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Everything posted by EL BRUJ0

  1. EL BRUJ0

    What do YOU think?

    If I hear the words thesmartmarks, I will kill you.
  2. EL BRUJ0

    What do YOU think?

    I'm not hearing any blastbeats or growling vocals, and that makes me a very sad brujo.
  3. EL BRUJ0

    What do YOU think?

    Doth spoke teh music folder champ.
  4. EL BRUJ0

    The Royal Blue

    Why do I need to learn english? I'm never going to England.
  5. EL BRUJ0

    The *Real* TSM

    I think it's safe to say that Inc. response to the way this thread turned out will be: "This is not as hot as a thread as I anticipated."
  6. EL BRUJ0

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    While I agree that the self-titled debut of OBM set the standard for brutal gastrointestinal metal, the second album shouldn't even have been released. AoO only managed to flesh out a couple of basslines and a few drum machine programs before he was sent to prison. The band had to run ideas back and forth between the studio and Agent's cell, which made for probably some of the worst recording sessions in history. It's a shame that OBM won't even get any of the record sale profits, as all the money is going to the "Save Some Skin for Kotzenjunge" foundation. By the way, for those of you that don't have Oral Bowel Movement's debut, pick it up NOW. Here's the track listings: 1. Xtasy-fueled Mayhem 2. Baggy-pants Killing Brigade 3. Techno Death 4. Puking the boy 5. Glowstick Sodomy 6. The Bloodless Raver 7. Forced fed Pacifiers The Skinning of Kotzenjunge 8. Entombed in the Operating Room (prepping of the skin) 9. Steel Scraping Skin (taking of the skin) 10. Foreign Flesh Encloakment (wearing of the skin)
  7. EL BRUJ0

    The *Real* TSM

    Might as well get it "over" (OMG! smarkz0rz~!) with: This thread is ghey and likes to eet teh p00p.
  8. EL BRUJ0

    The *Real* TSM

    Since the title reads "The *Real* TheSmartMarks, for *real* TheSmartMarkers, what the fuck is a smartmarker?
  9. EL BRUJ0

    The *Real* TSM

    ^ cock-sucker
  10. EL BRUJ0

    The *Real* TSM

    +10 and... || || \/
  11. *remembers "Message to Jubuki" thread, laughs*
  12. EL BRUJ0

    The 2003 Smark Awards~!

    If nothing else comes from skinning Kotz, Agent can get some hype for whatever grindcore/gore/death metal band he decides to start.
  13. So that explains those cancerous growths on my stomach. *continues eating asbestos*
  14. You've already forced the bittertasting cock of disappointment down our throats once, I'll be damned if it happens again.
  15. EL BRUJ0

    I need a quiz team name...

    The Tea Hooligans
  16. EL BRUJ0


  17. EL BRUJ0


  18. EL BRUJ0

