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Everything posted by EricMM

  1. EricMM

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    Well Supes, you may not indulge in that area of the board, but the CE area of The Pit does provide some mockable stuff from time to time. And they almost all used to post here so... Anyways, Ripper, he wasn't exactly walking into these people's midst. He was walking into the room, shooting at people lying down or up against a wall, and then leaving and reloading. A classroom isn't exactly a defendable position when the doors don't lock.
  2. EricMM

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    Um, most people aren't finger printed. Although if he was actually FROM from South Korea and studying here on a visa, would he have been finger printed?
  3. EricMM

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    I hear it was because his head was roughly hamburger, and he didn't carry any I.D.
  4. EricMM

    Guitar Hero.

    Yes. People, please note, Guitar Hero 2 may be "the one before it went bad" I can't believe there was no uproar here about the 360 downloadable songs pricing. Going by that value, Guitar Hero should cost like $97. And you cannot even buy one song at a time...
  5. EricMM

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    It wasn't a valid question from the onset. White, emo kid would have been. In the past, they have been white, emo kids almost to a one. In America, they've never been Muslim.
  6. EricMM

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    No, he was not. Christ. If an American calls you Asian, you're East Asian. You probably have the slanted eyes, etc. If he was Muslim/Arab they would have said so. I mean, it's possible that he was a Indonisian muslim, just not very likely... Unlikely to say the least.
  7. EricMM

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    Personally? I think the focus should fall on either the American Media or the American Populance, who absolutely gush over these sensational stories. For the most part these seem to be guys who are just looking to go out in some huge act of...clear anger. They want the display and the ignobility. We give it to them every time.
  8. EricMM

    Shooting at Virginia Tech Campus

    If this was supposed to be some sort of anniversary of Columbine, that was like four days early... This is crazy. But people are going like, "Gee, how could this happen here?" Of course it can happen. The second amendmant says it can, it just depends on human nature that it NOT happen.
  9. EricMM

    Xbox 360

    Morrowind's magic system made the Fighter + Autonarch (sp) birthsign overpowered. Anyways, Morrowind's loading time alone makes it irksome on Xbox. Oblivion is Morrowind done right.
  10. EricMM


    Tell hubby to get a grip. Lawl.
  11. EricMM

    Xbox 360

    The red rings of death strike again. And I put off the purchase of this system another two months, at least.
  12. EricMM

    Duke Rape Case

    Nifong is sowwy
  13. EricMM

    4,000 dead Americans

    Yeah this is going SO well. So, if we federalize, is Turkey just gonna invade the Kurdish part??
  14. EricMM

    PlayStation 3

    So they're getting rid of the 20 gig PS3s. They say it's because it only sold at a 1 to 10 ratio 20 gig : 60 gig. But I recall that they were STOCKED 1 : 4 :: 20 gig : 60 gig. Plus early adapters are going to get the best possible system. People who just want MGS are gonna get the cheapest system they can. Honestly, the fact is that the 60 gig system did NOT cost $100 more than the 20 gig, so they're trying to cut their losses, but they actually just made the new XBox seem reasonable, let alone the 20 gig Xbox. Sony is so fucked.
  15. EricMM

    Kingdom Hearts II

    There is a good summation at the start of KH2, so not precisely. But on the other hand, ten minutes of back story won't compare to an entire game. I WOULD recommend it, because of the recurring characters and their references to the previous game...
  16. EricMM

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

    Anyone else picturing the post-coitus scene from that Family Guy movie?
  17. EricMM

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

  18. EricMM

    Imus Remarks

    How old is that guy anyways? He sounds old as dirt... Like, as someone said, a zombie.
  19. EricMM


    Speaking of Gamestop, anyone else hear that they were showing the ten minute ending of Zelda: TP in-store? I guess they want people to see it and return in? Anyways. How 'bout that Super Paper Mario. Is it officially out? Should I go looking for it?
  20. EricMM

    Imus Remarks

    Ripper, there's no point there. And who says I'm blaming anyone? Just stating facts.
  21. EricMM

    Here to say my farewells

    They are taking violent felons now....
  22. EricMM

    Imus Remarks

    That was my point. Sure, there is PLENTY of positive hip hop out there to listen to, if you so choose, and if you go look for it. But turn on a Top 40 hiphop / RnB station, and you're not very likely to hear it, or at least not very much of it.
  23. EricMM

    Imus Remarks

    Most of what you said there is true, but this: Is not true.
  24. EricMM

    Biggest Train Wreck of a Life

  25. EricMM

    Imus Remarks

    Czech certainly has my number.