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Everything posted by ...

  1. ...

    Who here is interesting.

    And just think, I'm only gettin' $8.00 an hour for this.
  2. ...

    Who here is interesting.

    *snort* GAAAH! Mr. Czech! Mr. Inc! I wasn't sleeping on the job! I take my work very seriously!
  3. ...

    Who here is interesting.

    Don't worry guys, I got you covered. If someone interesting shows up, you'll be the first to know.
  4. ...

    Who here is interesting.

    I said someone interesting shows up NOW.
  5. ...

    Who here is interesting.

    And someone interesting shows up now...
  6. ...

    Who here is interesting.

    Maybe three.
  7. ...

    TSM Emerald Nuts

    This Slut Means This Thread Is Ghey.
  8. ...

    In 25 words or less....

  9. ...

    The Bible is literally true. (Pages 1 2 3 ...15 )

    Man, Page 3 is always the hardest page to get through.
  10. ...

    A question for you gents

    Shhh... us modern posters frighten and confuse him.
  11. ...

    A question for you gents

    *folding up a crisp new 10er* Then he will become disgruntled, unlike his usual gruntled self.
  12. ...

    A question for you gents

    Oh, hey Fongus. *gets chokeslammed again* Well, I guess that settles that question, Slayer.
  13. ...

    A question for you gents

    Who am I to argue with KANE? *gets chokeslammed*
  14. ...

    A question for you gents

    SHUT UP AND START RE-NAMING PLANETS! I think Mercury should be "Replacement Muffler From a 1986 Ford Tempo."
  15. ...

    A question for you gents

    And the moon is named "Luna," but neither have entered popular usage. So I propose we follow Rando's suggestion and fuck with everyone by randomly renaming things. Next up, Jupiter is renamed "The Collision of the Andrea Doria and the SS Stockholm."
  16. ...

    A question for you gents

    We should name the Moon "God." Now what about names for the Sun? I was thinking either "Mid-size Incandescent Sphere of Mostly Hydrogen," "Fudgesicle," or "Leonard Cohen."
  17. ...

    A question for you gents

    I dunno, I do tend to fight like a girl...
  18. ...


    I posted in this thread? Jesus. Unclean! Just unclean.
  19. ...

    Stupid CE People

    WOW! Maybe he'll make a crack about Mexicans next!
  20. ...

    Oh my.

    Lemme guess. The Cramps? Or was it The Damned?
  21. ...

    Scott Keith's Book

    Any plans for summer?
  22. ...

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    Banky... Alph-Ray Ein-Klay...
  23. ...

    Scott Keith's Book

    Look guys! Astroturf head is trying an internet heel turn! AWWWWW.
  24. ...

    Scott Keith's Book

    Yes you are. You could write a book about at. BECAUSE IT'S A BRILLIANT OBSERVATION. You should hold seminars. YOU'LL MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS.