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Everything posted by foleyfanforever88

  1. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    I really hope the Big Show finally gets the right push that he deserves, perhaps even the title at some point. I'd like to see Cena-Big Show again.
  2. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    I can't wait for the Big Show to kick Khali's ass. I love the Big Show. Nice bruise there on his face, too.
  3. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Holly practically jumping over the top rope was stupid but that was a pretty good match. Glad to see Londrick back on track.
  4. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA at Holly chopping London up and over the turnbuckle.
  5. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    I really hope they realized that splitting London and Kendrick was a bad idea..funny how a week after I make a thread about the tag team division we have two tag team matches in the first hour of Raw. Looks like WWE is reading TSM again.
  6. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Batista stalking HBK..and now London and Kendrick back together??
  7. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    It was great watching all the black guys in the crowd flip out during Cryme Tyme's entrance. I just hope these guys stay away from the stupid selling their opponent's gear for 27 minutes thing.
  8. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Cryme Tyme!! I just marked out.
  9. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    I like Matt Hardy and I'd enjoy him coming to Raw, but please..let him finish his feud with MVP first.
  10. foleyfanforever88

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I actually thought the fact that JBL didn't hit Hornswoggle right on made it even funnier. I could watch that moment over and over again.
  11. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Raw (3/31)

    Jericho-Punk is a non-title match.
  12. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Draft 2008

    I knew about HBK's Tuesday night church issues, I was just saying what I would like to see. It's unfortunate that he has to stick to Raw. I can see Jericho heading to Smackdown too.
  13. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    After watching Rock's HOF speech, I actually thought that it would be great if they had a roast someday, most likely of Vince. Two hours of listening to The Rock, Austin, JBL, Jericho, etc. make fun of each other and Vince would be great.
  14. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Draft 2008

    I for one do not want to see Punk or MVP end up on Raw. I think going to Raw really slowed Kennedy's career down (he lost his first few matches to Super Crazy) and I'd hate to see the same happen to Punk or Porter. Let them shine on Smackdown. The only trades I can think of right away are Kane to Raw, Umaga to ECW, and HBK to Smackdown.
  15. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2008

    He is.
  16. foleyfanforever88

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    The pics of Punk are on wwe.com as part of his WM Weekend diary thing.
  17. foleyfanforever88

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    Damnit, Flair..you were wrong.
  18. foleyfanforever88

