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Everything posted by ...

  1. ...

    The Youtube thread

  2. ...

    The Youtube thread

    Because... Angry German Kid... is a puppet...
  3. ...

    The Youtube thread

  4. ...

    Best Looking Championship Belts

    Call me crazy, but I grew rather fond of the Undisputed-then-WWE championship belt used from 2002-2005. Here's a fact to drive you round the bend: the spinner belt has been used LONGER than that incarnation of the belt. The current "Big Silver" ECW belt is growing on me to.
  5. ...

    The Youtube thread

  6. ...

    The Youtube thread

  7. ...

    The Youtube thread

    Your guess is as good as mine...
  8. ...

    Stupid, embarrassing shit you did as a kid

  9. ...

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Fun fact: I was there around noon.
  10. I wanted JBL to fail from '04 until he lost the belt. Because fucking Bradshaw was holding the belt. As someone who was behind the bell curve on wrestling trends, I also wanted Steve Austin shot in the face around Royal Rumble '97. Shows you what I know.
  11. ...

    Have you actually met anyone from the board?

    College with a creationist. Must've been a laff riot.
  12. ...

    Stupid, embarrassing shit you did as a kid

    My younger brother pulled the TV down onto himself and I was pissed that I couldn't watch cartoons.
  13. ...

    The Youtube thread

    Early challengers for "worst music video ever."
  14. ...

    Which poster would you most like to hang out with?

    I would have coffee with Inc., since we share similar tastes in many things. But I'm very tightly wound and he seems fairly mellow, so it would be brief.
  15. ...

    The Youtube thread

  16. So when did themes.xylot.net get nuked?
  17. ...

    The Youtube thread

  18. ...

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    Love that Milky's plaque is a typo.
  19. ...

    The Youtube thread

    "Pulp Fiction" in Engrish.
  20. ...

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    I've been considering writing to my MP (Prentice, he who is trying to smother DIGITAL PIRATE THIEF SCUM) and asking him to get rid of Harper and tell Tom Flanagan (the U of C prof who is the Canadian equivalent of Paul Wolfowitz) to fuck off. Basically, all the high-ranking Tories MPs have declared that there is universal support for Stephen Harper in caucas. If you go to a restaurant and the food arrives overcooked, the service is fast but rude, and you're not getting value for your dollar, and you keep going back there it doesn't make you a loyal customer; it makes you a dumb consumer. All this endless appealing to the base of the party makes him seem really insecure and needy.
  21. The "Kids In The Hall" return to television. Saw them live a few months ago. Thought some of their new material was grand especially when contrasted against a couple of sketches that didn't age well. I'm hoping this doesn't become another "Brain Candy."
  22. ...

    The Youtube thread

  23. ...

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    It's easy and fun to rag on the Creepy Sweater-Vest, but this blogger raises a very good point. Hell, I bet Preston Manning and Deborah Grey not kneeing him in the groin is a constant struggle.
  24. ...

    Campaign 2008: Canadian Version

    I still have the funny feeling this is an elaborate way for Stephen Harper to step down as leader and take a few of the opposition with him. Something about the whole thing just screams "nobody could be that stupid." Albertans have a yearning for fascism in all but name. The sooner we come to grips with that the better.