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Celtic Guardian

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Posts posted by Celtic Guardian

  1. "John Cena might be one of the greatest...entertainers of all-time, but when I step into that ring with him, I'm going to out-...uh...I'm going to kick his BUTT. No one can wr...uh...no one can...shit...uh...do what I do, as well as I can. I entertain very well...fuck it. This is ridiculous. I'll just wrestle in Japan."


    I'm pretty sure they'll still use the word 'wrestle', or variations there-of, as and when, don't panic. It's supposedly against the rules to use the word 'fan' anymore and Grisham used it about 6 times in one match on ECW last week that I noticed. I'm pretty sure he still has a job, right?


    When they change it to "World Entertainment Entertainment", we can all take the suicide pills. Until then, just keep telling yourself it's going to be okay.


    More like World Entertaining Entertainment to keep the tenses consistent.


    I'll just stick to World Wrestling Entertainment. It's simpler.

  2. Where I'm living now is right smack in the middle between Baltimore and Washington, but the THE team here is the Redskins. #2 would be Navy Football, and #3 would be the Ravens. However, the Raven fans tend to disappear if the team loses more than one game in a row while you'll see Redskin and Navy fans all over the place even when the teams win 3 games (or less) in a season. Maryland Basketball would be #4, with Maryland Football being a distant #5. The Orioles still have some fan support, but have been so bad for so long that it's starting to fade. The Nationals (I hate the "Nats" nickname) had a real chance to gain a foothold but screwed it up royally. This was not a surprise.


    EDIT: Actually, I'd say Navy Football might actually be #1, or at the very least #1A.


    In the Washington, D.C. area proper, the Redskins would obviously be #1 and it's not even close.


    The battle is for #2 where the Capitals may be jumping ahead of everyone else. I'd probably put the Wizards at #3, Maryland basketball at #4 and the Nationals as #5, that's being generous.

  3. That's totally bush league for JR to mention Lance's personal problems in such a manner. Even if he was a total wreck on the flight, that's between him and his employer. I don't see how WWE gains by bad-mouthing Cade in a public forum. The company should be above responding to bogus internet rumors.


    Whether Cade did or didn't do something wrong, JR's blog post is clearly a violation of Cade's medical privacy. JR should have simply left the firing as a private issue and not addressed it further. This kind of innuendo mongering is beneath him.

  4. Another Cyber Sunday ballot item announced on WWE.com, a choose the tag team pair.

    ...only the top vote-getting match of the following three potential matches will take place.


    - World tag champs Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes defending vs. CM Punk & Kofi Kingston

    - John Morrison & The Miz vs. Cryme Tyme

    - Jamie Noble & Mickie James vs. William Regal & Layla

  5. Well, since they will be on the West Cost, maybe he can do a spot on Jay Leno the night before.


    Leno's guests are usually higher up the celeb food chain, even WWE can't land guests there very often. Maybe TNA would have a better shot at Kimmel or Ferguson.


    On the earlier note, the fact that TNA is doing its first non-Orlando based Impact should be a bigger deal in the headlines. I'm more than curious to see if the regular show can draw a paid audience so far away.

  6. Well, now that at least the distraction is gone, I look forward to the rest of the season. Hopefully the team can rally together and start winning some games.


    This firing "for cause" business seems like an open invitation for legal action and continued distraction.




  7. Judging by the last two posts, looks like Hardy is F-I-R-E-D.


    Well, at least he had a nice run. But in the end, he'll probably be like a Scott Hall, always messed up, good mid carder/IC champion, but could NEVER get it straight for the big one.


    There's still not enough here to tell much of anything. Nobody with direct knowledge of the situation has publicly alleged yet that drugs have anything to do with it. Barring such a connection, we're left with (maybe) questionable behavior on an airline flight, not really third strike material. Jeff Hardy won't be bounced from WWE based on speculation, there needs to be something real and provable.


  8. Mick Foley agrees to terms says the Torch.


    Mick Foley has agreed to terms with TNA and will debut as soon as he is contractually free to do so. His WWE contract expires within days.

    Foley's TNA deal was worked out with help from Spike TV, which may have subsidized the contract. He may end up being involved in other Spike TV projects.


    The Torch mentioned possible scenarios as a commentator or on-air commissioner though I'd have to think that he would step into the 6-sided ring at some point.

  9. Keeping him off TV for a whole year and not taking a hit is going to be tough. If he is indeed out that long, maybe they should give him a brief run on color commentary? He didn't too badly last time (HHH/Hardy I think?), he obviously knows his stuff as far as wrestling goes both from being a wrestler and being a fan as a kid, not like he wouldn't be comfortable talking, potentially solves the Cole/Lawler problem they have.


    For a significant portion of the WWE fanbase, Cena is a star, someone special beyond themselves. Turning him into a color commentator for an extended period would make him ordinary. WWE should not do that.

  10. Wasn't this bitch supposed to spark the renaissance of women's wrestling? Wasn't that five years ago?


    Look around you, she did spark it. Without the effort spearheaded by Gail Kim & Awesome Kong, we wouldn't have a successful TNA Knockouts Division or WWE's Divas Division response.
