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Celtic Guardian

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Posts posted by Celtic Guardian

  1. Victoria will be debuting imminently using the name Lisa Marie Varon.


    This is according to the Observer site. Should be a very good move to say the least, for the Knockouts division. They desperately need some new blood in there to kind of spark some life into the women's division so much. Kong v. the former Victoria could be very awesome.


    The official mobile alert confirmed

    Raven and Shane Douglas returning and the former Victoria debuting for TNA

    all on this week's Impact.

  2. I'd be interested in CM Punk and MVP going at it. Set up would be easy, Punk could lose and be a guest on the VIP lounge. MVP could give his attitude and then Punk attacks him.


    If Kennedy is ever fit enough to wrestle again, he'd be even better for Punk's foil. He'd be the perfect person to mock Punk for losing his title match.


    An interesting choice considering Kennedy was the first MitB winner to lose the briefcase before even getting a title match.

  3. I am in two minds yes I like the way Show is being used as of late. That is the first mind. The second is that I hated seeing Rey jobbed out. Now I am not his biggest fan, or really a fan at all, but he is over as a face so jobbing him is not really the best use of his character.


    Not just Mysterio... most champions in the company have done non-title jobs recently, Maryse, MVP, Carlito/Primo even Triple H. What is being champion supposed to even mean anymore?

  4. Off topi....well it's not like there's a topic in the first place anyway : what happened to this place? I don't follow "TSM Drama~!", so how did this place became a ghost town?


    I never was a big poster here, sticking mostly to 24/7 and video games, but this was one of the few forums I've been a part of where it wasn't a place full of retards. Since when is there an omerta here? Where's everybody?


    Once again, sorry if it's in the wrong thread. Please don't shoot me.


    We may be in the same boat. I didn't even know there was a problem with the board until no Raw thread showed up this week. Truthfully, I've just posted when there was something I could contribute to the subject matter, usually but not always in the wrestling area. The personalities and politics of TSM and its gated offshoot are just lost on me.

  5. I thought Red's body had completely broken down? Last I heard he wasn't sure if he would ever wrestle again.


    Good to see London back on TV, he's a talented bastard. He lost some points for complaining about Bourne's SSP, but I'd still tune in to check him out.


    Sorry, London reportedly canceled out on TNA. Unclear where this leaves Red.

  6. Raw gets Hornswoggle!! I guess they needed a replacement for Mysterio. If this means either Finlay to Raw or Finlay and Hornswoggle separated I'll like the move. If Finlay is moved off of ECW, Regal would be a brilliant replacement.


    It will mean either "Finlay to Raw" or "Finlay and Hornswoggle separated." There are no other possibilities.

  7. If the main events are together like that- I'm sure they are counting on them being separated by plenty of video packages and interviews. They have to throw in the Hall of Fame stuff somewhere as well.


    I wouldn't be surprised to see that order change though.


    EDIT: Now that I look at last years order...this one is pretty similar. Triple Threat to Show/Mayweather to Taker/Edge.


    I imagine the Hall of Fame segment will come after Money in the Bank and before the Jericho/Legends match.


    I'm not sure that listing is official considering both sets of tag champs are misidentified. Miz & Morrison are World, Carlito & Primo are WWE.

  8. Also, regarding the pregnancy.. Even if it wasn't an April Fool, the fact WWE.com had the headline 'who's the father' with a picture of Big Show and Edge, it's blatantly a work.


    Unless you guys didn't think it was real. I couldn't grasp from the various talk in different threads about it.


    The question is whether the pregnancy is storyline or April Fool, real's not one of the options here. Storyline would subject us to this garbage for months, April Fool means it's over tomorrow.

  9. You genuinely wanted the all divas show?


    Yes, out of morbid curiousity.


    As it turns out, it's still going to happen.... just not this week. There was apparently a WWE Mobile segment posted last night in which Tiffany, Teddy Long, Natalya and Katie Lea brainstormed ideas for the event.

  10. Vince has been in full-on swerve mode for months now...At this point with how pissed off he has to be at the leaks that keep getting out this him hating Christian thing might be a big swerve to keep anyone from expecting it?

    I guess we'll have to wait and see. Before the MVP title change, I saw him or Christian as the two favorites, now it's got to be Benjamin or Christian imo


    It wouldn't surprise me to see Christian get the MITB win only to be defeated in his cash-in title match. If Vince really wants to lock Christian in as a perennial midcarder, that would be a way to do it.
