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Everything posted by AmazingRen

  1. AmazingRen

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    I love how they treat Benoit/MVP matches.
  2. AmazingRen

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    If you have Sopcast I have an awesome link for you: http://live.lovelypk.com/sopcast/voip.html
  3. AmazingRen

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    I can't believe this match is getting this much time. And that's a good thing.
  4. AmazingRen

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    HBK couldn't continue so they stopped the match, but Orton RKO'ed him anyway then HBK's wife (Rebecca from the Nitro girls) came out.
  5. AmazingRen

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Return of the Nitro girl!
  6. AmazingRen

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Punk's best match in WWE so far.
  7. AmazingRen

    OAO Judgment Day 2007 Thread

    Here's another link, but the video is ahead of the audio: http://power-web.hostarea.org/lien_3.htm
  8. AmazingRen

    Smackdown Spoilers for 5/11

    Sounds like the best Smackdown in years. The ending reminds me of Batman Returns when penguins took the penguin.
  9. AmazingRen

    oAo ECW Thread for 4/24/07 (Non-spoiler)

    Well they did name his move the Pounce and they didn't job him out last night so the rumors might be true.
  10. AmazingRen

    oAo ECW Thread for 4/24/07 (Non-spoiler)

    It's amazing to see what Dusty's doing with Punk right now. I can't wait until this Umaga/Lashley/McMahon feud is over to see how he handles the ECW title scene.
  11. AmazingRen

    oAo ECW Thread for 4/24/07 (Non-spoiler)

    Yep that's what I'm thinking. If you look at it all the NB members blamed Burke for wanting Punk and Punk is showing the other NB members how weak Burke is as a leader.
  12. AmazingRen

    oAo ECW Thread for 4/24/07 (Non-spoiler)

    I think they wanted to make it look like Punk was carrying dead weight.
  13. AmazingRen

    oAo ECW Thread for 4/24/07 (Non-spoiler)

    But according to Meltzer WWE wasn't going to let him use that name.
  14. AmazingRen

    oAo ECW Thread for 4/24/07 (Non-spoiler)

  15. AmazingRen

    Smackdown Spoilers for 4/13

    Smackdown spoilers from Providence by Ryan McFarland Real quick spoilers from Providence. Dark Match: Burchill d. Flash Funk Smackdown: Teddy Long came out. Announced Batista vs Undertaker rematch for Backlash. Finlay vs Kennedy was a non match. Kennedy apologized to Finlay for what happened at Mania. Finlay accepted and agreed with Ken that there shouldnt be a match. Long came back out and said both would be fighting Undertaker and Batista in the main event. London and Kendrick d. Duece and Domino via DQ. Pretty long match ending when D&D refuse to listen to the refs warning of double teams... thus a DQ. D&D were furious. They went into Long's office and questioned the officials decision but Long said they need to learn to abide by the rules. MVP d. Chris Benoit (Non Title). A good 20 minute match back and fourth. Benoit missed a diving headbutt giving MVP the advantage. MVP wins with a roll up and using the ropes. Kane d. Davari. Squash match. Regal and Taylor come out post match and work over Kane. Batista and Undertaker d. Kennedy and Finlay. Pretty average match with Undertaker choke slamming Batista at the finish then Batista tagging himself in. Batista bomb on Kennedy 1-2-3. Taker & Batista teased turning on each other through out. Nothing note worthy off screen on ECW. Dark Match Main Event: Batisa vs. Undertaker but I Didn't stick around for it. Ryan McFarland Sounds like another good show. Only four matches (well one was a squash) which means those matches got alot of time. Nice to see Regal and Taylor being used again and giving MVP a reason to get his rematch by having him defeat Benoit.
  16. AmazingRen

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi Thread -- 4/10/2007

    the crowd was pretty much dead from the show's beginning to the end. Even for the Marcus/RVD match which was pretty good. I don't know if Marcus will ever be welcomed by the WWE crowd. He hasn't got a good crowd reaction yet which is more bad for him since he isn't a McMahon creation.
  17. AmazingRen

    oAo Monday Night Raw Thread -- 4/9/2007

    I know it has no chance of happening, but how crazy would it be if the McMahon family wins the title and have Vince vs Heyman or Shane vs RVD at ONS. The crowd reaction in those matches would be amazing.
  18. AmazingRen

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Did they kill the Vickie storyline because they haven't did anything on it the past couple of weeks?
  19. AmazingRen

    OAO Raw Thread 3-12-07

    I never thought Lashley would get a laugh out of me, but the look he gave Vince after Austin asked Vince "You don't like bald people?" was funny as hell.
  20. AmazingRen

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If Vince only had done this for the Boogeyman/Miz match with both of there jobs on the line Smackdown would be in a much better place (not that it's not in a good place right now).
  21. AmazingRen

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Here it is : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1L7qUJEovU&NR How can anybody say Melina had nothing to do with it? She started leaning forward making it impossible for Mickie to leap high to flip over without getting hurt. Look how late she got her hands on the ropes. When I see other people do it they sit straight up and are holding on the ropes before the person jumps.
  22. AmazingRen

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    If you got it on Tivo watch again and watch for a few certain things..... It's a planned spot obviously for anyone thinking it's some kind of worked botch, but I'm sure Mickie was to either fall on her back and get pinned or it was to be a powerbomb but Melina ducked her head for some reason and Mickie wasn't able to get sturdy on the rana and Mickie fell on her head. Melina sits there with her hands latched onto the ropes the entire time and then when Mickie goes up for the rana instead of either pushing her legs off to get her on over or just sitting normally and hanging onto the rope.......like I said she DUCKS her head basically avoiding any touch with Mickie James screwing up her feel. I just don't think it's a coincident that 2 people that don't like each other in real life are tending to cause 1 of the performers to dangerously land on her head. Like I said at the end you can see that Mickie is pissed saying that's the 2nd time Melina has allowed her to land on her head. I just think from what I've seen Melina is at fault here and is purposely being unsafe with hre because "fuck her I don't like her" Agree 100%. I just re-watched it and what the hell was Melina thinking ducking her head down. She had to know nothing good was going to come out of that.
  23. AmazingRen

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Is Doug the one going out with Gail Kim?
  24. AmazingRen

    ECW Spoilers for 11/7/06 Tapings

    I just hope Test doesn't pin Punk.