stupidity.
  6. EricMM

    Worst President Ever?

    I swear I would pull an O'Reilly and bet you a steak dinner at the Capital City Grille that in the future Bush will be even more villified than he is now, when the true light of history on shines on all his ramifications and repercussions. But I can't. But there is almost no doubt in my mind that that is so. Call it wishful thinking if you want, but I would say that it's certainly more likely that wishful thinking consists of thinking that Bush will be accepted let a lone glorified by future generations.
  7. EricMM


    College radio is the only good radio. My times at the local gym when they play the local radio always remind me why I bought an MP3 player. That thread, "Worst songs of the year" had like three representatives played in a row.
  8. EricMM

    Worst President Ever?

    To put the economy into better words than I have: http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/feature...2?currentPage=1 Worth a read, seriously.
  9. I've actually heard good things about fasting. Honestly I would love to hear how it went for you. Drink plenty of water, of course, and if you can negotiate yourself some sugars at least, it'd be good for you. Diet coke is not recommended, although I assume you're negotiating some caffeine for yourself with the coffee. Just don't do anything active or you'll pass out. If you plan on doing anything sporty, don't fast.
  10. EricMM

    South Park: Season 11

    The ending was exceedingly predictable. You could tell when they had the kid doing acoustic guitar hero where this ep was going, ultimately.
  11. EricMM

    Worst President Ever?

    Well.... Gore
  12. EricMM

    Worst President Ever?

    Reagan seriously, seriously gimped the environmental movement in America from the 80's to the present. We could be the leaders in solar and wind power, instead of China and Germany respectively, but he directly chose Oil and Coal in lieu of the others.
  13. EricMM

    Worst President Ever?

    I am of the opinion that the future societies will see Bush Jr. in a worse light than we see him now. Jackson is definitely up there in my book as one of the worst. But in terms of worst presidents of the 20th century? Bush has to be aces, in close contention with Reagan, Nixon, and Carter, I guess. I mean, it's all personal. Some people absolutely hate Kennedy and FDR too so...
  14. EricMM

    Xavier: Renegade Angel

    I found a little bit of the writing to be entertaining merely based on how outlandish it was, but I assure you I would have appreciated it much much more as a radio show. The same can sometimes go for 12. Oz. Mouse. Frisky Dingo is hilarious, much much better than post-Murphey Sealab. Squidbillies can be quite funny. Lucy is good. Metalocalypse is good. I mean shit, if this show Gabriel is from the creators of Wondershowzen, I wish that they had stuck with Wondershowzen itself...
  15. EricMM

    So Fire Pro R is back

    It's not a problem, it's the game..
  16. EricMM

    Worst President Ever?

    For someone like me, Nixon, voluntarily or not, did sign in some big bills. He created the EPA, the Endangered Species Act, Clean Water and Clean Air Acts or their predecessors, and the National Environmental Policy Act. Maybe he didn't really like these things, but he heard the voices of the people, something far greater than you can attribute to Bush Jr. Moreover I don't think you all entirely realize how crippling these deficits will be in a few decades.
  17. EricMM

    Pictures I Like

  18. EricMM

    Let's send Ripper some water

    That too...
  19. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    Very disturbing. President Bush would have made a more effective president by sitting quietly in a corner for eight years.
  20. EricMM

    Let's send Ripper some water

    Yeah, the reason you're not "noticing" any effect is that they're not "doing" anything about the drought. But the water is running out. I have no idea who is in charge over there, but the basic fact is that you've got a gatorade and coke factory running in your town, exporting your drinking water all over the country. During one of the worst droughts in recorded history, unless I'm off my mark. WTF.
  21. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    Remember when this war was supposed to cost $2B, and then be funded by oil revenue? sigh
  22. EricMM

    Jena school case

    A fact that I find extremely ironic, except the mod who fucked with his account probably didn't have TOO MUCH to do with the whole Marney / Sandy (?) fiasco.
  23. EricMM

    The Harry Potter Spoilers Thread

    I'm sure she didn't dwell on it nor explain it fully due to inevitable backlash.