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Celtic Guardian

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Posts posted by Celtic Guardian

  1. For the moment, TNA can't even get Pacman cleared to show up in the crowd.


    Excerpted from AP:


    Chancery Court Judge Robert E. Lee Davies agreed, saying Jones should be prohibited from "participating in any activities that 'may involve the risk of serious personal injury.'"


    "Mr. Jones is hereby restrained from providing any 'wrestling' or 'performing services' to TNA ... including but not limited to the TNA "Hard Justice" pay-per-view event ... for as long as this restraining order is in effect," Davies ruled.


    The injunction strictly bars Jones from participating in any TNA event, as a "wrestler, spectator, announcer, participant or otherwise ... "

  2. I think it's pretty funny that this team that would probably like to cut him is now acting like they care about his well being.


    I doubt that the Titans care about Pacman's well being at all of course. It's just that if the Titans organization hadn't cracked down on Pacman here, then the precedent established could have allowed other more valuable Titan players to risk themselves in wrestling.


    It should amaze me that TNA didn't get the contractual issues with the Titans settled ahead of time but then no amount of TNA incompetence is a surprise anymore.

  3. i may seriously consider not watching TNA for awhile if Joe doesnt win Sunday, i know it sounds shallow, but damn it all they always build him up then yank the pervibial rug out from under him, and the booking is starting to revert back to early 2007 levels and at one point i quit watching TNA for about a month

    If he hasn't signed an extension and will out of the company in a few months then it would be pretty retarded for TNA to give him all the title just to please Joe's fanboys.


    And if TNA doesn't give Joe the belts after all this buildup, he'll be damaged there to the point that there will be no reason for him to sign the extension.

  4. Place your bets now! Over or under the 2.5? All bets welcome!


    Not much of a bet, clearly over 2.5 for the short term McMahon bump alone.


    The problem is that bringing in the Mr. McMahon character by himself might charge up the Nielsen number for a week but would not help repair the damaged product.


    If "Mr. McMahon" can be used as a catalyst to transition to a radically altered Raw format, then we might have something.

  5. If you sincerely believe that John Cena vs Rod Strong with Rod going over would pop the Raw ratings, then you are hallucinating. That or you're really, really unintelligent.


    ...or never wrote such a thing in the first place.


    I am not suggesting that any non-WWE wrestler necessarily go over Cena. I am suggesting that WWE get out of its self-imposed box of what it can do and what it can't. A sense of true unpredictability has to be restored to the promotion.

  6. Yeah, there is no way it would work. The WWE would want all of their main eventers to go over, they would treat everyone from ROH and TNA like second rate losers and wrestling would be completely slammed.


    That's old style "WWE is the universe" thinking. We've had that already. How's it working out?


    Whatever WWE does to fix this has to be outside Raw as we know it. Simply adding in concepts that have already been done or names that have already been worked won't do it.


    We need a new Monday wrestling template with a new creative czar, new voices to hear each week, maybe even a new Monday show not called Raw.


    That's what 2.5 means.

  7. I'd really like to see a return of the King of the Ring or something similar, maybes used to highlight the new talent coming up, that would make me watch again.


    Open invitational tournament, invite TNA and Ring of Honor wrestlers by name. Actually make a deal with one or both companies if possible. WWE needs to think completely outside the box now.


  8. The post-PPV bounce probably covered up what would have been a decrease last week. Instead, we get the accumulated two weeks of downfall all wrapped up in a disasterous one week plunge.


    If the 2.5 number is accurate, WWE Raw is beyond the help of band-aids and now in need of radical reconstructive surgery. All creative options (good, bad or otherwise) that are legally possible and financially feasible must be considered.

  9. Does anyone know if it's possible to download torrents of OVW stuff or if it's avalible on youtube?


    Go to PWT. ;)


    Anyway, as I said in the Lashley thread the guys in WWE had to rush to rewrite RAW last night, not only because of the injury to Lashley, but also because of Jeff Hardy. Many thought it was weird how they booked Umaga to be a babyface, when he's in the middle of a feud with Jeff Hardy. Well, the word there is that Hardy didn't make TV last night, and while the guys at PWInsider will not say what the reason is just yet, they are saying that there is "serious concern" as to if Jeff Hardy will be back for SummerSlam...if at all.


