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  1. ...

    Covering Coverage

    http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2009/03/20/a...n-soldiers.html CLASSY.
  2. ...

    The Youtube thread

  3. ...

    TSM Hates The 90s

  4. ...

    The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

    I'll throw my name in the hat.
  5. ...

    The Youtube thread

  6. ...

    Puppy Fight I.

    Joe Clark has a school in New Jersey.
  7. ...

    The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

    The universe's most bitchin' stag party, that's what.
  8. ...

    Happy St. Patrick's Day

    I'm Northern Irish. I celebrated by marching up and down touting my sectarian superiority. So just another Tuesday night, I s'pose.
  9. ...

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Thanks all. A day late, but happy St. Paddy's day:
  10. ...

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    So I'm in the shoe store today, and I overhear a woman with serious birthmarks on her face going on to her teenaged kids about how high some of the shoes are, and how they looked just like "Will Smith" shoes from "Fresh Prince." (I believe the overweight teenage daughter had an ICP hoodie.) And so she earnestly questioned a staff member about "really high" shoes with "cartoon-like things on them," like "Will Smith" shoes. I wanted so badly to help, but I wanted more badly to leave and never ever come back. TSM, I turn my inquisitive eyes to you: what would you have done if you were in my position?
  11. ...

    The Agent of Oblivion question of the day

    Well, we could go for the Jovian variety with Callisto, Ganymede, Europa, and that wonderful fucking monster Io. Think about Io constantly erupting in the sky. That would be awesome.
  12. ...

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    Speaking of which, could someone recommend a place to start with Frank Zappa's catalogue?
  13. ...

    Your guilty pleasure of the moment

    <-- Not a guilty pleasure, per se, but most fans prefer his blues-inspired material rather than the hit.
  14. ...

    Pictures I Like

  15. No. The time is now. It's time! It's time! It's time to hate the Swiss!
  16. ...

    Moments So Contrived

    "Those beautiful Titan Motorcycles." Kane hasty heel turn to feud with the Undertaker in 2000 because The Big Show put on too much weight and was sent back to OVW. And within eight months they were frequent tag team partners. It did lead to CRZ referring to him as "Well It's Kane" for a few months, however.
  17. We've been drifting apart over the past fifteen years, especially the last five since I moved to a different town. It's the same between myself and my brother, not to mention that both parents (who come from loving families and who provided one for us) appear to be growing more distant to each other. My entire family seems to be alienating itself. Hopefully I can rectify this sorry state of affairs over the next few months. The dog my mom got to relieve the "empty nest" syndrome died of old age recently and I would have liked to have been there for her, so I've had my wake-up call. Of course, I look at the relationship between my wife and her very very very very possessive borderline mentally ill mother and I just cringe.
  18. ...

    The Youtube thread

    Michael Fuckin' York as the Antichrist makes anything worth watching.
  19. I daily brush my teeth in the shower, so there's saliva there in the rinse. Once in a blue moon I'll go for the urine, but if I'm particularly dehydrated then it tends to be stenching and I just hold off. Of course I make sure the tub surface is totally rinsed before I shut off the water. And for those who are squeamish about this, consider that unless you lower the lid of the toilet, the flushing of the water tends to vaporize that stuff around the bathroom in a major way, fecal and urinary. Think about that the next time you're brushing your teeth.
  20. ...

    The Youtube thread

  21. ...

    Awesome Wrestling Pictures

    I want to say either Black Blood or an early attempt at Big Van Vader.
  22. ...

    Wrestling Quirks

    Shawn Michaels' superkick started to gain magical powers around 1995. "Hey, why did Rob Van Dam just throw that chair at me? Good thing he threw it so gently, otherwise-- ERK." "Boy, this is a competitive match between a bunch of us high-flyers, huh? Weird we all ended up brawling by the foot of the entranceway. Hey, look! There's a guy climbing the ropes up there! Let's put our hands up while we stand here and look at him. What's the worst that could-- ERK."
  23. Alberta, Saskatchewan, North Dakota, Florida. And Alberta remains the champion, despite my living here, mostly for its southeast area. The Drumheller - Brooks - Medicine Hat area is like the worst qualities of the rural American South combined with nouveau riche natural resource money. Any band that doesn't play country and western or gospel is not permitted in Medicine Hat. Brooks perpetually smells like fresh shit. For a shithole town of about 10,000 people in the middle of nowhere, Drumheller has a very high percentage of crackheads. The Creation Science Museum is just the icing on the cake. And to top it all off, it makes Saskatchewan look scenic by comparison.