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Everything posted by foleyfanforever88

  1. foleyfanforever88

    Celebrity Crushes

    Christy Carlson Romano and Rachel McAdams
  2. foleyfanforever88

    What's a chocolate socket.

    Do you pronounce the L in chalk? I dont..
  3. foleyfanforever88

    OAO Raw Thread - August/28th/2006.

    I laughed at that.
  4. foleyfanforever88

    OAO Raw Thread - August/28th/2006.

    So..who are the opponents going to be? Big Show and Edge? Edge and Umaga?
  5. foleyfanforever88

    OAO Raw Thread - August/28th/2006.

    Cause all of his movies have been pretty shitty! I didn't think Walking Tall was that bad....Doom and The Rumdown were abysmal however. He was really good in Be Cool, but he wasn't the lead in that.
  6. foleyfanforever88

    OAO Raw Thread - August/28th/2006.

    Edge vs Cena
  7. foleyfanforever88

    Ultimate Put Over.....

    On the same note, HHH did a pretty good job at putting Shelton benjamin over. Shelton just came over from SD. It was his forst singles run in WWE and also his first time as a face in said company. He got new music and some pyro for his entrance and within the first month I believe he beat HHH. And he didnt beat him once but 3 times. I cant remember how clean the wins were but I remember Shelton getting over with the audience after that. However WWE couldnt capitalize on it and we all know what happened after that. He beat Triple H on his RAW debut.
  8. While I think that we need a new superstar who can relate to the fans like Austin or Rock did, I think some small changes need to be made first. Most of these have been said, but..Make ECW more like the old ECW and its own seperate brand. Change the sets. Have one referee on each brand who only refs the main event, like Hebner used to do. He always made matches seem more important. Cut down on ridiculous characters like the Boogeyman, Spirit Squad, etc. A few here and there are ok. Push the tag team divisions with real tag teams. No more teams going months without a defense. Do not waste spots for title matches on big PPVs with shit like the McMahons vs DX. There are a lot more changes that would need to be made but thats a start. And one thing I have always said..if possible, make Smackdown live. Nobody watches it cause they already know what is going to happen.
  9. foleyfanforever88

    Instant Messenger thread...

    I used to use Trillian but switched to Adium when I got my Mac. I'm hoping Trillian gets to Mac soon cause I like it over Adium.
  10. foleyfanforever88

    Snakes on a Plane

    Saw it last night. I went with a group of 12 people and I'd say there were about 15 more in the theater. It was enjoyable with the amount of people we had but I wish there were more. We were cheering and clapping here and there and the other people there joined in. Overall a very fun time. Best line? "Fuckin snake, get off my dick!"
  11. Angle vs Orton vs Rey WM22 This was a really fun, quick match. It had a few really cool spots (double German suplex for example) and didn't have any real down time. One of the MOTNs for me.
  12. foleyfanforever88

    OAO SummerSlam Thread - August/20th/2006.

    Cena Batista Big Show Orton DX Foley Mysterio
  13. Flair's people's elbow attempt was classic.
  14. Angle/HBK is one of my favorites of all time. Doesn't hurt that they are 2 of my 3 favorite wrestlers ever.
  15. foleyfanforever88

    Your Wrestlemania Card

    I still think 9 is too many to be put into any given match but it could be cool if they combined the ladder match rules with table match rules so that anyone that goes through a table is eliminated. Ya, I guess Kennedy would change the US title match cause he's not a big guy. Maybe do a RAW vs Smackdown match of the Highlanders and Eugene vs Kennedy/Regal/Finlay.
  16. foleyfanforever88

    The Ultimate

    Savage, Roberts, Rock, Razor Ramon
  17. foleyfanforever88

    Your Wrestlemania Card

    I'd say make it just Kane vs Umaga, and take Doane, Nitro, Kennedy, and Sandman out of the MITB cause 9 guys is just way too much. Replace one of the RAW guys with Jeff Hardy. Add Doane and Nitro to the IC title match. Throw Kennedy in the US title match. With those changes I think this is the best card I've seen so far that is realistic. I dont think they would have 2 four ways and a triple threat but those guys should be on the card and so should Finlay..I didn't know where to put him.
  18. foleyfanforever88

    The Ultimate

    Savage, Roberts, Rock, Angle
  19. foleyfanforever88

    Smackdown Spoilers

    A big wrinkly penis flopping around onscreen for three hours instead of fighting Foley > Taker/Khali Last Man Standing you forgot something
  20. foleyfanforever88

    WrestleMania XXIII Main Event (RAW)

    Cena vs Carlito vs Triple H vs Edge Batista vs Undertaker Austin vs Hogan Benoit vs Lashley HBK vs Foley The Rock vs Umaga Hardy Boyz vs Highlanders? Punk vs Angle RVD vs Sabu I left out Orton, SS, Kane, Nitro, and some others but that's a start to what could be an awesome card.
  21. foleyfanforever88

    Saturday Night's Main Event

    That would be awesome with today's champs..maybe not with the titles on the line but just as a RAW vs SD thing... Edge/Nitro/Kenny/Johnny/one of the others vs Rey/Finlay/Helms/London/Kendrick
  22. foleyfanforever88


    Will somebody please make a YTMND of Orton RKOing Hogan onto the back of the car and JR's reaction. It's on wwe.com and its hilarious.
  23. foleyfanforever88

    Saturday Night's Main Event

    Mark Henry getting injured last night.
  24. foleyfanforever88

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    From JR's Superstar of the Week Article on wwe.com: Not that I am advocating this scenario whatsoever, but can you image what a wrestler Randy Orton could father with Brooke Hogan? That would be a fourth generation Superstar that would headline WrestleManias for years, brother!
  25. foleyfanforever88

    The OAO 7/7 Smackdown! Thread

    Great commentary during that last match..and yes, I think JBL did call himself a homosexual.