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Everything posted by strummer

  1. strummer

    Worst booked title reign ever?

    Even as a 7 year old, I had high expectations for the Bulldogs as champs, and it was SO disappointing. It was a mixture of incredibly bad luck and some pretty ineffective booking(although it was primarily the fault of the product at the time). I've heard that Vince didn't get behind the Bulldogs as champs, because they spent too much time in Japan, thus the weak reign for Davey and Dynamite.
  2. strummer

    Worst booked title reign ever?

    Maybe a stretch, but the Bulldogs run with the tag titles in 86 was far from spectacular. They were made to look incredibly weak against Studd and Bundy on Superstars, proving they couldn't compete with the big guys on top. Plus, they lost the titles in the most embarrassing of fashions. The Harts had a much better reign. The Hardys short run with the belts in summer of 99. They needed Michael Hayes of all people to even "compete" against the Acolytes. Bret's transitional title reign for Shawn from Nov. 95 to March 96 was the beginning of the end for Bret as a top face. No face could look that bad and expect to be a strong champion
  3. strummer

    What if?

    What is the steroid trials never happened and Shawn and Bret were never given singles pushes?
  4. strummer

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    wwe.com is labeling Stacy the star of the "Basic Instinct" Spoof. Lame. It was all Benoit, Jericho, and Christian! Politics!
  5. strummer

    Who should of won the WWE world title...

    Well Dibiase was going to get a run as champion in 88. He was going to win the tournament at WM 4 and then job the title to Savage at the first Summerslam. It would have been interesting to see how well he would have drawn in those 5 months. I'm probably saying this because it was my favorite period in wrestling ever, but Piper and Orndorff deserved reigns in the mid-late 80s. I believe they both could have done good business, but it would have been too much of a risk to take the title of Hogan
  6. What are some of the terms that have gone out of style on the net. The vocabulary has changed slightly since I came on the net in 97. Defunct terms: So and so wrestler is a "stiff" (been replaced by "hoss") WWF "lemming" (been replaced with WWE "Apologist") "Workrate Freak" (very popular term in the mid-late 90s, doesn't seem to get used that often anymore) "Quarter Hour Breakdowns" ( a product of the Monday Night Wars ending) "Garbage Wrestling" (went out of style when wrestling changed from brawling over the arena to exclusively inside the ring, also because of the death of ECW) "Herbe Kunze is an asshole" (self explanatory as Herb gave up on American wrestling and doesn't update anymore) So and so wrestler is "WALKING!~!" ( because CRZ stopped doing recaps and death of Monday Night Wars) Think of any others?
  7. strummer

    Roger Maris is NOT a Hall of Famer

    I think you're pushing it saying he knows much about the NFL as well. Probably. Greenberg is an NBA guy, he covered the Bulls during their dynasty in the 90s. He knows some football, but is absolutely clueless about baseball. M & M is a terrible show for baseball fans, as neither host is a fan or knows anything about the game
  8. strummer

    Roger Maris is NOT a Hall of Famer

    Long time listeners of M & M know that Greenberg knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about baseball. He's an NBA/NFL guy who is "forced" to talk about baseball.
  9. strummer

    Out of Style Wrestling Terms

    "Lemming" was a chic term used on the net in 98 and 99 when the casual fans were invading WWF's audience. It was definitely used on the sites I visited at that time
  10. strummer

    Most Humiliating Losses

    What are some of the most humiliating losses for big name wrestlers? Bret Hart jobbing to Yokozuna at WM. (terribly embarrassing loss for Bret IMO) HHH to Ultimate Warrior at WM 12 (in retrospect, was not suprising at the time) Arn Anderson to Renagade (speaks for itself) Ricky Steamboat losing the IC title to Honky Tonk Man (great worker who had just reached his peak in credibility in the WWF, jobbing his newly won title to a low card gimmick guy)
  11. strummer

    Fox to "Cut Down" Arrested Development

    I Fucked up the tagline, I thought American Dad was the reality show where the girl has to choose who her real father is. I could see Bravo picking up the show if it is cancelled
  12. strummer

    Most Humiliating Losses

    Benoit lost to David Flair? When was this? I know Dean Malenko lost to Junior Flair at Bash at the Beach 1999 and I thought Benoit ended up beating Flair for the U.S. Title. Then again, I wasn't a dedicated viewer of WCW in 1999 anyway.
  13. strummer

    Pontiac Silverdome Attendence

    Did Vince and Zane Bresloff have a falling out over this? I pretty sure Zane helped out Vince with the Rock N' Wrestling Boom in the 80s.
  14. strummer

    Should the Ultimate Warrior..

    Flair said that Warrior was the least talented wrestler he's ever been in the ring with, and that is saying something for a man who has wrestled El Gigante,Vince Russo, Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff
  15. strummer

    Most Humiliating Losses

    Arn and Tully doing clean jobs around the horn to the Bushwackers in 1989. Benoit losing to David Flair Hennig's job to Brutus Beefcake at WM 6, yes it was a fluke ending, but it killed any momentum or credibility Hennig had towards being a top guy.
  16. strummer

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    more from PWI:
  17. strummer

    Pontiac Silverdome Attendence

    Meltzer has stated in the past that if the Silverdome could have fit 93,173, Hogan and Andre would have done that number. The number is a work. Vince told Meltzer that he worked the number because everything on TV was "in storyline" even the attendance numbers
  18. strummer

    SNL Review

    I think the idea was that since Darrell was older than the other castmembers, he would be disinterested in that teeny bopper stuff
  19. strummer

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    So she was a stripper just in Japan? WTF?
  20. strummer

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    Another thing with this "boys being boys" stuff is that if management really wanted them to stop, they would tell the lockeroom to do so. Stacy Keibler was ribbed constantly when she came to the WWF in 2001 (some pretty nasty ones too), but since management loved her and saw dollar signs, the lockeroom was told to "lighten up" on her. It's all relative, and I guess they don't see Amy as that vital to business. (at least at this moment)
  21. strummer

    Which era did you prefer?

    Feb. 96-Oct.96 was the only time I ever preferred WCW to WWF. The Savage/Flair storyline and later the NWO got me hooked on Nitro. I grew tired of the NWO stuff once Bischoff joined and the Piper storyline started up and got into WWF again when Austin was on the rise and the Hart Foundation angle was in full force. As a whole I preferred WWF 98-2000, but it really comes down to do you watch for wrestling or sports entertainment? WCW had better in ring wrestling but WWF had the better storylines and star power.
  22. strummer

    Amy Weber done with WWE?

    According to LOP, she was mad at Randy Orton for him ribbing her about a back injury she had. Amy was the only diva search girl to show some personality and Charisma, so I will miss her in that regard. No big loss, but she wasn't totally useless like the other nameless women.
  23. Which Hogan programs did the best business in the 80s? I would say Ordnorff is at the top of the list, then Andre, then Piper. After that, it gets sort of mirky. He did do pretty damn good business with Kamala, Boss Man, and Zeus. But how did he do against the Hercules, Killer Khans, Sikas, and Greg Valentines of the world. Basically how did he draw against the moderately pushed heels? Did he still do good business? Meltzer mentioned that during the 80/90s, the Hogan program that drew the least was the feud with Hennig in 1990. Did he draw worse with the "smaller" heels?
  24. strummer

    Paul London action figure

    Kidman figure looks like Judd Nelson
  25. strummer

    Moments you *did* see coming

    In that same vein, Kurt turning on Eddy last year. Saw it coming a mile away, but it was so effective it left a lasting impression.