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Everything posted by strummer

  1. strummer

    The NFL Week 10 OAO Thread

    well, Packers are going to win now, they recover the fumble and are already in Minnesota territory
  2. strummer

    The NFL Week 10 OAO Thread

    Vikings tie the game, but they may have tied it too fast, still over a minute for Favre
  3. strummer

    The NFL Week 10 OAO Thread

    Vikings get the ball back with a chance to tie
  4. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Loss, when did JR try to get back with WCW, between his firings in WWF, or was it during the Attitude Era?
  5. strummer

    The NFL Week 10 OAO Thread

    If Tiki Barber doesn't make the Pro Bowl this year, the whole thing is a joke, if it isn't already. He could go over 1,000 today, with half a season left.
  6. strummer

    Bill Murray and Lucy Liu

    Heard today that Billy Murray refused to be in the Charlie's Angels sequel if Lucy Liu was in the movie. The two reportedly couldn't stand each other on the set of the first movie and were constantly bickering. Does anyone know the story behind this? I thought he couldn't get along with any of the girls, but I guess it was just Liu. Anyone know the story?
  7. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Always will remember the huge pop for the supposedly heel Hall and Nash after they beat FOF. The NWO got the biggest face reactions on that show despite being the dominant top heel group
  8. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Turned heel in 2000. And he was more over than a lot of WCW, which is a sad commentary. -=Mike ...Hey, Loss, why wasn't Hart given the book ever? He was in charge of WCWSN, if memory serves, and it was a better boked show than Nitro or Thunder most weeks. Three-Count, the most criminally underused team ever, was his baby... Excellent question. I've always wondered this myself. I don't think he was lobbying for the big booking role. Well Hart was known for booking Memphis style with tons of gimmicks and pushes of big guys, don't know how that would have gotten over with WCW fans, especially the ones on the net. Look at WCWSN around the time, gimmicks galore, with "Jungle Man" Chuck Palumbo, "Hole in One" barry Darsow, Ed leslie's Indiana Jones ripoff, and the monster push of Hale.
  9. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    When did Paul Wight morph into his "Big Show" persona and act more natural instead of spitting and screaming all the time and essentially playing a cartoon character? I want to say around BATB 96, around there wasn't it?.
  10. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    I had just barely got on the net at the time, but did WCW and WCW fans really think the WWF was going to die when Bret signed with the company in 97? Was that a legit feeling at the time or just hyperbole?
  11. strummer

    And So it Begins

    Well, now the Post says that Waldman and Steiner will switch roles and Waldman will do radio and Steiner could be the new TV host. http://www.nypost.com/sports/33928.htm
  12. strummer

    And So it Begins

    some more very minor news for AS and all the Yankee fans, Fred Hickman is leaving the YES Network and going to ESPN. Bob Lorenz will replace him
  13. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Actually Loss, I remember the Black Scorpion angle and this was different. Steamboat was defintely there A mysterious figure appeared on the screen doing a voice synthesizer gimmick and taunted Steamboat. I'm pretty sure Harley was there. Could this have been Yoshi Kwan or something like that?
  14. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Where I live, the only WCW we got was Worldwide Friday Night/saturday Mornings at 2:30 AM on WSBK out of Boston. That was all the WCW I got until my cable company finally offered TBS in 1996. So along the lines of what Rudo asked, questions from my childhood. 1. I remember Vader squashing El Gigante in a match, I think from Japan, and Vader just destroyed him on the rampway. I think he may have used his mask contraption as a weapon Did this happen and when? 2. There was an angle where Flair went nuts on El Gigante and hit him with like 10 steal chair shots and then Gigante no sold and bodyslammed him. Did this build to a feud between the two, because I don't think they ever fought on a PPV? 3.I vaguely remember that before a Rick Steamboat squash match, a super ninja or some master ninja came up on the video board and someone did a voice over in one of those synthesizers while the figure was shadowed. He just threatened Steamboat and I think harley race was involved, but maybe not. What was this?
  15. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Have to add that WCW really missed the boat on Kim Page during this time period. Not that she was a great talent or anything, but she could have been a HUGE HUGE star if marketed properly. She could have been as big as Sable or Debra at the least. They could have done the whole Playboy thing before the WWF did, but I guess Standards and Practices would have put an end to that. In fact in 2001, Vince wanted to sign Kimberly more than he did DDP, but she wanted to become an actor instead. If she would have signed instead of moving to LA, she probably would have ended up the top female star in the WWF.
  16. strummer

    Did these matches ever happen?

