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Repo Man jr

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Everything posted by Repo Man jr

  1. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    The CM Punk Burke match the crowd gave a half decent CM Punk chant, then died, then chanted for JBL, and then got completely into everything and I thought it was great
  2. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    LOL best SCM ever!
  3. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    I'm thinking this match is gonna suck...
  4. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Meltzer disagrees: Screw Meltzer HBK looks great... not
  5. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    That was totally great and they got the crowd into it because it was totally great
  6. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Go to Sleep!
  7. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Lovin this match
  8. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    That whole bit that ended with the little kid clapping was awesome
  9. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    It's clobbering time
  10. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    From now on everytime someone wins a belt the other guy can just say "nah I'm gonna keep it sorry dude"
  11. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Since the three main events likely end with the heels going over or a DQ finish, gotta space them out or you'll really depress the crowd and viewers with them going back to back to back. Well so much for that lol No wait, maybe not
  12. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Since the three main events likely end with the heels going over or a DQ finish, gotta space them out or you'll really depress the crowd and viewers with them going back to back to back. Well so much for that lol
  13. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Cool this should be a great show lol
  14. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Strange place for this match
  15. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Randy shoulda kicked him in the leg
  16. Repo Man jr

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Wooo (etc)
  17. Repo Man jr

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Heck of a finish
  18. Repo Man jr

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    They both lost!
  19. Repo Man jr

    The OaO Backlash 2007 thread.

    Vince wins!
  20. Repo Man jr

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Totally enjoyed the show. Thought it was great
  21. Repo Man jr

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Great sequence then
  22. Repo Man jr

    OAO WrestleMania 23 Thread-April 1st, 2007

    Fast and The Furious 4