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About LatinAssasin

  • Birthday 08/06/1984

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    Laredo, TX
  1. LatinAssasin

    Lucha/lucharesu fans help me out here

    From what the commentators are saying, it sounds like his name is Turbo.
  2. LatinAssasin

    Possible to convert vids to audio?

    This worked great. Thanks.
  3. LatinAssasin

    Possible to convert vids to audio?

    I've got this video of a live performance of a band and I'm wondering if it's possible to somehow just save the sound of it so I could burn it onto a CD later. Is that possible?
  4. LatinAssasin

    The Aristocrats (ta-da)

    Can someone explain what this is? I have no idea what anyone's talking about..
  5. LatinAssasin

    Simpsons Season 6 DVD Set Complaint

    --Ignore this. I'm an idiot.--
  6. LatinAssasin

    Who is going to stop watching raw when mnf starts

    Depends on the game. Next year it won't be so easy, considering Joe fuckin' Theismann is going to be one of the anchors. That's the suck right there.
  7. LatinAssasin

    Drew Rosenhaus saves drowning child...

    Yeah, buy outs and such can be negotiated. Rosenhaus and TO are already stating that if the Eagles won't pay them more, then they can go ahead and buy him out or just trade him.
  8. LatinAssasin

    Drew Rosenhaus saves drowning child...

    Of course the choose to take the risk of getting injured and having their bodies punished every Sunday. They also should be able to choose to get paid to do so. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> In which they are, by agreeing to a little thing called contract, where you know, if you sign it.... you get paid for playing. The players, once signed, should honor the contract til it gets to the point they're mistreated. TO and Walker ARE NOT mistreated. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> By this line of thinking, then teams are not allowed to cut players that are due large signing bonuses since a contract is binding and should never be broken.
  9. LatinAssasin

    Mexico's new racist stamp

    The thing about Mexicans is their dumb pride. You see it constantly. They're so proud about being Mexican and feel like they're better than others, instead of realizing that their country is falling apart and there's almost nothing to be proud of anymore. When they come to the US to shop or whatever, they carry around a sense like they're owed something. Like the world owes them a favor. That's where their racism comes in. They need someone to be lower than them, so they pick on anybody and everybody. Like someone else said though, everyone is racist. It's just that we try to hide it better in the US. Mexicans don't care because Mexico is just Mexicans. The US is a whole bunch of different nationalities so you have to be careful. X, careful with that Peru chick. I dated one for four years(the one from the significant others thread). Fucked my shit up.
  10. LatinAssasin

    Movies you've seen WAY too many times

    Desperado Once Upon a Time in Mexico Best. Movies. Ever.
  11. LatinAssasin

    The Mexicools and Carlito

    Plus they're both Latino's so they all look the same anyway too! LOLZERZ!11 Dumbshit. Guerrera and Guerrero are two different last names. You dont just 'play it off'.
  12. LatinAssasin

    Mr and Mrs Smith vs War of The Roses

    See, I kept expecting a downer ending, ie them dying at the end and was happier that they didn't. This movie was made to entertain and have people leave the theater happy, not bum them out. If the movie ended on a downer, then my gf probably wouldn't have been all excited as she was when she left, and I probably wouldn't have gotten any that night. Just think about that for a sec...
  13. LatinAssasin

    What Do You Do II: The Return

    I'm still working at the same trucking company that I've been working at for three years. Except my boss quit on New Year's so I took over and am now the Terminal Manager for our office here.
  14. LatinAssasin

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    They'll replay it about three or four times. The replays I'm sure of are on Sunday night and Monday night at 9:00pm ct.
  15. LatinAssasin

    Craziest parties or party moments

    Tequila doesn't come with a worm. That's mezcal. Dead on about those goddamn Spaniards! Damn them all to hell!