    I really think the Sid feud hurt Goldberg as he was made out to look like an idiot by Russo's booking. No way Russo would have booked him correctly.
  17. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    One question I always wanted to know, was why was Madusa given an inexplicably huge push under Vince Russo? I mean, I know it's Russo and all, but she nad NO HEAT AT ALL . She even got a push during the Bischoff/Russo era and Russo brought her out of the mothballs in Oct. 99.
  18. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    He actually debuted in a throwaway vignette at raven's "House" He played a preppy type character by the name of Jim. Chastity also debuted in the vignette. He was completely repackaged as Hardcore Hak and this vignette was never mentioned again. I believe he left WCW because he was hurt severely in the Junkyard battle Royal at BATB 99.
  19. strummer

    WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

    Nash faked a heart attack to avoid doing a job to the Giant at Starrcade 97. savage refused to be involved in the new guard vs old guard feud in 99 unless he was part of the new guard, as he didn't want to be seen as old (even though he was in his late 40s)
  20. strummer

    Did these matches ever happen?

    For some reason, WCW fans just wouldn't cheer face Hogan, whether it be loyalty to the old NWA guard or because they were not used to that type of cartoon like character. Heel Hogan did great business in WCW, but when he turned in March 99, it killed whatever drawing power he had left.
  21. strummer

    Did these matches ever happen?

    I really think at this time it became apparent that Raw and Nitro had much different viewers, with WCW fans preferring a more athletic product and longer matches. There was really no way Nitro could have overtaken Raw in the ratings because they couldn't pull in that casual fan.
  22. strummer

    Best hyped PPVs?

    Even though it was panned as a bad show, I thought WM 15 was hyped very well. WM 5 simply for the Hogan/Savage breakup storyline Survivor Series 2003 because of the Austin storyline WM 7 was hyped to death, in fact it became sickening after a while with the pro-America promotion
  23. strummer

    Did these matches ever happen?

    Hogan, Scott Steiner, and Nash v Flair, Benoit, and Steve McMichael took place on the January 25th, 1999 edition of Nitro.
  24. strummer

    Did these matches ever happen?

    Hogan and Benoit were on opposite sides of a six man tag on Nitro in Feb. 99. I remember on the net at the time, people were going crazy that Benoit was forced to sell Hogan's shitty offense
  25. strummer

    Why is it that WWE are making all these blunders?

    I was thinking about this the other day. I really think that Vince's ego is so big that HE has to get credit for the WWE's success. The wrestlers are merely pawns that he plays with. In the 80s he gave everyone gimmicks to show that the gimmick HE gave them made the wrestlers stars, they didn't do it by themselves. This may sound ridiculous, but I think part of the reason Vince has always pushed roided up, big stiff workers is that so he can get the credit for making untalented wrestlers into big stars. He likes it when Meltzer always says "Vince has made some of the worst wrestlers ever into big stars". Meltzer has always praised Vince for making stars out of talentless workers. If Vince pushed talented workers, the workers would get all the credit and attention. In today's product, Vince has to make sure his "vision" of wrestling is shown, so he can get the credit for the success. If Raw featured great wrestling, Vince wouldn't get any credit, the wrestlers would. But if there is a lot of talking and angles, Vince get all the credit himself, because they were his ideas. Basically, the focus has to be on Vince, and not on the workers. Vince's ego makes sure that he gets all the credit, no matter what.