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Everything posted by foleyfanforever88

  1. foleyfanforever88

    Albums Listened to Today

    I just downloaded Tha Carter III and I'm not really feeling it at all. Some magazine I was reading in the doctor's office today (I think it was Blender) called it the front runner for Rap Album of the Year and gave it 4 1/2 stars. Anybody else like it that much?
  2. foleyfanforever88

    Comments that which don't warrant a thread

    I was just watching Wheel of Fortune, and one guy attempted to solve three of the puzzles. He got ALL THREE wrong. WHAT AN IDIOT. In case anyone is wondering, he guessed: ELEVATOR TRAIN PLATFORM instead of ELEVATED TRAIN PLATFORM, DANGLING ON AIR JORDAN instead of DANCING ON AIR JORDAN, and BUTTERSCOTCH CANDIES instead of BUTTERSCOTCH COOKIES. God I hate stupid people that get on game shows.
  3. foleyfanforever88

    Who needs a turn?

    I'm not sure if they should turn Punk yet, but turning Triple H and Batista full heel would be a nice start. Then Kennedy could begin his rise to the #1 face position on Smackdown (save for Taker).
  4. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (7/28/2008)

  5. foleyfanforever88

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    "Sir, put out that goddamn cigarette, you're gonna kill us all! ...here Bob, better have a couple more Jagerbombs before you drive home." I've never heard of someone being secondhand drunk. Sure, one man's drinking can lead to another man's death..but that could happen even if the guy was drinking alone in his apartment first.
  6. foleyfanforever88

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    I got the "YNA's time is up" PM 12 hours late, but whatever..I've lost just about all interest in this draft. I'll post a pick when I think of one.
  7. foleyfanforever88

    Things that Amuse or Please You

    Heh. I've broken that one out on occasion. I have no idea where I first heard it though. In the very first episode of The Office, Michael says that to a woman he's on the phone with, thinking she's a man. That's where I first heard the expression.
  8. foleyfanforever88

    100 reasons why TheSmartMarks.com

    Ha, awesome thread. I take it you saw my last (and final) argument with those retards? Fun stuff. Anyways.. 15) We have more than one female poster (that's a good thing, right?).
  9. foleyfanforever88


    Holy shit I hate that.
  10. foleyfanforever88

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I already said that I don't hate fat people. But if a fat person is pissing me off, and I bring up their weight in anger, I don't usually feel bad about it afterwards.
  11. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Smackdown (7/25/2008)

    He should have won the battle royal. EDIT: I say that after seeing the final two. HHH has the strap still and I don't see him dropping it until Survivor Series at the earliest. I didn't say he would drop it to Jeff, just that Jeff would be the one getting the shot.
  12. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Smackdown (7/25/2008)

    He should have won the battle royal. EDIT: I say that after seeing the final two.
  13. foleyfanforever88

    The Dark Knight

    I saw The Dark Knight again last night, and I now like it more than Batman Begins, even if it is only because of Ledger's Joker.
  14. foleyfanforever88

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I don't get upset with other people being fat, but I also don't feel bad making fun of fat people, because their appearance is their own fault. Sometimes mocking people is the best way to get them to change.
  15. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Smackdown (7/25/2008)

    MVP was great in that segment, but God, Jeff is terrible on the mic. He couldn't even be believable when talking about his real life issues.
  16. foleyfanforever88

    ECW on Sci-Fi (7/22/2008)

    I'd rather have this happen, but I think Henry vs. Hardy is what they're gonna do at Summerslam.
  17. foleyfanforever88

    Video Game Desert Island draft

    Duck Hunt - NES
  18. foleyfanforever88

    Desert Island Draft

    The first season was awesome, definitely better than the second. I own it on DVD. You should definitely check it out somehow.
  19. foleyfanforever88

    All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

    Rellik is Johnny Stamboli??
  20. foleyfanforever88

    The Things That Anger You Thread.

    I hate most people I play poker with too.
  21. foleyfanforever88

    Question about PWI 500

    Randy Orton is #1 on this year's PWI 500. So says wwe.com.
  22. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (7/21/2008)

    Next week on RAW: Team Priceless vs. those 2 referees for the Tag Team Championships. I think at Summerslam it will be Team Priceless vs. Lawler/Duggan where Duggan has to retire if the veterans lose, and they do/he does.
  23. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (7/21/2008)

    I said to my friend as soon as Beth got in the ring that I thought she was going to end up kissing Santino..and that was awesome.
  24. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (7/21/2008)

  25. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (7/21/2008)
