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Celtic Guardian

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Posts posted by Celtic Guardian

  1. Does anyone know what station he comes on in the bay area of California or the time he comes on. Someone on here said 7:30 but I just want to make sure this is correct. Also does anyone know who owns ESPN radio, like who they broadcast off of? Is it Viacom or is it clear channel?


    I know Disney is the overall parent company of ESPN, not sure who ESPN radio broadcasts off of tho.



    ESPN radio broadcasts are syndicated to different station owners in different markets.

  2. On a related note, I have ESPN radio on right now and the host here in Pittsburgh is Mark Madden and he just said something like "How many of my friends have to die before congress stops worrying about the sanctity of Babe Ruth's home run record and start looking at the business where steroids are actually killing people?"


    To quote my own blog entry from yesterday, "The current anti-steroid crusade on Capitol Hill against baseball is not about saving lives. It is about preserving the sanctity of statistics and scorecards. It is politics at its most craven, pandering and pathetic."

  3. Christian could be big in TNA but they have to get his push right.


    1. He must never job to Jeff Jarrett

    2. He needs to come straight into the main event, no build up in the midcard, just walk over to TNA and be "I'm the big star, you're all pathetic and can't match me, where's my world title"


    And coming straight to the main event wouldn't make sense since casual viewers did see him suffer those losses, even if none of those viewers care about the exact number. Christian should main event eventually if he goes to TNA but his perceived credibility has to be rebuilt first.

  4. That'd be my guess too, since Jarrett and/or Lawler are the ones who own all that footage.


    It's just hyperbole on WWE's part to make it seem like OMG INVASION~! or OMG VINCE IS BUYING TNA~!, but Jarrett isn't a majority owner, so that's not happening.


    If I had a conspiracy theory, it would be more along the lines of OMG VINCE IS TRYING TO SABOTAGE TNA~! If I had a conspiracy theory, that is...

  5. Someone in the WNBA is gay?




    Next thing you know you'll tell me the only shafts some on the LPGA grip are on golf clubs...


    Percentage-wise, a paying WNBA fan is more likely to be gay than a WNBA player. The WNBA has been trying to downplay the whole gay subtext and market itself as "family-friendly" (as in hetero families only) mostly without success.

  6. Time and network switches on two games and a postponement on another one according to the Miami Herald:


    North Carolina at Miami has been moved to noon EDT on ESPN2. Light towers were damaged at the Orange Bowl making night play impossible there.


    Clemson at Georgia Tech was traded to the 3:30 p.m. EDT slot on ESPN in exchange.


    Middle Tennessee State at Florida International has been postponed.. probably until early December according to other updates.

  7. Well, the center of the storm has moved past Florida now.  A guy I know in Orlando still has power and is talking to me online.  Should be no problem with the Impact Tapings.


    Universal Studios in Orlando was closed Monday, according to the Orlando Sentinel but will reopen Tuesday. TNA was very fortunate. I wish the same could be said about others further south.

  8. Unless the Hurricane moves much farther North than expected or the water really warms up, it's not going to be a huge deal in Orlando.


    They should be able to get everything in.



    Just checking the latest Hurricane Center postings, the storm track has slowed down tremendously. There's only a projected 5-10% chance of Orlando even receiving tropical storm force winds between now and 2 a.m. EDT Monday. The Bound for Glory weekend seems out of danger.


    The TV tapings later in the week may be more problematic.

  9. Another potentially shitty thing is this could effect Liger showing up at all. From what I gather, he's on a tight schedule and may not make it if they have to postpone the show.


    God, I haven't asked for much, so please have this thing become a tropical storm by the time Sunday rolls around.


    Wilma may just slow down enough to avoid causing major problems for Florida over the weekend at least.


    The PPV is simply too important a stage in TNA's development to be delayed. If at all humanly possible, the show must go on.
