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Everything posted by godthedog

  1. godthedog

    Do The Right Thing

    to be fair, the movie's kind of hard to top. i don't think there's ever been a thread here that was as good.
  2. godthedog

    Smarks EZBoard alumni roll call

    i THINK i've been around since late 2001, but i'm not really sure.
  3. godthedog

    Forgotten free TV classics?

    i remember a very good eddie v. x-pac match in spring-summer 2001, shortly before eddie was in rehab. all i can remember clearly about it is that it ended with a sunset powerbomb. god damn eddie was feeling it those few months, with the hardy boys storyline & what not.
  4. godthedog

    Yes, another RIAA discussion

    of course this isn't going to make short-term money, innovations are supposed to be about long-term gains. this will depend on how big the itunes phenomenon gets; if it gets popular enough, apple can convince the RIAA how valuable it is and renegotiate.
  5. godthedog

    Kill Bill Vol. 1 Soundtrack

    couldn't you wait till you'd at least finished the album before starting a thread about it? this seems kind of counterproductive.
  6. JB probably does have the best-developed characters, but that isn't really saying a lot; character in general isn't a strong point of tarantino's. tarantino is at his best when he's being clever, and PF is his most clever (for reasons i hope i don't need to explain).
  7. godthedog

    What was your favorite blow-off match to a feud?

    flair/steamboat, wrestlewar 89.
  8. godthedog

    What movie(s) did you watch today?

    'the virgin suicides' earlier tonight. wow. sofia coppola has just shot up into the "godthedog's favorite directors" stratosphere. she's only gonna get better, and i'm salivating for more.
  9. godthedog

    Crucifixio Jones question

    marney had a whole cult following. being friends with tom didn't keep her from being banned (cause one of the other mods would've banned her a while ago without a second thought), a whole lot of people liked her because she was charismatic & entertaining enough that they didn't care about her flaming left and right. banning her would've been like...well, banning banky. someone (i believe it was nevermortal) had a VERY similar avatar, even started a topic about it, and didn't get into any trouble that i remember.
  10. godthedog

    Mankind...or Manking?

    i like yours better. "pedophile" sounds like too much of a stretch.
  11. godthedog

    Students Expelled for Making Sex Video

    this is disturbing and all, but why should the kids who made the video be expelled? if the video was distributed on school grounds, then nail the little shits who spread it around, but i don't see what this has to do with school. this same thing happened to a friend of mine, and some parents did get a hold of the video, but nobody called the school saying "this is appalling, you should expell all these children!" the people in the video had dropped out of school anyway, but even if they'd still been in school i don't see that happening.
  12. godthedog

    SNL Review

    download "ghetto musick," "the way you move" and "love hater."
  13. godthedog

    Benoit: Push to the Gold 2003

    sorry, but i don't see it happening. i don't think vince would job out his golden boy to chris benoit. it looks like they're building a good 2-month feud out of it, but you guys are crazy if you think this will last through the rumble. main eventer/high midcarder feuds in the wwf just do not last that long. he'll get some tv matches and a title match on the ppv, where he'll carry brock to brock's best match yet, but he'll lose. the only x factor in this i can think of is if they start working together & brock likes benoit SO MUCH (or wants to gain more respect in the locker room) that he insists on losing the title to him.
  14. godthedog

    What are you listening to right now?

    michael jackson - 'thriller' it flows a lot better if you listen to side 2 first ("beat it" to "the lady in my life"), then finish on side 1 ("wanna be starting something" to "thriller"). "beat it" is just as good an opening number as "wanna be..." and "thriller" sounds better as a closer than as something stuck in the middle of the album.
  15. godthedog

    Halloween + Friday Night

    speaking of which, i was in new york city for halloween. I was in NYC last week for the CMJ Music Festival. So shove it. oh, it's on, bitch. next thursday, union square. bring your weapon of choice.
  16. godthedog

    Halloween + Friday Night

    speaking of which, i was in new york city for halloween.
  17. that's quite a good list right there. brownie points for 'eraserhead', which, though it really isn't scary, is creepy as shit. and 'repulsion' IS the scariest movie ever made.
  18. godthedog

    Montreal - 6 Years Later

    despite the fact that he's not medically cleared to wrestle and recently recovered from a STROKE? and can we move this to old school please? or NHB?
  19. godthedog

    Kawada FINALLY breaks the curse!

    you are totally wrong. puro is like thunderdome. no predetermined outcomes: two men enter, one man leaves.
  20. godthedog

    BENIOT/Angle From RR 2003

    I saw it live as well. Maybe I really need to see it on tape, but Corino-Cide had me on my feet nearly the whole match. Benoit & Angle was good, but not "I must mark out like a bitch" good. you didn't mark out like a bitch when benoit blew a snot rocket the size of his fist? when he hit the flying headbut from 3/4 of the ring away? when angle dumped him into the turnbuckle & gave him an olympic slam, and he kicked out?
  21. godthedog

    Who is better?

    well, if we're including mic skills then flair wins easily, but on pure wrestling ability i prefer steamboat. best babyface ever, and his overselling is a joy to watch (even moreso than flair's heel tactics i think). not only that, but steamboat could ADAPT HIS STYLE. flair got good matches out of his opponents by taking his formula & plugging wrestler x into it. steamboat got good matches out of his opponents by adapting his style to fit their strengths. if you compare flair/steamboat to steamboat/luger to steamboat/savage, you get a different style and a different strategy every time. steamboat's got flair beat on variety.
  22. godthedog

    The Greatest Season?

    why is everybody so surprised that triple h had a good match with taka? that wasn't even taka's best match in the wwf. and the trips/rock iron man match is sorely overrated.
  23. godthedog

    Most Important Element of a Song?

    lyricism is the wrong choice of words there. a song can be "lyrical" without having any lyrics to it. anyway, i don't think lyrics are terribly important. there's way too many really good songs with bad lyrics out there. the most important thing for me with any given band or song is probably melody. musicianship can sometimes just equal wankery instead of greatness, and innovation can do the same. i can take innovation up to a point, until it gets amelodic. case in point: lou reed's 'metal machine music'. strictly speaking, you may be able to call it the most innovative rock album ever, but who the fuck would want to listen to that shit? by comparison, take the beatles or hendrix. the shit they did wasn't nearly as extreme, but through all of it they always kept strong melodies, and are often credited with being more innovative. i doubt anybody would give a shit about "a day in the life" if the tune wasn't good.
  24. godthedog

    Student expelled for story

    no, it's not splitting hairs. your parents can forbid you from saying certain things in their house, but that doesn't mean they're violating your first amendment rights. your boss can reprimand you for saying certain things in the workplace (especially if you tell someone a story about KILLING said boss), but that doesn't mean he's violating your first amendment rights. you can't rationally argue that a story about a kid who fantasizes about killing her teacher is appropriate for school. no one's saying she can't WRITE the story or let others READ the story, she just can't do it AT SCHOOL. six years ago, this girl still would've been punished for doing something like that. if my high school drama department had put on a play about killing our teachers, we would've gotten expelled (or suspended for a long time, at the very least). there have always been standards of what's approrpriate for school, they didn't just spring up after columbine.