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Everything posted by godthedog

  1. godthedog

    Really long albums.

    my goal is to record a 45-minute song in 14 parts. the parts would have nothing to do with each other musically or thematically, and i'd have 2-3 seconds of silence between each part.
  2. godthedog

    GREATEST Movie Tournament...

    *slaps forehead* Heavens yes. This should win, honestly.
  3. little-known tidbit: 'touch of evil' is a better movie than 'citizen kane'.
  4. godthedog

    Your Five Favorite Anything

    velvet underground - "pale blue eyes" the who - "behind blue eyes" van morrison - "brown-eyed girl" bonnie tyler - "bette davis eyes" survivor - "eye of the tiger"
  5. godthedog

    Mellow Songs

    michael jackson - "you are not alone"
  6. godthedog

    What are you listening to right now?

    outkast - "bombs over baghdad"
  7. here's a breakdown of what i remember doing in an empty theater: 'snake eyes'--took turns with my best friend riding the trash can down the aisle. went behind the curtain underneath the screen and threw my shoes at him, which i did not get back until after the movie was over. 'adaptation'--imitated the annoying loud laugh of a girl sitting a couple rows down whenever she'd laugh. for two hours. 'the king and i'--dropped my pants. 'training day'--fondled a loved one. 'return to me'--stole 3 industrial-size toilet paper rolls from the janitor's closet. we proceeded to toilet paper the first five rows, then take turns mummifying each other, & watched the rest of the movie covered in toilet paper.
  8. godthedog

    What are you listening to right now?

    mindless self indulgence - "faggot"
  9. godthedog

    Recent purchases

    i caught 'psycho' on tcm a weekend or two ago. a lot better than i remember it being, at least until the end.
  10. nothing better than sitting with 1 or 2 friends in an empty theater. if the movie's great, it becomes a personal, meaningful experience. if the movie sucks, you're free to steal rolls of toilet paper from the janitor's closet & take turns throwing them across the auditorium, or ride the wheeled trash cans down the aisles. not that i've ever done that.
  11. godthedog

    GREATEST Movie Tournament...

    good try, but that's kieslowski. kassovitz made 'la haine', 'the crimson rivers' & 'gothika', and played the boyfriend in 'amelie'. and they closed nominations already anyway. and on a personal note, the words "T2" and "greatest movie ever" should never be in the same sentence, except in a sentence pointing out that they should never be in the same sentence.
  12. godthedog

    Best movie from 1994?

    it's not you, it's tarantino. he's like faulkner, only without the concern for character and meaning.
  13. this tournament makes my head hurt. this thing will end worse than the last one did.
  14. godthedog

    GREATEST Movie Tournament...

    me. i hereby judge 'the bicycle thief' to be the greatest movie ever made. i thank you all for your participation and interest, you may go home.
  15. godthedog

    Best sappy/romantic "oldies" songs?

    i wouldn't say "losing my religion" is obsessive at all, it's just about the anxiety of not knowing how someone feels about you.
  16. godthedog

    Great artists with terrible, terrible songs

    "you are not alone" is atrocious. the melody line is boring as shit, vocals are weak, instrumentation & production are as sappy as humanly possible, and the lyrics are insipid. most of 'bad' is amazing. lennon's "give me some truth" is stupid, as is "crippled inside."
  17. godthedog

    Best voice acting

    it's all about kate winslet and frances mcdormand.
  18. godthedog

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    quote of the night: "no two games have been alike this series, and this one was no different." my favorite team in the east against my least favorite team in the west. should be a very interesting series, as these two teams are the antitheses of each other. if detroit can force them to play their kind of game, they'll win it.
  19. godthedog

    Do you play an instrument?

    I'm not a graceful man. use it to your advantage and turn it into a painfully expressive, erratic sort of st vitus's dance.
  20. godthedog

    NBA's 52 Greatest Moments

    bill walton and his annoying polident voice and his annoyingly enthusiastic delivery should never be allowed to talk so much again. ever.
  21. godthedog

    Your most hated animal

    i really, really hate the sponge.
  22. godthedog

    The OAO NBA Playoffs/Finals Thread

    how hard the lakers play is based on their offense. if you keep the lakers from scoring, it fucks up their chi: they can't get in their rhythm, they get frustrated & start making mistakes, and their defense gets worse. if you do the same thing to the pistons, they don't really care because they know they'll still outdo you on defense & they're used to not scoring on every possession; they won't stop trying. if they can hold down the lakers' offense, detroit has the advantage. my concern is detroit NOT being able to hold down their offense.
  23. godthedog

    Channel 4s 100 Greatest Videos

    just buy or download the entireity of 'mezzanine'.
  24. godthedog

    Really long albums.

    michael jackson's last 2 real albums ('dangerous' and 'invincible') are so guilty of this. 'invincible' was a wonderful 40-minute album trapped inside a LOT of substandard material. 'dangerous' was better track-for-track, but he tried to hard to make every song an epic sound poem and there's no reason whatsoever to let a song like "will you be there" or "who is it" to go on for 6-7 minutes. andre padded himself out too much on 'the love below' as well. ditto for corgan on 'melon collie'. i won't touch prince's 'emancipation', as i've never actually heard it, but i'd be very surprised if he actually pulled it off. i think dylan could've used some cutting on 'time out of mind'. "million miles" and "trying to get to heaven" sound too much alike, and neither really takes the album anywhere. i'm frankly more excited by a 30-40 minute album now than an hour-plus one. i love that i can fit 'surfer rosa' AND 'doolittle' on one burned disc. i can do the same with 'revolver' and 'sgt pepper'...come to think of it, with any two pre-white album beatles records. so, yeah...there's exceptions (i.e., tool), but less is generally more.
  25. my best friend is in the air force. he gets married at the end of july, & a month later gets deployed to iraq.