    No clue what's going on, but there you go.


    Sounds like they do actually have a clue of what's going on but don't want to say it yet for all the obvious legal liability reasons.


  10. He means that, for BFG for example, it was held in Plymouth, MI, so they would always say it was being held in "Motor City USA" or something like that so that you would think it was coming from Detroit and they wouldn't come off as minor league by having a PPV in a town that nobody has ever heard of.


    Anyway, in a recent Observer Dave was saying that it was a bad idea for them to hold this event in Atlanta because there is some big event going on that weekend, but I don't remember what it was. Perhaps a NASCAR race of some kind?


    The only thing I could find big that weekend in Atlanta was an outdoor food festival called the Taste of Atlanta. Don't know if that was the event mentioned by the Observer though.

  11. I'm still trying to understand how Sable was a strong character that "other women could respect". What, they respect her for sticking up to her husband in her fight to be allowed to strip naked in front of thousands of kids, rednecks, and other strangers in every arena?


    Essentially, yes. The Sable character reflected a post-feminist viewpoint of women "taking control of their own sexuality."

  12. You guys do know that in many circles Bonnie Hammer is considered the one who turned around the product during the Attitude era, right? It was her influence (completely understated in wrestling lore) that got them to incorporate more adult characters and storylines and embrace episodic storytelling. She was instrumental in helping them restructure the tv product from mid-1997 to 2000, which more or less coincided with the fed's strongest ratings and attendence boom ever. I know it's easy to criticize an outsider but at least know your history.


    Hammer has missed a lot of wrestling years between her original consulting stint and her present day management of USA Network.


    The original Attitude era was a successful attempt to grow the product beyond the child-skewing storylines that had insulted adult intelligence. Pro wrestling has advanced to the point in Hammer's absence though that returning to the Attitude Era would itself be an insult to adult intelligence.


  13. WWE Championship

    John Cena© Vs Bobby Lashley

    Lashley (Vinnie Mac acts out of spite at the media critics and books a title win for the muscleman.)


    World Heavyweight Championship

    Great Khali© Vs Batista Vs Kane

    Khali (Vinnie Mac acts out of spite at the net critics and books a title retention for the tall man.)


    ECW Championship

    John Morrison© Vs CM Punk

    Morrison (Wrestlers who change their names/personas generally don't lose this quickly.)


    Intercontinental Championship

    Umaga© Vs Jeff Hardy

    Umaga (Being built up for the Jackass feud, not down.)


    United States Championship

    MVP© Vs Matt Hardy

    M. Hardy (to erase MVP's win over ****** as the most recent US title change)


    Texas Bullrope Match

    Randy Orton Vs Dusty Rhodes

    Orton (see Nitro/Dreamer precedent of building up heel by winning the face's speciality match)


    Woman's Championship

    Candice Michelle© Vs Melina

    Candice (Candice seems the new female favorite there.)


    Singapore Cane Match

    Carlito Vs Sandman

    Sandman (WWE doesn't like Carlito.)


    Cruiserweight Championship

    Cruiserweight Open

    Chavo Guerrero© Vs Jimmy Wang Vs Shannon Moore Vs Funaki Vs Jamie Noble

    C. Guerrero (title change doubtful in throwaway match.)

  14. I don't think Goodell does anything for a little while here. Given it is Vick's first offense (granted it is a biggie), I think they wait until getting more facts and/or a conviction/plea.


    And WHAT THE FUCK is wrong with these guys?!? Instead of just putting down the dogs they didn't want they brutally kill them (drowning, throwing against the ground, wetting down and electrocuting?!?). I have a sick mind, but these guys make me sick.


    The details in the indictment will nauseate America. That's exactly why Goodell can't afford to wait.
