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Everything posted by strummer

  1. strummer

    Signature Movies

    Stallone-Rocky Deniro-Taxi Driver Cruise- Top Gun Bill Murray- Ghostbusters Steve Martin- The Jerk Meryl Streep- Sophie's Choice Meg Ryan- When Harry Met Sally
  2. strummer

    Who Was........

    Ray Licachelli
  3. strummer

    Adios Ty Law

    I don't know their cap situation, but if the Chiefs don't make a run at him, they will be wasting a Super Bowl quality offense
  4. strummer

    Cornette or Heenan

    Yes, I remember watching the match a few days ago on the Benoit DVD, his comments stick out like a sore thumb in that match and come across as amazing distasteful. Andre/Hogan was always going to be a huge match, granted Andre needed someone to talk for him because of his accent but Heenan didn't make Andre any more over by being his manager, the heel turn and the fact it was on Hogan made Andre so over. Studd and Bundy were never truly over and any heat they had once again came from their clashes with Andre and Hogan And Orndorff and Flair didn't need Heenan to get them over, they were already over or would have easily have been capable of getting themselves over if need be. The fans hated Heenan, and then by proxy anyone associated with Heenan. Heenan helped Andre because Bobby was the thorn in Hogan's side, always trying to end Hulkamania. He talked for Andre and was able to get the match over as a spectacle, an ultimate confrontation. He helped Orndorff for the same reason. He didn't get him over, but helped him get more over. Bundy and Studd were over in mid 80s WWF, if you see the HOF DVD, Studd was getting mega heel heat during his run. His constant praising of Flair helped out with the fans who may not have known about Flair's NWA days. Heenan put over Flair as a wrestling God
  5. strummer

    Cornette or Heenan

    WOW, I think that's the first time I've ever read that on a wrestling board. I thought everyone found Bobby funny, but to each his own
  6. strummer

    Cornette or Heenan

    and Bobby may have lost his comedic touch for a few years, but he got Jim Ross and Paul Heyman to break character at WM 17 with his "Hey Tony!" line at the beginning of the gimmick Battle Royal. And he got multiple standing ovations during his HILARIOUS HOF induction speech in 04
  7. strummer

    Cornette or Heenan

    Bobby didn't help Andre, Studd, Bundy, Orndorff, Flair?
  8. strummer

    Cornette or Heenan

    again Bobby did put over the wrestlers and the match, he just didn't do it by talking about the psychology and workrate. His mocking of the faces and praising of the heels put the wrestlers over. Tenay put over the psychology, moves and workrate and Bobby did the insulting and heeling. I wast just watching an old Thunder from 99 and Bobby and Tenay worked fine together, it was actually Tony getting in the way. Tenay loved working with Bobby, and I think both couldn't stand Tony.
  9. strummer

    Cornette or Heenan

    BTW, Cornette considers Heenan the best wrestling manager ever and is one his wrestling idols
  10. strummer

    Cornette or Heenan

    but you can argue that Bobby's favoring of the heels and making fun of the faces DID get the wrestlers over. Bobby might not have explained the psychology of the match or explain certain nuances of in ring wrestling, but he did put the wrestlers over through his heel persona.
  11. strummer

    Cornette or Heenan

    For those who saw Cornette in his prime, what made him so funny?, I really can't imagine him being funnier than Heenan, but to each his own I guess. I certainly didn't find WWF work that funny. And for those who criticize Bobby for not focusing on the match, watch Royal Rumble 92. He could focus on the match when he wanted to, but it just didn't suit his personality or character
  12. strummer

    Worst feud going into a match?

    I always thought the Shawn/Bulldog Diana angle from 96 was a very lame reason for a world title feud. Davey Boy got it squashed before it really even started, so that month of build was rendered pointless. Bret/Jean Pierre Liefette feud in 95 over Bret's leather jacket. The Bulldogs/Islanders feud in 88 over the Matilda kidnapping. Heenan made it somewhat watchable, if it was anyone else other than him, it would have gone down as one the worst angles ever. Bad News Brown's sewer rats vs Jake's Snake from Summerslam 1990. Brian Christopher and the Blue Meanie had a very brief feud on Shotgun/Jakked/Metal over who was the better dancer
  13. strummer

    The Old School questions thread

    any idea why MSG House Shows stopped airing live on the MSG network? I loved watching them as a kid.
  14. strummer

    Cornette Firing/Russo Hiring

    but wasn't Cornette fired right after that Raw aired? Supposedly that was the "last straw" for Vince. Wasn't Cornette the main booker along with Vince for most of 96, into 97? He may not have been head booker, but he was the guy with the most clout. I also believe Jake Roberts was on the booking team at the same time.
  15. Deep down I really don't think they mean harm or anything by doing this. It's just that the McMahons see everything through a business perspective. Vince's life IS the wrestling business. I honestly don't believe they know they are being insensitive when they do things like this. It's not an excuse, just an observation.
  16. strummer

    Predictable TV

    On the Cosby Show, Cliff was always interrupted when trying to eat his abnormally large submarine sandwich. On Family Ties, Alex showing he actually does have compassion. By the next episode, I guess we were supposed to forget this, as he was back to being heartless On Head of Class, the kids always questioning Howard Hessman's teaching style, only to learn he was "teaching them a lesson in life" in the end
  17. strummer

    Cool finishes

    Survivor Series 94, Luger has enough strength to small package Tatanka, but Bundy quickly comes in and splashes him before he can take a breather and recover. It happened so quick and looked flawless. Which was very suprising given the workers in the ring.
  18. strummer

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers from Philly

    All that build for that payoff? UGH They didn't even try to make it dramatic
  19. strummer

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers from Philly

    complete spoilers are up at PWI
  20. strummer

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers from Philly

    I think she's there for the whole Teddy/Board of Directors/Carlito angle
  21. strummer

    Favorite 80s WWF Skits

    80s WWF was partly known for its corny, campy, over the top skits. A lot of old time fans didn't like them, but a a lot of them, IMO, were really entertaining. Fuji Vice!! The Hart Foundation's Secret Liar (infiltrated by Mean Gene) Funk Brothers Barbeque (Lord Alfred Hayes is part of the meal) Rick Steamboat's 3 levels of becoming a Ninja At home with the Macho Man (Playgirl calling him everyday) A Very Piper Christmas Hulk Training Mean Gene
  22. strummer

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    they're already hyping next week's show due to sweeps. Didn't work last year as ratings actually went down with all the announced matches
  23. strummer

    Ask Al, Part II

    could Mike Piazza have a bounce back season?
  24. strummer

    The WWE Raw Thread for 02-21-05

    crowd boos mention of Smackdown
  25. strummer

    James E. Cornette

    it's amazing that Jim Cornette has been employed by Vince McMahon for 12 years considering they are at TOTAL opposite ends of the spectrum on what wrestling is supposed to be. I can't believe the relationship has lasted this long. Cornette and WWF just didn't seem to mix, but he's lasted for well over a decade, and Heyman can't last a long weekend.