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Everything posted by godthedog

  1. godthedog

    Comments which don't warrant a thread.

    okay, i have nothing else to do tonight, so i decided i want to take the tracks from 'speakerboxxx' and 'the love below' & reorder them into one organic whole, and basically see if it works. and i need YOUR help. Intro Ghetto Musick Unhappy Bowtie The Way You Move The Rooster Bust War Church Bamboo (Interlude) Tomb of the Boom E-Mac (Interlude) Knowing Flip Flop Rock Interlude Reset D-Boi (Interlude) Last Call Bowtie (Postlude) The Love Below (Intro) Love Hater God (Interlude) Happy Valentine's Day Spread Where Are My Panties? Prototype She Lives in My Lap Hey Ya! Roses Good Day, Good Sir Behold a Lady Pink & Blue Love in War She's Alive Dracula's Wedding My Favorite Things Take Off Your Cool Vibrate A Life in the Day of Benjamin André (Incomplete) feel free to offer suggestions about what would go nicely with what, what should be cut, etc. and no "oh, they're two completely separate albums complete in themselves and you can't put them together it won't work" crap. unless you speak from experience, then tell me where it went wrong and help me learn from your mistakes so that i can succeed where you failed.
  2. godthedog

    Bruno Samartino

    what is bruno doing now, anyway? how is he making his living?
  3. godthedog


    yeah, you might be fucked. one girl i dated told me the first night we were going out.
  4. godthedog

    Yankees Fans

    red sox fans are numerous here. there was a big ass explosion of victory and partying on the streets of greenwich village when they won the series.
  5. godthedog

    Ask IDrinkRatsMilk

    why is 'new wave hookers' your favorite porn series?
  6. godthedog

    Recent Purchases

    veruca salt - 'american thighs' elvis presley - some random collection of horribly recorded live tracks called 'i was the one'.
  7. godthedog

    Here are some pictures from my Photobucket account

    that's marney.
  8. godthedog

    Violence/Religion in Film

    night of the hunter
  9. godthedog

    Pictures I Like

  10. godthedog

    Most Obscenely Funny Song

    "l.m.l.y.p." ween.
  11. godthedog

    Yet to Be Titled

    d'onofrio's character and noth's character would make a terrible combination. d'onofrio's character is terrible anyway, but mike logan would totally call him out on all his weird shit and demand that he not speak at all. then d'onofrio would stay in the corner or something and make all these narrow-eyed weird ass facial expressions, and noth would periodically stop interrogations and go "what the hell is wrong with you?"
  12. godthedog

    Ask IDrinkRatsMilk

    break down the nas/jay-z feud for me, in detail. nobody answered this in the music folder.
  13. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza.

    close enough, yeah. names in my phonebook: bob bruce willis coltrane coltrane home eldirektor godard hitchcock karaoke man (this would be alex, from los angeles) lars von trier pirate nora pixie pj harvey red light spazzo street spirit the man the stallion ughness ultimate dave vol. 1 your mom
  14. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza.

    my given name is right the fuck there on the main page. i don't see what the big deal is about avoiding screennames & such as phonebook entries. Squirtle! fits into my phonebook nicely, as most of my friends are saved under nicknames anyway ("spazzo," "street spirit," "hitchcock," "your mom," etc).
  15. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza.

    that's not me. that's alex. he's from los angeles.
  16. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza.

    i recorded that in a public place, by the way.
  17. godthedog

    Jay-Z dissing Game

    somebody sum up the nas/jay-z feud, in detail. i recently heard "takeover" and i was intrigued.
  18. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza.

    i'd totally leave inc a gay message if i had his number.
  19. godthedog

    Recent Purchases

    picked up 'the blueprint' yesterday. i don't know if it was worth 20 bucks, but it's a lot of fun.
  20. godthedog

    Top Three Most Played Albums in Recent Weeks

    it's a matter of taste, really. 'the mollusk' is a great little subversive pop record with a lot of humor and versatility, 'the pod' is just a really fucked up record. other than the catchy hook songwriting & wide range of styles, 'the pod' doesn't really have anything in common with 'the mollusk', and even the catchy hooks are buried pretty deeply under lots of meandering, experimenting, and general low-fi fuckedupness. even the sense of humor on 'the pod' is different, really dark and random. it's a VERY different kind of sound, and i think it's brilliant once you dig into it, but it requires a lot of effort and patience. you should probably test drive some tracks, like "right to the ways and the rules of the world," "laura" and "molly." those aren't the best tracks, but they're pretty representative of how it sounds.
  21. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza.

    i already had a little "valentine's day special" of my own, if you know what i mean. and i mean, of course, that i went to the movies with a girl from work i sorta like, had a discussion about pirates and ninjas with her afterward, and she went home.
  22. godthedog


  23. godthedog

    Top Three Most Played Albums in Recent Weeks

    'the pod' was the best album of the 90s.
  24. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza.

    i decided to see 'primer' anyway. it actually scared me in a really strange way, and i can't quite figure out why.
  25. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza.

    Ah, I'm glad to see someone else shares my fascination with Anna Karina. My god, that woman was/is beautiful. there's something incredibly erotic about that big fat close-up on her face when she goes to the movies in 'vivre sa vie'. and about the way she moves her body when she's dancing in the pool hall. she brings my loins alive, and god bless godard for worshipping her like he did.