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Everything posted by godthedog

  1. godthedog

    So . . .

    we now have a folder with topic titles like "Hmmm", "So. . ." and "Guts." i find this funny.
  2. godthedog

    So is there going to be a forum left by Saturday?

    marney rarely posted in CE anymore anyway. mike, JotW and others have long since taken over. in the past few weeks all she did was spout off the occasional "you're an idiot" one-liner, which is not exactly BRINGING THA CONTENT~! so don't cry for her. she was already dead. and even when she was alive, she was a female version of chris coey anyway. btw, did she make some announcement to a mod that she was leaving, or did she just close her account or something?
  3. godthedog


    the more young, hip, indie people i come across who tell me about the last chuck palahniuk book they read, the less i want to read him. which i guess makes me anti-antiestablishment. i read the first 30 pages or so of 'fight club' and can't remember a damn thing about it. i picked up one of his books (it might have been 'choke' but i don't remember), and the first sentence was, "Do not read this book." and my first thought was, "you are not clever. i am not reading this book." and i put it down. i'm not a fan of his 'gummo' imagery, or his one-liners, or his postmodernism. he seems like just another bad ass wannabe nihilist. the fact that i see so many people now try to write like him alarms me.
  4. godthedog

    Marney: RIP

    not as long as it stays on the internet. it takes all of 90 seconds to start a new thread. if banky was going to all his REAL friends and saying "woohoo, marney's GONE!" then that would give us pause. but, being an internet community, we all tend to make posts ABOUT this community. it's one of the things we talk about. like i'm doing right now, like you're doing right now. doesn't mean we take it very seriously.
  5. godthedog

    Ask Rob E

    i sense another alina incident coming on.
  6. godthedog

    Ask Incandenza

    what about your cellulitis?
  7. godthedog

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    random official person: What nationality are you? Ric Flair: I'm a drunkard! Whooooooo! Triple H: (in Vichy uniform, effeminately puffing a cigarette) That makes Ric a citizen of the world!
  8. godthedog

    Official "I saw Fahrenheit 9/11" thread......

    yeah, post was edited to make it more clear that i was referring to the degeneration of the whole discussion, not just those who think he's a fat, overrated, lying sack of shit. it's not the positions that are retarded (though many of them are), it's the discourse.
  9. godthedog

    Official "I saw Fahrenheit 9/11" thread......

    can we keep this as somewhat of a movies topic and not a current events topic? if you think that moore, beyond the film at hand being discussed, is a fat, overrated, lying sack of shit, or if you want to flame the people who keep saying it, please SHUT THE FUCK UP ABOUT IT ALREADY. WE GET IT. we got it here, and we got it here, and we got it here, and we got it here. it always turns into the exact same argument, it never gets anywhere, and it's mind-numbingly stupid. for the love of god, let us not have five threads of the same damn topic, especially where it doesn't belong.
  10. godthedog

    What are you listening to right now?

    odd. i was listening to that this morning.
  11. godthedog

    What are you listening to right now?

    sublime - "what i got"
  12. i'll chime in here to defend the "i quit" ending... the booking itself of the match is not terribly relevant. what made the ending great was what each guy was doing (especially austin) within the sequence. bret is holding on to the hold for dear life with a look of intensity that he rarely showed. austin, throughout the entire length of the hold, never stops working. he's always doing something. what sells the whole thing for me is that austin almost breaks the hold, something no one in the history of the company had ever done up to that point. austin fights and fights and fights through the pain, trying to outpower bret, and comes this close to getting out, but he's clearly in so much pain that he can't get his legs to move enough to escape, and bret recovers before austin can maneuver himself out. austin goes right back to thrashing around, and makes you believe his desperation and his pain. i haven't seen the wcw match in question, but i seriously doubt luger could do that kind of sell job. the BOOKING didn't make it great, AUSTIN and BRET made it great.
  13. I snipped the rest of your post out from the quote because this would have been all you needed to ask. Instead you added your own two cents and sand bagged Chris Coey in the process who is unable to give a rebuttal here on the board since he's banned. We know he can act like an asshole. Take this issue up with him where he can at least respond. Thanks. why get on to someone for talking shit about coey because he can't defend himself here, and let people slide on talking shit about alina & dj jeff? other than the fact that he writes for the main page.
  14. godthedog

