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Everything posted by strummer

  1. strummer

    The HOF DVD

    Loved the DVD. The best part of Heenan's speech is when he talks about Vince asking him to go on the road with Flair in 91. Bobby's response was "great, now I have to go on the road with Larry Flynt over here" Flair just loses it at this point. The vein in his head was ready to burst because he was laughing so hard. Bobby also got some great one liners about Pat Patterson and Verne Gagne. I also liked Tito's speech. He seemed genuinely honored to be inducted. I was suprised to hear Harley Race compliment the King gimmick he was given, I had thought he would have hated it. As for the extras, well, those matches did not hold up well for me from when I saw them as a kid. Man, JYD was terrible in the ring, his punches were worse than Lita's and Shane McMahon's. But he oozed charisma and was way over. The Santana/Valentine match holds up well for today. Muracco/Morales was not that great, but had great heat. I'd definitely recommend it.
  2. strummer

    The Old School questions thread

    What was the last show Vince McMahon did commentary for (not counting guest spots)?
  3. strummer

    Movies you wanted to see badly

    Without a doubt Coneheads. Now I wasn't expecting a masterpiece, but what I got was the most boring 2 hours of my life. With the comedic talent in the movie, it should have been MUCH better, not great or anything, but better. Copland I was stoked to see and was thoroughly disappointed
  4. strummer

    This Week in Baseball

    Finally, the last weekend of Interleague Play. Thank God. The Cubs/Sox actually get the Sunday Night ESPN time slot. I guess the country is sick of the Yankees killing the Mets.
  5. strummer

    OAO Smackdown Thread

    Quote of the night by Cole (in a serious tone): "There is nothing pretty about John Bradshaw Layfield in the ring" Michael Cole, the only man in the world with absolutely no sense of irony