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Celtic Guardian

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Posts posted by Celtic Guardian

  1. Can we close this thread now, the story is pretty much done and dusted now, no use dwelling on it.

    It's the main cover story of the next People magazine. It's not going away at all. Here's the posted excerpt.


    COVER STORY: Chris Benoit's Family Secrets

    THURSDAY JULY 05, 2007 12:35 PM EDT


    As the search for a motive intensifies in the case of Chris Benoit, this week's PEOPLE goes into the home life of the WWE superstar who killed his wife, Nancy, his 7-year-old son and himself.


    Friends searching for clues to what went wrong have focused on Benoit's relationship with Nancy Benoit, 43, who often complained she felt like a single mother because of her husband's constant touring.


    Former neighbor Melissa Coppage recalls asking Nancy recently if she had any vacation plans. "She said, 'No, it's all wrestling, all the time.' "


    But several of Benoit's friends describe the 40-year-old as a devoted father and husband – who, apparently at Nancy's request last year, took a four-month leave from work to be with her while she recovered from surgery.


    "He wasn't a monster," Benoit's friend and former wrestler Dean Malenko tells PEOPLE. "We're talking about a guy who, a month ago, was in Jacksonville and rather than drive down to Orlando, where he needed to be the next day, he took a flight to be home with [his son] Daniel."


    In 2003, Nancy filed for divorce from Benoit, saying he had threatened her. But the couple then reconciled.


    Questions about the health of the couple's son, Daniel, also remain central to the mystery. Two days after the bodies were discovered, the WWE suggested through its attorney that the boy may have suffered from a medical condition known as Fragile X syndrome, a form of retardation often accompanied by autism.


    But the child's maternal grandparents, speaking through their lawyer, said Daniel had "no health problems that they could discern," and investigators subsequently said the boy's medical records showed no evidence of any serious illness.


    Still, the pro-wrestling organization, through its attorney Jerry McDevitt, insists the boy's health was an issue and "a source of tension in the relationship between Chris and Nancy."

  2. I'm not sure many wwe wrestlers will be on there. Obviously,due to the wwe wellness policy they need steriod prescriptions from their own doctors, and they can't use internet prescriptions, and most guys go to their locals doctors...so are the guys that live in Atlanta likely to be the only ones named?


    How many doctors out there are willing to write such dubious prescriptions? If a local one won't do it, desperate wrestlers will go where they believe they need to go.

  3. Police have seized the Benoit Wiki entry computer.


    Excerpted from ABC News:


    A Wikipedia posting about the death of pro wrestler Chris Benoit's wife that preceded the discovery of the Benoit family's bodies has become a major obstacle in the murder-suicide criminal investigation, authorities told ABC News.


    "It is unbelievable what a hindrance this has put on our investigation," said Lt. Tommy Pope, a spokesman for the Fayette County, Ga., Sheriff's Department.


    "We've got to put a lot of effort and time into working to prove or disprove that someone put up a hoax situation or that somebody was conceiving the death from out of state," Pope said, adding that investigators have been flooded with tips regarding a Web posting that's very likely a bizarre coincidence.


    Police have traced the Wikipedia posting and subsequent anonymous confession and apology to an IP address in Connecticut. Pope said local authorities there are working with his department and have seized computer equipment from the person responsible for the postings.


    "We know who the person is," Pope said, adding that police wouldn't reveal his or her identity until early next week. By then they hope to have determined whether the person was implicated in what police earlier this week called a double murder-homicide.


    If the person had knowledge of the death before police discovered the body, he or she could face criminal charges.


    The anonymous Wikipedia poster confessed early this morning to changing the entry for professional wrestler Chris Benoit to mention that his wife was dead -- 14 hours before the police had even discovered the bodies of Benoit, his wife and 7-year-old son, Daniel.


    The confession, which was posted on Wikinews, came from the same IP address, traced to Stamford, Conn., from which the eerie posting about the pro wrestler's wife was made, an administrator for Wikinews confirmed. The WWE is based in Stamford.


    "I am not connected to WWE or Benoit at all in any way," the poster wrote, describing himself or herself as an "everyday" individual, confirming a Connecticut residency, and claiming that the prescient entry was an unfortunate coincidence.