    The one album you own that most others don't.

    there's a used copy of ^ floating around downtown athens that i've seen for something like 6 dollars. i might pick that up today. EDIT: turns out the place wasn't open, so i went to another record store & picked up a spoken word album of jason robards performing some eugene o'neill monologues. also for 6 dollars.
  15. godthedog

    Michael Moore Hates America

    having not seen the movie, and being ambivalent about moore as a filmmaker, i just want to say that leni riefenstahl is an overrated hack who got way more attention than she deserved. that is all.
  16. godthedog

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    that is an oxymoron. it is impossible to say just what i mean.
  17. godthedog

    RudoCurry Industries Present: A Flair for the Cade

    the amount of time that went into this idea deeply disturbs me. you obviously want to make it good, but you don't want it to seem too good or too well-thought out. you're making a post, you're not making a column: make it read like a really good post. make it effortless, and that you don't really give a shit about it. as it stands, it reads like you cared way too much about this thing. which makes it a really good read in a "wow, these guys worked a long time on a post on a message board...that's really creepy" way, as opposed to a really good read in a way more akin to rudo's 'family matters' booking tangent. there's my two cents. it is impossible to say just what i mean.
  18. 'godfather' is going to win anyway, just like it did in the first tournament, so it doesn't really matter anyway. it is impossible to say just what i mean.
  19. godthedog

    Has there ever been a 5 star match?

    i despise that match. it's just. so. boring. the five-minute bearhug, hogan's attempted piledriver to the floor...it's just so...stupid.
  20. i'm considering the idea of thinking about going. but i haven't quite made up my mind about considering the idea of thinking about going yet. i'll have to see.
  21. godthedog

    Demons made Clinton have an affair

    this was funny.
  22. godthedog

    Movies worth owning for just one part

    every time i see 'breathless', i like the 30-minute bedroom conversation a little more, and the rest of the movie a little less.
  23. godthedog

    Pitchforkmedia loves King Crimson

    i agree. i don't agree. IV still rocks it hardcore several different ways (save for "misty mountain hop"), and since i don't listen to the radio much, the songs still sound as fresh as i want them to. the transition especially from "going to california" to "when the levee breaks" is great. it's like they've been gently massaging your balls with the lovely timbre for the last 4 minutes, & when the drums kick in they suddenly clench your balls in a deathgrip and won't let go. those dynamics make for a great record.
  24. 'goodfellas' is 'godfather' with a shorter attention span. the camera moves more, the cuts are quicker, the pace is insane, but it doesn't take the time to build its characters as fully or carefully as 'godfather' does. 'godfather' has a richer arc to build itself around (the simultaneous rise and fall of michael corleone), and its great scenes really hit home emotionally in a way that 'goodfellas' tries to top by just being flashier. 'goodfellas' has some awe-inspiring moments, but they just can't top the wife-beating scene & the baptism scene & vito's reaction to sonny's death. and the character of michael corleone trumps everything 'goodfellas' has to offer; his slow descent into evil is one of the great transformations in american movies, acting-wise and script-wise. check it out again. i didn't like it at all the first time i saw it; it does take its sweet little time and seems to be wandering a lot (that wedding scene does take forever, and the movie seems to grind to a halt when michael has to hide out in sicily). but i found myself watching it again in spite of myself, and i loved it. i continue to love this movie more, every time i watch it. that just doesn't happen with 'goodfellas'. to say nothing of 'scarface' being a better movie than 'dr strangelove'.
  25. Reservoir Dogs The Godfather Citizen Kane The Godfather Part II pretty cool how 'kane' got this far.