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Celtic Guardian

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Posts posted by Celtic Guardian

  1. I can't believe that you people enjoy joking about this. What the fuck is wrong with you?

    There are so many things that I don't have the time to list them all.


    We know we are all going to hell -- we're just hoping that Satan puts us all on the same floor or something.


    It would no doubt be a different story if someone's relative or, god-forbid, a wrestler was shot. No doubt the topic would be full of messages of condolence.


    I wouldn't be so sure of that...

    Of course, the IWC was enraged after Craig Kilborn made a joke about the death of Owen Hart and SportsCenter made a joke about the death of Junkyard Dog. We really can't have it both ways, you know.

  2. Not juicey enough probably.  CNN.com doesn't have it and it's down a bit on the Yahoo list.  Only FoxNews had it in the top couple of stories.


    14 people being shot isn't juicy?

    You can bet if this was 2 white kids in a rich upper class high school we'd have about 1000 stories on it already. But it's on an Indian Reservation so that means it's not important.


    God damn the media is racist.

    It could just be the fact that the shooting occurred in a relatively isolated and now locked down location, well away from where any major news media reporters would have been stationed. Without the pictures, it's very hard for television outlets in particular to deal with the story.

  3. I turned it on for eight seconds, got bored, and changed it back to basketball.

    Crap like this should be on C-SPAN.

    Well it is on one of those C-SPAN channels, the difference is that it's on a bunch of other channels too. I'm just wondering why the politicians are focusing on just famous baseball people if the concern is supposed to be over public health.

  4. I guarantee if MD makes it, they'll be in the same bracket with Duke that will set up like a 2nd or 3rd round game between the two if everything pans out.


    But really, I just hope they go to the NIT...

    ...and lose to Georgetown. At least the Hoyas will give a damn. This season's Maryland team can't be bothered with a full effort except against North Carolina/Duke caliber squads. If the Terrapins get in the NCAA tourney, I can only interpret that as a nod to CBS for higher TV ratings in the Washington, D.C. and Baltimore television markets.


    As for George Washington, people who know basketball already respect the team but I believe it is more a question of getting respect in the local D.C. area media than anything else.

  5. If anything does happen to anyone over it, it'll be hypocritical, because they are not reacting to what was done, but what went public.

    Hypocrisy is not a foreign concept to the pro wrestling business. WWE could simply use the catch-all justification that the romantic entanglement "reflects poorly" on the company. Boeing Co. just used that justification to force out its CEO over such a matter.

  6. No women to work programs with, and forced to put over Christy Hemme's new Playboy spread.  With Christy getting the Playboy push, wouldn't suprise me if they have her go over Trish.

    Didn't she suffer that nasty injury at the hands of Victoria at a house show, and can't wrestle because of it?

    Trish wrestled on the house shows this past weekend so that's not so much a problem.

  7. He suggested an angle whereby he would replace Theodore Long as SmackDown! GM. If that could not happen, he also pushed to serve as a manager for Mike Mizanin, should he eventually debut on WWE TV.

    We're sorry, the correct answer is "job me to Undertaker".

    Correction: We're sorry, the correct answer is "job me to Danny Basham."

    Corrected Correction: We're sorry, the correct answer is "job me to Joy Giovanni."

  8. BAD LUCK?


    This guy is scum that abused everything he had that was given to him and that's why he's in the shape he is now.

    Dave Scherer's analysis of this event as "bad luck" for Luger was horrible wording. Luger had the ability to prevent this so-called "bad luck" from occurring by not (allegedly) drinking and driving in the first place.


    The only real luck here was "good luck" for the innocent people that Luger could have killed had he not been stopped.

  9. From AP:


    OKLAHOMA CITY - A state senator has a plan for saving Oklahoma's gamefowl industry now that cockfighters are legally prohibited from pitting birds fitted with razor-like spurs.


    State Sen. Frank Shurden, a longtime defender of cockfighting, is suggesting that roosters be given little boxing gloves so they can fight without bloodshed. The proposal is in a bill the Democrat has introduced for the legislative session that begins Feb. 7.


    "Who's going to object to chickens fighting like humans do? Everybody wins," Sen. Frank Shurden said.


    Oklahoma voters banned cockfighting in 2002. The practice is still legal in Louisiana and New Mexico.


    More from AP via Yahoo here...

  10. I should also point out that Keller has now thrown his hat in the pot and is saying his WWE source claims it is in fact true. This is going to get fun. Just sit back and watch the war of the wrestling reporters, folks.

    I've so missed these IWC wars.


    I don't know what Keller is doing. The story was that a Smackdown cancellation announcement had already been made. That story has been proven to be false.


    Anything else is just speculation.

  11. I smell bullshit on Meltzer.


    All he does is call up the companies involved and ask if they can deny the rumor. And they will, until they announce it publically, which is how companies work.


    I think it's a lot less unlikely that a reporter interviewing the President of CBS Networks took a comment out of context, than it is that some wrestling dirtsheet called up the front desk and said "Hey, is this true?" and is wont for companies, they said it's not.


    Tivo said their deal with Netflix was bullshit, too. And then weeks later they announced it. =b

    I think Meltzer is right on this one. The Oakland Tribune reporter got her quotes from the Television Critics Association gathering last week where there were a lot of other reporters present. In order to believe her story, one would have to believe that she was the only one out of that whole room of reporters listening when Moonves supposedly announced the Smackdown "cancellation".

  12. WWE.com has posted the PPV schedule, with locations for most events, through Royal Rumble '06.  Most notably, it looks like SummerSlam will be at the MCI Center in Washington DC, Survivor Series will be in Detroit, and next year's Rumble will be in Miami. 


    Summerslam | Sunday, August 21, 2005 | Washington DC 

    RAW & SmackDown! PPV

    The placement of SummerSlam in D.C. has to be a Batista thing considering that's his home area.

    ... Or that it's just a good market with a 20,000 seat arena.


    D.C. hasn't been a good market for wrestling in years. TV ratings and house show attendances are below WWE averages for comparable areas. The indies don't run much around D.C. if at all.

  13. WWE.com has posted the PPV schedule, with locations for most events, through Royal Rumble '06. Most notably, it looks like SummerSlam will be at the MCI Center in Washington DC, Survivor Series will be in Detroit, and next year's Rumble will be in Miami.


    Summerslam | Sunday, August 21, 2005 | Washington DC

    RAW & SmackDown! PPV

    The placement of SummerSlam in D.C. has to be a Batista thing considering that's his home area.

  14. I feel so bad for Hassan and Daivari.  From the very start, we all knew it was a bad idea and its starting to come into effect.  :(

    I'm not all that sympathetic for Hassan and Daivari if only because they had a hand (even if perhaps reluctantly) in creating these personas.


    I feel bad for any Arab-Americans (and those mistaken as such) who may have the unfortunate luck to encounter such riled up fans without the benefit of WWE security.

  15. Heavy promotion?

    I never even heard of this show.


    What the hell was it?

    It was some thing where a wealthy rancher had to decide which one of various scheming friends and relatives would inherit his ranch.


    The Will probably would have lasted through its one run had it aired on some other night. Saturday nights don't really work for broadcast network reality shows, outside of maybe the Cops/America's Most Wanted pairing.


    Let's just all be thankful that Amazing Race 6 didn't get stuck on Saturdays as originally scheduled.
