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Everything posted by foleyfanforever88

  1. foleyfanforever88

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    I'm still not sure on Umaga. I like watching him dismantle people, but I hate the look and supposed background. I do love AAE though. His promos are so outrageously overdone its hilarious.
  2. foleyfanforever88

    The OaO Raw thread for 05/15/06

    When I saw that I thought how awesome it would be if there was a sign behind him that said "THE KID IN FRONT ME CAN'T SPELL".
  3. foleyfanforever88

    What DVDs would you like to see the WWE release?

    A DVD of angles that bombed/were dropped and what they were supposed to turn into would be awesome.
  4. foleyfanforever88

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    After seeing Triple H and HBK both do the DX chop tonight, I'm thinking we could see Edge win the title at Backlash and keep it til ONS while Cena fueds with DX for a few weeks.
  5. foleyfanforever88

    The OAO Raw Thread for 4/17/06

    anybody else notice a few nip slips near the end?
  6. foleyfanforever88

    Had Eddie not died...

    If Rikishi hadn't been the driver, would it be Snitsky's fault that Triple H is a 10 time champion?
  7. foleyfanforever88

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    The newest Tim White suicide video shows him throwing himself into a revolving fan and blood exploding all over Josh. It's so ridiculously stupid but I laughed out loud.
  8. foleyfanforever88

    Who Gets The Final Money In The Bank Spot?

    Wasnt Carlito seen talking to Long at SNME? i bet he enters the battle royal and wins it just like Angle did a few months ago..but stays on Raw.
  9. foleyfanforever88

    Will we see another year long title reign?

    Trish has had the Women's title for about 14 months now. Don't know if you consider that a title though.
  10. foleyfanforever88

    The Youtube Thread

    After watching his concert in Sacramento I thought I'd do anything to have him back full time again.
  11. foleyfanforever88

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    idk why, but I'm kinda excited for Carlito vs Masters
  12. foleyfanforever88

    The One and Only Raw Thread for February 27th, 2006

    Why couldnt they do Carlito/Shelton/RVD/Chavo/Masters/Goldust? for MITB? Carlito vs. Masters the final match?
  13. foleyfanforever88

    Can the WWE win back the casual fan?

    I don't know if anyone said this yet, but I was thinking yesterday that the title fued on each show should be the biggest thing to watch. There should be 3 or 4 segments each week about the title picture and that's what the show should revolve around. While I do think that the IC/US title divisions and the cruiserweights should be more a part of the show, I just think that each show should have one huge fued at a time for fans to focus on.
  14. foleyfanforever88


    "This has got to be a joke." "No, a joke would be if I called you a homo."
  15. foleyfanforever88

    OAO No Way Out Thread, Feb/19th/2006

    i want video of this match..now
  16. foleyfanforever88

    Best 8-Man/10-Man Tag Matches

    Cena/HBK/Big Show/Hardy vs Angle/Masters/Edge/Snitsky
  17. foleyfanforever88


    jilt.dmusic.com This is a friend of mine, I swear its not me...listen to Love the Game, Who I Am, and Stunt 102. Tell me what you think.
  18. foleyfanforever88

    Why does WWE continue to put on womens matches?

    The difference between Trish and HHH is that Trish always has the title because she deserves it.
  19. foleyfanforever88

    Survivor Panama- Exile Island

    That has to be the most impractical bikini I've ever seen on this show. But for cleavage-baring purposes - yowza! This thread is useless without pics. Danielle: Sally: Courtney:
  20. foleyfanforever88

    Raw Non-Spoilers

    Triple H vs Big Show Shelton vs Eugene RVD vs Masters Edge vs Cena
  21. foleyfanforever88

    One and Only RAW Thread 2-13-06

  22. foleyfanforever88

    Your Top Ten Favorite Matches of All Time

    I've only been watching since around Wrestlemania XV, and i didnt watch any WCW, so... 10. Undertaker vs Mankind HIAC I loved this match obviously because of all the bumps Foley took and it was the start of my love for Foley. 9. Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit Royal Rumble 03 Great technicial match. I thought Benoit was gonna win it several times. Nice standing ovation at the end. 8. Rock vs Hogan WM X-8 The crowd reactions made this one great. 7. Triple H vs HBK vs Benoit WM XX Between it being a great match, and Benoit finally winning the big one, this match deserves to be on here. 6. Edge vs Benoit vs Jericho vs Shelton vs Kane vs Christian MITB WM 21 Several awesome spots (Shelton running up the ladder being my favorite) and Benoit's selling made this match very fun to watch. 5. Mankind vs The Rock (Foley wins title) I loved seeing Foley win the title, and the crowd reaction when Austin returned was amazing. 4. HBK vs. Shelton Gold Rush Tournament 05 Great match, awesome finish. 3. Hardyz vs Dudleyz vs Edge/Christian TLC WM X-7 At the time, like nothing I had ever seen before. Full of crazy spots. 2. Test vs Shane McMahon Love Her or Leave Her Summerslam 99 Looking at the participants, this match shouldn't be on here, but for some reason I loved it. Shane's elbow from the top made the match. 1. Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels WM 21 Two of my three favorite wrestlers ever (Foley the third) and two of the best in-ring competitors of all time put on a classic match. Loved the finish as well.
  23. foleyfanforever88

    Save Wrestlemania

    how can you have an elimination ladder or cage match? i always thought of having like a 6-man 5 part match where in each part one man is eliminated. first part could just be first man pinned is out. second could be the same with submission. third could be something on a pole, last man to get one loses. fourth could be last man to escape the cage loses. and the final two could have a ladder match.
  24. foleyfanforever88

    Survivor Panama- Exile Island

    I hated that the older women voted out Tina. It was incredibly stupid on their part. Cirie should have gone home. I like the Exile Island idea and the fact that the idol doesnt have to be revealed until after the vote is tallied. I just hope they dont spoil it for us and that we can be truly shocked when someone finally shows that they have it. I don't like Shane, I do like Danielle.