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Everything posted by strummer

  1. strummer

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    HHH/Cena v Rey/Angle/Orton on SNME
  2. strummer

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    HHH: "You happen not to be that great of a wrestler" Crowd: YEAH!!!
  3. strummer

    OAO 2/18 Impact Thread

    fake lesbian tension! with Jackie and Gail
  4. strummer

    WWF/E Tidbits from the past

    In regards to Shawn/HHH from WM-17 didn't that cause them to not speak to each other for almost a year? I believe Hunter was upset because he had to a clean job without the Shawn run in. When Shawn came back in the Spring of 2002 I believe they made nice-nice
  5. strummer

    Super Bowl XL

    If the game ends in this score, who's the MVP? (no official jokes) Has to be Hines Ward I guess
  6. strummer

    Super Bowl XL

    Steelers 3 and out
  7. strummer

    Super Bowl XL

    3 and out for the Seahawks
  8. strummer

    Super Bowl XL

    I love how Madden is still yammering about the Steelers running on 3rd down to play for the field goal
  9. strummer

    Super Bowl XL

    Touchdown Seahawks!!! We have ourselves a ballgame!!!
  10. strummer

    Super Bowl XL

    good night folks. This ones over.
  11. strummer

    2006 NFL Off-Season

    This team is going to suprise a lot of people. They're winning this division hands down!!
  12. strummer

    What was your first film experience

    The first one I remember seeing in the theater was one of Muppet movies from the early 80s
  13. Rey isn't fighting Angle for the title at WM. It's going to be Angle v Orton
  14. Alvarez: - Goldust and Jim Duggan are backstage at the show and will be in the Rumble.
  15. strummer

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    He signed with the Mets.
  16. strummer

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Jorge Sosa signs with the Braves http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=Atf4...ov=ap&type=lgns
  17. Meltzer's update: Hope you enjoyed your career Orlando
  18. strummer

    Best WWE era?

    The Period from Orndorff's heel turn on Hogan in 86 till WM 6 All of 92 Survivor Series 96 till Summerslam 98
  19. strummer

    *Smackdown Spoilers*

    Meltzer: I assumes this means Shawn goes over Angle tomorrow as they are playing up that Kurt was screwed.
  20. strummer

    SNL Review

    Amy looked really really hot with the new tan. Anyone who saw Will Arnett on Conan knows why
  21. strummer

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    That Rams team will always be on my shit list because of the Flipper Anderson playoff game against the Giants. I believe the game was played on New Year's Eve (Edit: Jan 7) and I still remember Anderson bumping into a fat guy before running down the tunnel into the clubhouse after catching the TD. For those who don't know, Bill Parcells called the 89 Giants the most talented team he ever coached and was certain they were going to win the SB. To this day, he calls it the most disappointing game of his career
  22. strummer


    Stephanie McMahon was born in 1976, which would make her 18 or 19 in 94/95
  23. strummer

    2005-06 MLB Offseason Thread

    Red Sox sign Julian Tavarez to a 2 year deal.
  24. strummer

    D'Lo Brown in WWF 1999

    Russo was a big fan of D-Lo. He looked out for him in booking and wanted to push him hard. Vince wasn't sold on him and when Russo left D-Lo was buried