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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    The Harry Potter Spoilers Thread

    And to think the producers of the movie wanted to cut out the Kreacher character entirely. I feel like, ironically, this would make the best movie because of all the wicked action scenes. On the other hand, it would just require so much snipping. Still, a really excellent read. It is also, I'm sure, quite a shock to read a few chapters from the first book and then a few from this one. I swear, some of the characters were getting so VERY emo and morose.
  2. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    Thus my entire problem with these movies. When the author has to basically say, "Please stop dicking with my plot, you're going to make it lose sense" you've got a problem!!
  3. EricMM

    Since when did clothes shopping...

    American Apparel makes good clothes? More like good porn lol. But it's a fairly good ethic.
  4. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    Look, I'm terribly sorry. Yes, some of these actors seemed to be BORN for these parts (Snape, Lestrange) But, my god, total hackjob. The past three movies have practically eliminated all of the subtext which made them, and book six (and I hope seven) so special. Yes, Umbridge was a big part of the fifth book, but so was Snape, and Malfoy. In fact, Snape and Malfoy have been big parts of all the books for a reason, because I'm sure they will factor into seven as they did into six. Rowling has been building these characters in her head and books for going on twenty years now, she knows what she's doing, and in the books she has space to do so. On the screen, no time is provided for back characters, everything needs to focus on the major new events (the Triwizard tournament, Umbridge) and the regular characters are completely written out. But they're the ones who will tell the final story, mark my words. Unfortunately, by the seventh movie, I'm afraid anyone who didn't read the books simply won't have the backstory to give a hoot.
  5. EricMM

    Harry Potter Movies

    The thing is that apparently this was a shorter movie than the previous two, but the book is longer than the previous two. They really COULD have split the movies in two. Really, seriously could have. Release one movie now and one movie a month later or something. Thats just more dollars. I don't understand why they do not do this.
  6. EricMM


    BET YOU CAN'T DRINK JUST SIX!!!! Whatever, deep sea ingrediants turning people into other things still makes me pine for Cthulhu like stories...
  7. EricMM

    Since when did clothes shopping...

    H&M is your friend.
  8. EricMM

    PlayStation 3

  9. EricMM


    If that huge roar in the midst of the trailer had any sort of sampling of The Bloop involved, and it forced me to listen to it, I'm suing.
  10. BlackFlagg's sig. (non McD'd)
  11. EricMM


    grass fed > grain fed.
  12. EricMM

    The Baconator

  13. EricMM

    Drive 55?

    From the pages of treehugger.com, no less...
  14. EricMM

    Bush looks after his friends

    Not when they were arrestedand convicted of crimes. This is a man who mocked a woman on death row who had turned her life around and become a more than model prisoner, mocked her, pantiming scrubbing tears from his eyes and mocked, "Gov. Bush, please don't kill me!" But he can keep a guilty member of his inner circle from jail entirely? Despicable.
  15. EricMM

    Contra 4 coming to DS

    I beat Super C, but I was a kid, so I must've just memorized everything, learned each bosses patterns and safespots, etc.
  16. They could all be very good matches though.
  17. EricMM

    Dark Tower 7

    Listen. Going back to the beginning wasn't the REAL ending. The REAL ending was making it into the tower. That was it. The quest was OVER.
  18. But you're still messin with 16 year olds.
  19. EricMM

    1408 (John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson)

    Was it close to the story? I mean, was the movie close to the plot of the written story? It doesn't look like it.
  20. EricMM

    Manhunt 2 Receives AO Rating

    Look. I think that it was the Wii Remote options that led to this game getting the higher rating. But I could be wrong. Anyways, it's not like ultraviolence would have made it a good game. Is it even supposed to be that good a game?
  21. Matt you must be joking. Do you even remember how you gushed over her?
  22. EricMM

    Xbox 360

    This interview and especially the comment section are pretty damning stuff. I would love a 360, but I wouldn't buy one right now... http://blogs.mercurynews.com/aei/2007/06/a...0_failures.html
  23. EricMM


    I got to get back into it, I just beat the nine tailed fox, that was a lot of fun.
  24. EricMM

    PlayStation 3

    I just worry that you'd have to have two different techniques, online and in-person styles.