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Everything posted by strummer

  1. strummer

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    I've said it already but the Mets are going back to their old ways. They're swinging at anything and everything, bailing pitchers out with terrible AB's with MOB, and giving up homerun after homerun
  2. strummer

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    The Yankees have called up Scott Erickson to replace Tanyon Sturtze on the 25 man roster. That sound you hear is Colter Bean banging his head on the Columbus Clippers lockeroom wall.
  3. strummer

    TWiB #6: May 8 - May 14

    The Mets (sans Delgado and Beltran) are going back to their old ways and swinging at anything and everything. The plate discipline the team showed the first 2 or 3 weeks of the season seems to be gone. Doesn't help that Jose Reyes seems to no longer be able to hit left handed. There was no way the Mets could play at the rate they were but the way they've been playing the last week is eerily reminiscent of the 2003-2005 debacles.
  4. strummer

    TWIB #5: 1 May - 7 May

    Adam Larouche hits a homerun to left center to give the Braves the lead. The Mets bullpen has been much better than expected but they have been hurt by the long ball
  5. strummer

    The Sopranos-Season 6

    AJ is such a pussy
  6. strummer

    Box Office Report...

    Why all the Spade hate? Schneider? OK. But Spade. Really? He's still one of the funniest guys out there IMO
  7. strummer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    hey, Mickie never chewed gum. And Trish doesn't have the voice down. Mannerisms yes, voice no.
  8. strummer

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    Wow, way to make RVD look like a complete jobber
  9. strummer

    TWiB: Week of April 16-22

    I'm worried about how Randolph uses the pen. By this rate, Sanchez's arm is going to fall off my mid June. Same thing with Looper and Hernandez last year. Why not use Chad Bradford once in a while?
  10. strummer

    Aj vs Big Poppa Pump at next ppv??

    Meltzer's Update:
  11. strummer

    Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

    Booker, like many WCW guys, was unable to adjust to the WWE style. The lone exception to that seems to be Rey, who works the WWE style to perfection and has had some off the best matches of his career using it.
  12. strummer

    OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

    I see a bunch of skits with a pregnant Stephanie as interim GM
  13. strummer

    South Park Season 10 starts tomorrow

    I was a Freshman in College when the show debuted. Damn I feel old. Beavis and Butthead was popular when I was in High School, no South Park yet. DAMN.
  14. strummer

    The Super pre-SNME Thread

    another Survivor Series finish
  15. strummer

    WWE Wrestler Salaries

    Trish making more than double the other women is some sort of cosmic justice or maybe she just has a really good agent. I remember her getting a SWEET deal back in 2000
  16. strummer

    The Old School questions thread

    He was performing in Las Vegas at the same time the WWF was in town for WM 9. Vince saw him, liked him, and hired him on the spot. Very similar to how Jameson got his job. Vince and Linda saw him perform at some sort of theater and Vince went backstage and hired him on the spot.
  17. strummer

    SNL Review

    So apparently MAD TV made fun of Lazy Sunday last night. I don't watch the show, anyone know what happened? Being that it was MAD TV it was probably lame
  18. strummer

    78th Academy Awards

    off topic, but can't Sandra Bullock and Keunu Reeves just admit they are banging each other instead of doing the "LOL we're just friends" bit.
  19. strummer

    78th Academy Awards

    it's going to be hard to adjust to the fact that Sandra Bullock was in a movie that won Best Picture
  20. strummer

    78th Academy Awards

    YES!! Crash wins!!!
  21. strummer

    78th Academy Awards

    Crash is officially fucked
  22. strummer

    78th Academy Awards

    Holy Shit the brother on Judging Amy wrote Capote. Who knew
  23. strummer

    78th Academy Awards

    I have to say that I've been very impressed with Stewart tonight. I had reservations and was pissed that Conan was jobbed again, but he has been very funny tonight. If he would only bring this energy to the DS every day instead of mailing it in, my opinion of him would increase ten fold.