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Everything posted by foleyfanforever88

  1. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    I'm not feeling the angle either. I didn't see The Wrestler yet, but still. Jericho should be having a real match at Mania.
  2. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    I'm a few minutes late, but KOFI!!!
  3. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Also, Elimination Chamber qualifying matches.
  4. foleyfanforever88

    Royal Rumble 2009

    I'm hoping that the Matt turn and the previous attacks are two separate things. Although I don't know how they would do Edge, Christian and Matt vs. Jeff.
  5. foleyfanforever88

    The Royal Rumble 2009 Prediction Game

    1. Who will win the 2009 Royal Rumble? (5 Pts) Randy Orton 2. Who will be the runner-up (3 pts) Triple H 3. Who will be the iron-man? (5 pts) John Morrison 4. Who will have the shortest time? (5 pts) Dolph Ziggler 5. Who will have the most eliminated opponents? (3 pts) Triple H 6. Who will draw #1 and #2 (3 pts each, 3 bonus for accurately naming both) Kendrick and R-Truth 7. Who will draw the most successful entry # of 27? (2 pts) Santino 8. Who will draw the #30 spot? (3 pts) Christian 9. What will be the eventual winning #? (5 pts) 20 10. Will there be any surprise/unannounced entrants as of 1/25? (no point value), If yes, who will they be? (3 pts each) Yes, Umaga, Kennedy, MVP, Jeff Hardy, HBK, Christian, Bob Orton, and the guy mentioned in the other Rumble thread: 11. Will the endurance record of 62:12 held by Mysterio be broken? (no point value) If yes, who breaks it? (3 pts) and what will the new time be? (7 pts to closest time predicted) No 12. Who will be the final six men in the ring? (3 pts each, 10 pts for accurately naming all) Triple H, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, CM Punk, Umaga, Ted Dibiase 13. How many instances of interference by non-competitors will we see? (2 pts) Two 14. Will anyone bleed? (no point value), if yes, who? (3 pts) No 15. If Charlie Haas is a participant, who does he imitate? (3 pts) Flair
  6. foleyfanforever88

    College Basketball: January '09

    UCONN if they beat Notre Dame. A. Ya, I think we'll be #1 in two weeks if we win tonight and Duke loses on Wed. B. Just because I see it so often, I have to point out that it's UConn, not UCONN. There are only two abbreviations, not five. You obviously know that. I'm just being an ass.
  7. foleyfanforever88

    Royal Rumble 2009

    In his defense HHH hasn't won the title at the event in a few years. He hasn't won the title at Mania since X-8. He retained it at 19 but hasn't left Mania with the belt since.
  8. foleyfanforever88

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    Out: Maryse CM Punk In: Edge New team: John Morrison Randy Orton Jeff Hardy Matt Hardy Edge
  9. foleyfanforever88

    Royal Rumble 2009

    I really hope that the only people in the match so far are those that are listed on wwe.com. I'd hate to see the remaining 9 spots filled up with the likes of Primo, Chavo, Snuka, Manu and Khali while Dreamer, MVP, Regal and the losers of the title matches don't get in. My final 9 would be: Matt Hardy Dreamer MVP Regal Umaga Evan Bourne (if he's ready) Kennedy (if he's ready) the loser of Jeff/Edge, presumably Jeff Christian and possibly HBK in one of those spots (probably Regal's) depending on how the WHT match goes.
  10. foleyfanforever88

    Things Bacon Goes With

    More Bacon
  11. foleyfanforever88

    Royal Rumble 2009

    JR said on Smackdown last night that Khali hopes to win the Rumble..but he's not listed on the page yet.
  12. foleyfanforever88

    The Royal Rumble 2009 Prediction Game

    I really hope they changed their minds.
  13. foleyfanforever88

    WWE SmackDown - January 23, 2009

    I don't think she did.
  14. foleyfanforever88

    TV Character Draft

    Because Topanga's taken and I need another hot chick.. Penny and simply because he's awesome, a guy I would have taken 3nd or 4rd round.. Barney Stinson
  15. foleyfanforever88

    The Royal Rumble 2009 Prediction Game

    It's a smart idea to just cover a bunch of bases. It's like on a matching quiz..sometimes you put the same answer twice if you have no idea which is which, so that you are guarateed one right instead of risking getting both questions wrong. These predictions really don't need to be criticized so much.
  16. foleyfanforever88

    ECW - January 20, 2009

    Lol, even Striker knows that no Rumble winner would ever go after the ECW title.
  17. foleyfanforever88

    ECW - January 20, 2009

    Anything that gets Katie Lea on TV is good, I guess.
  18. foleyfanforever88

    ECW - January 20, 2009

    I really hope Boogey doesn't squash Burchill..
  19. foleyfanforever88

    ECW - January 20, 2009

    Does anyone on here like him?
  20. foleyfanforever88

    A Small History of My Declined Interest

    Palumbo's pretty good, and was a solid midcard hand. I really enjoyed his feud with Noble and his mini-feud with Finlay. He was alright in the ring and his matches with Finlay were pretty good, but I hated his look, his personality, and how he stole Undertaker's motorcycle entrance.
  21. foleyfanforever88

    A Small History of My Declined Interest

    Palumbo was released a few months ago
  22. foleyfanforever88

    Finish Him!

    Why is it Sweet Chin Music is more "deadly" than a regular Superkick, or Jake Roberts' DDT/Raven's Evenflow/Dreamer's DDT more effective than a regular DDT? This point can be made about any move that is used as a finisher. What if someone were to use a punch as a finisher?
  23. foleyfanforever88

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    Gavin Spears, eh?
  24. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    for what reason? He has a chance for a title shot by winning the rumble. If this was in the summer, maybe. Maybe this leads to Austin/Orton. Now there's an interesting set-up: Vince is forced to go to his mortal enemy to take power back. If Orton faces Austin, who does Cena face? Especially if HBK/JBL is the title match, that leaves Cena with nothing to do.
  25. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw - January 19, 2009

    That was awesome. I have no clue where they're gonna go next, besides Shane possibly backing Orton, but I can't wait to find out.