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Celtic Guardian

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Posts posted by Celtic Guardian

  1. I can't see this being a series of promotions done for overseas markets. I bet they try to be WWE style wrestling and then nobody will care overseas at all. Then what if the WWE Japan or WWE Mexico becomes a better show than Raw? Will Vince sabotage the brand to keep Raw on top?


    WWE should try to be WWE overseas. The Japanese WWE fans have tended to want the same sports entertainment experience that American fans get anyway with the same "superstars" like John Cena, Undertaker and so forth. Maybe the WWE can make new brands but there's no need to divide them up by ethnic boundries.

  2. - Victoria will have a short-lived Women's title reign early in the year but be out of the company by year's end.


    - Monty Brown will defeat Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas in a loser leaves WWE handicap match.


    - The Women's title will be eliminated in favor of a Divas title to launch with the 2007 Diva Search.


    - Carlito and Eddie Colon will become Raw tag team champions.


    - Finlay will go to ECW to resume his feud with Lashley. Both men will alternate with the title.


    - Randy Orton will be fired from the company after one scandalous incident too far.


    - The ECW brand will be renewed but under an alternate name such as WWE Extreme.


    - Paul Heyman will not work in professional wrestling during the year outside of autograph shows.


    - Rob Van Dam, Sabu and Tommy Dreamer will all be gone from the company by mid to late year.


    - Edge will go to Smackdown, lose to Undertaker at Mania but later be rewarded with a World title win over Batista.


    - Batista will end the year injured and irrelevant.


    - The Wellness program will quietly be discontinued.


    - Triple H will win the WWE title from John Cena at WrestleMania but give it back up to Cena by SummerSlam.


    - Triple H will spend late 2007 focused on outside acting projects.


    - Ken Kennedy will move to Raw and feud with John Cena over the WWE title toward year's end.


    - Umaga will be moved to ECW and become a face wrestler.


    - Tribute to the Troops 2007 will be held in South Korea

  3. --As things stand today, the decision has been made for no more ECW house shows after the end of November. The TV will continue and the ECW wrestlers and feuds would continue on the other house shows.




    Vinnie Mac should just call it WWExtreme and get it over with. Let the ECW name rest back in the same graveyard with WCW already.

  4. I'm guessing a good majority of the WWE fan has no clue who Monty is. Maybe if TNA was a bigger entity like WCW was that would happen but I don't think that right now till I see it. CM Punk and Jeff Hardy both worked in TNA, albeit Punk burried TNA after he left but neither of them have gotten jobbed out by WWE.

    CM Punk got 'rebuilt' in OVW. And Jeff Hardy made his name in WWE.


    The concern seems a valid one. CM Punk was primarily known as an indy guy, Jeff Hardy as WWE, Sabu as ECW and Shannon Moore as a waste of space. Monty Brown may be the first man associated primarily with TNA to jump to WWE.


    This is an interesting test case to say the least. If WWE is smart, Monty Brown will be built up strong to encourage future defections. Or Vinnie Mac could just take the same petty attitude that he did to the ex-WCW wrestlers and bury Monty Brown in that Serengeti.

  5. From PWInsider:


    It's interesting to note that at no point has any source close to TNA actually indicated that the creative team change was the "surprise" promoted on the TNA website by President Dixie Carter, as had been floated in reports online. It's conceivable that was the surprise, but it's also possible that the surprise is a completely separate issue altogether. If this is the planned surprise, TNA has done themselves a great diservice. My hope is that it's an entirely different situation. I guess this will be be made clear one way or another this Sunday.


    A later PWInsider news item stated more definitively that Russo is coming in but is NOT the surprise, essentially the same as the PWTorch report.

  6. kurt angle dying would be 10x worse for the wwe than any other death. it would show how a horrible business killed an olympic gold medal wrestler. a legit amateur wrestler with all of the talent in the wolrd crossing over to the professional ranks only to be sucked in & spit out dead. its true. thats gotta weigh on vince more than anything.


    Agreed. Angle dying in WWE under these circumstances would get Vince McMahon dragged before a congressional committee if not a grand jury.