  4. Bye, bye NFL Europa, it's folded.


    FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) — The NFL folded its development league in Europe after 16 years on Friday, calling the decision a sound business move that will allow for a stronger international focus on regular-season games outside the United States.


    The announcement came less than a week after the Hamburg Sea Devils beat the Frankfurt Galaxy 37-28 in the World Bowl title game in Frankfurt before a crowd of 48,125. Five of the league's six teams are based in Germany, with the other in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


    A statement on the German-language edition of the NFL's website said the NFL decided to concentrate its "strategies and resources" on regular-season games outside the United States in an effort to reach as many people as possible.


  5. i think if anything WWE should hire an independent drug testing company and test the people who perform on a particular night, and if somethin came out where say John Cena tested positive, that drug testing company would be the one in charge of the penalties and WWE would have no say in the matter


    WWE making any more drug/wellness testing announcements would be absolutely pointless. The fed's credibility on that issue is just completely gone. The only solution to this issue I can trust now would be one imposed from the outside.

  6. Actually for the past 2 seasons, it's been pretty common knowledge that Survivor has went looking for cast members from various modelling agencies and the like. It's because they wanted to diversify the cast and not very many minorities sign up for the show on their own. Although I'm not sure how casting a white female "wrestler"/Playboy model counts as diversifying their cast...


    Survivor (and most reality shows) have always recruited a portion of their contestants for the eye candy and stage presence factors. That doesn't mean that the actual game play is illegitimate, just that not every contestant makes the show cast in the regular way.


    The recruiting of minority contestants for Survivor is a more recent development, tied to that desire for diversity.

  7. Maybe they're trying to make Spike sweat... kinda turn around and say "we have options, but we'll stay if you give us a two hour time slot."


    This could be serious. The Fox-owned MyNetworkTV has been seeking out nontraditional programming (reality & sports) to replace its failed telenovelas. Fox Broadcasting happens to be hq'd in Los Angeles where this meeting will take place. It's hard not to connect the dots here.

  8. Rey going to Raw would be a pretty bad idea. Rey is 1 of the company's biggest draws, esp. among kids & the Hispanic demographic, so moving him to Raw (which already has Cena, who already has the kids locked up), seems like a redundant idea. Not to mention he'd be slotted no higher than 4th in the pecking order, behind Cena/HHH/HBK. What's the point? You'd just be devaluing 1 of your top draws, and for what?


    Yes, but Raw (unlike Smackdown) has a Spanish language replay via Telemundo. Rey Mysterio could have some value there.

  9. Quite honestly I've been wanting RVD to do something like this for a while now. Not the part about showing up late with no ring gear, but when they say "We want you to put over Kevin Thorn tonight" he should say "Uh...go to hell."


    No, RVD should say "Yes, sir" and then do his freakin' job. Part of being a professional wrestler is first and foremost, being a professional. Whatever the heck Sabu did over the past few days doesn't even remotely qualify as such. I trust RVD will hold to a higher standard.

  10. I say, assuming Taker needs to leave for awhile, these are the three possibilities...


    1) Kennedy did that promo last night completely as a swerve (company likely knew this news about Taker last night) and will somehow get the belt from Taker tonight at the SD tapings, it could easily be done, as Taker and Batista could both play off the LMS match and be all messed up, unable to compete, etc.


    I'd probably go with Kennedy paying off Khali to lay out Taker, Kennedy would then cash in MitB and just make the cover to win the World title. Khali could then be presented as a bigger threat to Cena's WWE title.

  11. Carlito is here and Carlito is angry:


    "I'm out of Wrestlemania," he says. "Apparently, they had to make space for Kane vs. Khali and Melina vs. Ashley. How can I be at Wrestlemania? If I politic and kiss ass, I should make it.


    "I'm not going to cry or be bitter, there's always next year ... and I don't want to get fired. But they're showing disrespect by not having Ric Flair at Wrestlemania and even more disrespect by not having Carlito there."


    He doesn't like the role he has been given, that of a fan favourite, saying, "I absolutely hate being a babyface more than anything else."




    Welcome to Heat Carlito, I hope you will enjoy your stay.


    Maybe worse.


    If Carlito doesn't want to get fired, he shouldn't have gone against the company line at WrestleMania time no less. That kind of talk could make Vinnie Mac go ballistic.


    For that matter, insulting four fellow "sports entertainers" won't win him any friends in the locker room either.
