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KK Rage

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  1. It's all quite simple, actually. Wrestling is a business (much like Hollywood), and wrestlers are essentialy freelance contractors. If they sign a contract, they must stay for the time they have signed on for, and when that time has expired, they are free to do as they please. Have you ever had a really back breaking labor job where you work five days a week and just want to call it quits on the weekend? Well, wrestlers (at least the main eventers) get maybe 5-15 days off in an entire YEAR, not even counting promotional work. Let's say you put in your time at said labor job, you do really well, and your boss and clients love you, yet your body can't handle the strain. You find a new job that pays better, and has a lot less to do with the toll it puts on your body and more to do on the way you do business and the way you market yourself. Anybody who worked shit jobs in college and got a nice office job later on can attest to this. You get this new job based on your past work experience and resume, and the new job allows more time off, better benefits, and in a nutshell your family life and overall quality of living improves. And best of all, you get to sleep 8 hours a night. You a currently doing a gig for said new job, and your old boss calls you up and says "I know you are busy, but all of the old clients have been asking about you. Do you think you could set something up to take time off of your better job and come back to work for us for a few days? We could really use the additional revenue!" That being said, The Rock doesn't owe the WWE a damn thing.
  2. KK Rage

    Famous People you are related to

    Well, once I read in a book that we are related to everyone past and present within 50 generations, so take it as you will.
  3. So I'm bartending the Tuesday night pool league, which always gets rowdy because it is all drunk ass 30-45 year old barfly shit-talkers. I'm calmly watching whatever is on ESPN when all of a sudden I hear from the pool room... "FRANK THE ONLY REASON I FUCKED YOU IN THE ASS WAS TO WIPE THE SMELL OF YOUR MOTHERS DIRTY SNATCH OFF MY DICK!" Thought you guys might enjoy.
  4. KK Rage

    The World's Funniest Joke

    A distingushed PC black gentleman is riding a plane with his son. The captain comes on the intercom. "This is your pilot speaking. Terrorists have hijacked the plane and said they will crash it unless two Americans commit suicide. If anybody would like to be honorable please volunteer now." Nobody voulnteers. "OK, since we are in America, we will have to do this democratic. I'm going to follow the alphabet. Will any African Americans please come to the cockpit at this time?" The man slides down and his son looks inquisitively. "OK, will any blacks come to the cockpit at this time?" The man slides down more. His son nudges him. "OK, will any colored people come to the cockpit at this time?" The son finally breaks the silence and says to his father, "Dad, we are African American, black, colored people, however you want to put it. Why haven't we gone to the cockpit?" The father replies, "Son, we're niggers, and that will always come after mexicans."
  5. KK Rage

    The World's Funniest Joke

    When is it time to go to bed at Michael Jackson's house? When the big hand is touching the little hand. What wine is served at Michael Jackson's house? "Oh, come on, don't tell your mommy!"
  6. KK Rage

    Big guys.

    My roommate and I have this theory, which doesn't apply to only short people. There are just a lot of people who are insecure and feel they have something to prove. Picking a fight with someone bigger than you could be one thing, but it can go as far as spending all your money to make your car/system look cool, pretentious people using big words all the time to look smart, how people dress, bragging about size of penis, whatever. You get my drift, and we refer to this as "little man syndrome".
  7. KK Rage

    Comedian Mitch Hedberg

    "A severed foot makes a good stocking stuffer" "Don't you hate it when songs get used for the wrong things? We, are the world, we are the children.... remember that song baby? That night I fucked you in the pet cemetary?" "Pringles must be the most laid back company in the world. I think they were supposed to make tennis balls, but then a truck of potatoes showed up and the said FUCK IT, CUT EM UP!" We listened to Mitch all day at work on Saturday in memoriam. RIP
  8. KK Rage

    5 Favorite Led Zep tunes

    INPO: Going To California Hey Hey What Can I Do? The Rain Song Kashmir Babe I'm Gonna Leave You (Good topic by the way, as I sit in the school library wearing one of my three Zeppelin shirts)
  9. KK Rage

    NEW!! Episode III trailer........

    For another trailer, which shows the age progression of Skywalker and an extended lightsaber sequence, check out this site. I actually think I like this one better than the OC one because I love lightsabers, although this trailer is considerably shorter..... http://s112352282.onlinehome.us/Ep3Trailer_pixelmagic720.mov Enjoy!
  10. KK Rage


    There albums are a bit lacking, but I can't bitch about them because I actually show up in their mockumentary that aired on MTV a whopping one time. For those actually interested, look for the part where Jericho is bitching about Rage Against The Machine and how Fozzy is so chantable. This segueways into an Orlando show they did (Where I got to mosh with Daffney from WCW BTW) where you can see me running on stage and giving Jericho a high-five. Cool ass night.
  11. Oh, Rock has come up with worse... how about the time he called Coach a popcorn fart?
  12. KK Rage

    100 posts

    Been posting here since, well the Keith days (check the info, member no. 51). I know I really haven't established a personality here because the only internet I have access to are the ones at school, but I thought I'd say you all are some entertaining motherfuckers. Good times! P.S.- Mad props to Agent of Oblivion for helping me pass a drug test, everyone listening to me about this blonde bitch I was obsessed with at the time, and to Jaxl for providing more drunken madness that I only thought was possible in Tampa FL with my boys.
  13. KK Rage

    Talk about people you've met

    1) Who is the strangest person you have ever met before? Stories? Craziest? Not sure, all of my friends are pretty insane. 2) Who is the hottest person you have ever met before? Stories? My friend Taylor... best part was when we got hammered one night and hooked up. 3) Strongest? My roommate can stack lawnmowers eight high at work (stock room) and lift washers and dryers over his head. I'd say him. 4) Shyist? Another co-worker of mine. This guy literally has no social concepts. A friend put it best when he said "Kyle just kind of showed up." "How do I talk to girls?", he asks. Well, kid, maybe you cxould start by saying HI. 5) Hungriest as in having a passion to suceed in something? My friend Kendra just got her Masters in Biology (Age 22) at Boston University so I'd have to say her. Or my Dad, who at 63 still does real estate seven days a week. 6) Hungriest as in the amount of food eaten? Vice versa (people who eat no food) Oddly enough, once again the kid who has no social skills. The kid must eat eight times a day yet weighs maybe 140. 7) Most deceptive? This douchbag who I used to live with. Stole from me, fucked my ex (didn't know I was home at the time), ratted out one of my boys to his g/f because he cheated once. Of course he deined all of this even though we caught him doing fucked up things many times. Fucked over countless of my other friends in one way or another, and now wonders why nobody calls him anymore. 9) Most popular? My best friend in high school. Captain of the football team and hooked up with women like they were going out of style. Best part was everyone who hung out with him got all their hot friends. 10) Nicest? Probably my brother. 11) Biggest jerk? backstabber? See number 7. 12) Most Normal? Does not apply to me or anyone I spend time with. 13) Most split personalites? I have about 3 friends who are bi-polar, so I would have to say them. Either that or every woman I know in general. 14) Most addicted to something? I drink 2+ pitchers of beer a day, so I would have to give that title to myself. If I can't pick myself for a category, I would have to say my stepmom, who smokes 4 packs a day.
  14. KK Rage


    Tis true.... many people who tend to say they are practicioners can be very stuck up and artsy fartsy. However, one who has made true progress and really knows Buddhism realizes that the overall goal is the complete destruction of the ego and precognitions.
  15. KK Rage


    Anybody into Buddhism? Can't really type much now because I am "working" but the question entered my mind....