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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Super Smash Bros. Brawl

    People are bitching about not having voice chat. Please. Anyone I want to play can send me a twelve number code...I'm most concerned about a standings board.
  2. EricMM

    Indy wrestlers need to tone it down a notch

    @ HSJ. Yeah, that brain damage is going to earn you all kinds of respect...
  3. EricMM

    Your stance on a wide stance.

    Don't you all remember? This nation has a strong Judeo-Christian heritage, possibly bah gawd. Don't deny it! If you tried to remove religious phrases from this nation's intended goal of ensuring reproduction (marriage) then people would flip out.
  4. EricMM


    I think that that phrase has it backwards. Until recently, or still, most Americans would consider America to be "the real world" and everything else, except maybe Canada and Mexico and the UK and Japan, to be, well, something else...
  5. EricMM

    Jena school case

    *cough* http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbjFfujojh4
  6. EricMM


    thats why these games amuse me. In that last vid, you can see how impossible that is. It's not just a front flip into a grind, it's a kickflip and a front flip at the same time. Physics is fun! I wouldn't really mind if you could flip while doing some weird hold, a la SSX, but that's just impossible. Still be than the foolishness that is Tony Hawk.
  7. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    "likely" isn't even a chance... "definitely"
  8. EricMM

    So Fire Pro R is back

    So wait, is this going to have any kind of online mode? What about on the PS3?
  9. EricMM

    Jena school case

    He is making a point, Jingus. He's saying your hum-dee-dum kind of "honest real world truth" is stupid. "This is the real world! That's just how things are! I don't like it but dadgum, boy, you'd better just keep on walking, this town isn't for the likes of you." That's all ridiculous. In other words, this thread wasn't an attempt to argue whether or not this whole thing was the black kids' faults or not, it is already assumed that they are being racially punished here. The point was to bring the issue to light. You attack Czech for gratuitous snark, but you haven't had any valid points raised either. Racism is not a foregone fact of life.
  10. EricMM


    yay let's make a million threads and posts in this folder saying just that Fair enough. But instead of hooting down other peoples attempts at points, raise your own. Retort instead of saying "blah blah blah" In other words, my post was an attempt to get you to deny it, or say anything at all...
  11. EricMM

    Jena school case

    Jingus, what is the fucking point of you going, "Oh well, that's life"? Even if the black kids were stupid in doing what they did, which you seem to be implying that they were doing simply by being black and in Jena, don't give the situation that easy out. Stop blaming the victim. Their prison sentences are just as illegal as the beating that white guy took. Cruel and unusual indeed. You've gotta stand up for people being stupid in the wrong place and doing the right thing.
  12. EricMM


    Well, you cannot deny that this has been a horrible war for our army and our capital and our foreign relations.
  13. EricMM

    Jena school case

    Seriously Jingus. PS Czech really mined that strata of Boardum for some serious gold...poor Ed.
  14. EricMM

    MTV VMA awards

    And she looked good doing it! I certainly don't have that channel. Do you use the internets?
  15. EricMM

    MTV VMA awards

    Seriously, thats just a result of lazy / top 40's programming. if they built up arcs of videos like they occasionally did, people might enjoy it more and tune in. I guess they have shitty ad revenue, but I dunno. They may need to have more themed shows, so that you'd have an audience. I mean, if I'm watching to see the new Bjork video or whatever, and the new 50 cent comes on, damn right I'm tuning out...
  16. EricMM

    MTV VMA awards

    I dunno, how are you gonna find that new video if you have to type in a search for all of 'em?
  17. EricMM

    MTV VMA awards

    I just don't understand why MTV doesn't have a video channel on basic cable anymore. Youtube is no substitute. If there was a market in the 80's, there is a market today.
  18. EricMM

    MTV VMA awards

    Seriously was she even wearing a "mic"? But I agree Ripper, she looked fine, if bored and just meandering around... I do agree that this is just another death knell of MTV. I mean, look, they can't beat E! or VH1, so... MTV was a standout channel that played videos only. But they got better ratings through TRL, Jackass, and the Real World. So they decided to move in that direction. But in doing so they lost any sort of individuality that they once had. I still flip to it on instinct, and last night I saw some sort of fashion model show that I certainly couldn't differentiate from Top Model or whatever. I can't even remember when MTV showed videos. The 90's?
  19. EricMM

    Facial peircings

    Nose/lip/eyebrow? Hawt.
  20. EricMM


    Funny thats how I felt about Balls Of Fury. Of course, it helped that I saw it with friends who I could laugh with. If I saw it alone it might have been awful.
  21. EricMM

    Gas Price Check...

    I heard that US gas stored supplies are at two year lows, and oil is like $78 per barrel. We might be in for a price increase soon. Fill up!
  22. EricMM

    The Mist

    Thats why I didn't see 1408, I doubted that they could convey that sense of "wrongness" or "off-kilter" that made that story so unsettling.
  23. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    Well, Jingus, the Baathists were at it longer. We're certainly making headway... But by all means, continue your rah-rah'ing of this, Bush's Debacle.
  24. EricMM


    Excuse me, how much do we know about the RE5 AI?
  25. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    LOL @ Jingus being off by about eight million. Very LOL. Where did you get your 10M figure, anyways?