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    My thoughts on Wrestlemania 24: As I briefly said last night, I loved this show from top to bottom. I knew coming in that it had the potential to be the best WM since X-7 and in my opinion, it was. It wasn't that every segment was spectacular or even very good, but other than the women's match (which nobody expected anything from anyways), nothing on the show stood out as being bad. The worst real match of the night was Batista-Umaga and I'd even call that decent for what it was. JBL vs Finlay was pretty good for a brawl. I thought Finlay should have made JBL bleed but other than that, the match was just about what I expected. The shots were stiff, both men took weapon shots right to the head, Hornswoggle had minimal involvement (though JBL throwing the garbage can at him was hilarious), and Finlay's diving through the ropes into JBL's swinging garbage can lid spot was great. I definitely think another brawl between these two men could be even better, but I had no real complaints about this one. JBL winning was good in that it continues the feud. *** Money in the Bank 4 was the second best MITB match at worst (behind the original). After viewing it again though, I could see myself putting it as the most entertaining one. It was nice that half of the guys in the match had a chance at winning and multiple times I thought the match was over. Matt's return was expected but exciting nonetheless. Shelton's fall through the ladder was great (man, he needs to win a MITB after all he's done in his previous ones), as was Morrison's attempted moonsault with ladder in hand. Carlito pushing the ladder w/ Shelton on it over, only for Shelton to land standing on the ropes was awesome, though it's too bad Shelton fucked up getting back on. I know there were other spots I really liked but I have to watch the match again to remember them all. I was glad to see Punk get the win, although I'm afraid if he goes for a title other than ECW he will be the first person to cash in and lose. ***1/2 as a match, ***3/4 due to not having a clue who was going to win The Santino/Snoop/Festus/Foley segment was short enough that it didn't feel like a waste of time. I actually laughed out loud when the camera panned over to Festus..I can't help it, I love his gimmick. Foley's punchline was terrible, but whatever. If I had to rate a segment based on how bad it could have been, I'd give this one ***1/2. Batista vs Umaga was not a match that I really thought would be good, but it was passable. I love Umaga (his match w/ Cena is still one of my favorites ever) but I don't really enjoy Batista's in ring work at all. This match wasn't terrible, but it also just wasn't that exciting and didn't really captivate me. The Batista Bomb at the end could have been better, but I didn't mind since they were playing off that Batista's back was hurting and that he had to use all the strength he had left to lift Umaga. This would normally be a ** match but considering who is in it, I'd say they hit **1/2. Chavo vs Kane was exactly what it should have been. Nobody has cared about Chavo since the end of the ECW show where he won the title. Kane and Chavo don't seem like two guys who would mesh very well in the ring so I'm glad they kept this one short, ha. Kane deserves the title reign and I think the crowd was glad to see him take out Chavo as quickly as he did. It certainly made the chokeslam look better as a decisive finishing move. Squashes like this are acceptable once in a while, and because of who was in the match and how much the fans really cared, I'd say this is one of those times. As a match, this was obviously no more than 1/4* but as a segment I'd say it was ***. Ric Flair vs HBK..what can I say that hasn't already been said? This was the defining match of the show and one of my favorite WM matches ever. It started out great with the slap to Flair and the first blood comment, and the greatness continued for a good 20 minutes. I'm really glad they were given time on this one. HBK's moonsault into the table scared the shit out of me, as I thought the match would have to be stopped, but props to Shawn for getting up and continuing the match. I think the spot added to my enjoyment of the match once I realized he was ok. The last 5 minutes was some of the best storytelling I've seen in a long time. As someone who never watched Flair before his return to WWE in 02, I probably wasn't as emotionally invested in this match as others, but even I started crying as Flair got up to take the final SCM. "I'm sorry..I love you..BAM" was one of the best endings to a match I've ever seen and Flair's departure was very emotional. I couldn't stop myself from crying as I watched the tears pour down Flair's face after the match. Great, great stuff. A **** match usually, but ***** due to the emotion, storytelling, and the fact that it was Flair's goodbye. BunnyMania was what would be expected, except for the power outage of course. I can't even remember who won, but I assume it was the Playboy girls..not that it matters. Snoop clotheslining Santino and kissing Maria after the match was fun. ** all around. Cena vs Orton vs Triple H was somewhat of a letdown, though the result was not. Once I realized that this match wasn't going on last, I had a feeling that Orton was retaining and of course I was right. Halfway through the match though, I got really scared that the reason it wasn't last was that Cena was going to win and they were afraid of ending WM on a mixed reaction. I thought both Orton and Triple H were going to tap on different occasions but luckily they did not. I don't think I could have stomached a third Wrestlemania in a row with someone tapping to Cena. Triple H locking the Crossface on Cena was nice. The ending was alright though I wish all three men could have hit their finishers. Did Cena hit an F-U at all? I don't think he did. Orton kicking Triple H in the head to steal his pin was classic Orton and I loved it. I'm interested to see if Orton gets a new challenger or if this three-way feud continues. The lights being out for this match was interesting at first but I'm glad they came back on. Cena's entrance was boring but kinda cool at the same time. I thought eventually his real music would kick in but it didn't. Oh well. ***. Big Show vs Floyd Mayweather was 10 times as entertaining as it should have been. The people I watched with seemed to be the most into this match and every move Big Show hit caused a reaction from us. I'm surprised but glad that Floyd took as many bumps as he did. Even though I expected this match to be really short, I found myself not complaining at all about how long it went. I really enjoyed it for what it was and thought that it lived up to the hype. We all knew Floyd was going to win but I don't think he should have put on the knucks before knocking Show out. It would have been cooler if he just took him out with a straight fist. Mayweather's handler trying to take out Show with a chair only to get a chokeslam was great. I can't really give this a rating as a wrestling match, but as a celebrity match/segment I'd say it hit **** in terms of entertainment. Edge vs Undertaker was my most anticipated match a month ago, but I thought the build-up focused too much on Edge's cronies and Vickie and didn't really get anyone believing that Edge could end the streak. Edge's promo earlier in the night about crushing some kid's spirit brought back my anticipation though. I'm glad these guys got the last match on the card, as Taker deserved it after last year's placement and Edge deserved it after a year of being the best heel in the company. The match was slow at first, but it picked up and ended up being a very good match. Edge's multiple counters and kicking out of everything Taker threw at him was great and really put Edge over well, I thought. Charles Robinson booking it down the ramp after the other ref got knocked out was a hilarious sight. The attempted interference of Hawkins and Ryder was short and didn't take anything away from the match. I'm glad Taker won though I still think the match would have more exciting had Taker come in as champion. I'm not sure how I feel about him winning with the triangle choke, but I guess it's different from the usual Chokeslam, kick out, Last Ride, kickout, Tombstone. ***3/4. Overall, there was nothing I disliked about this Wrestlemania. I was interested the entire time and the Flair-HBK match was worth the price of the show alone. This pay-per-view along with the entire HOF ceremony is an absolute must-buy for me.
  19. foleyfanforever88

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I'm going to post my full thoughts tomorrow, but for now let me just say that I thought this was the best Wrestlemania since X-7 and I would absolutely watch it again right now.
  20. foleyfanforever88

    WWE Smackdown (3/28/08)

    That was a very good match between Punk and Morrison.
  21. foleyfanforever88

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

    I could see JBL/Finlay being a **** brawl too.
  22. foleyfanforever88

    The WWE Tag Team Division

    WWE's tag team division hasn't been anything special since the turn of the century when there were teams like The Hardys, Edge and Christian, The Dudleys, The APA, etc. Nowadays, I can hardly even remember who the tag team champions are. There are obviously many reasons for this, one of them being the lack of real tag teams. The four above mentioned teams came into the company as just that, teams. They dressed alike, acted alike, and gave the impression that they were there to be the best damn tag team in the business. Let's look at the tag teams of today: Cade and Murdoch - The best example of a real tag team that the WWE has to offer. London and Kendrick - The best technical, high flying team today..yet for some reason no longer together. Holly and Rhodes - The World tag team champions? I actually had to check to see if they still were. Cody is failing to get over with the fans and Hardcore Holly is 8 years past anybody caring about him. A tag team that was created after a 3-week bathroom break feud. The Highlanders - The jobber team on Raw. Haven't been entertaining since, well..their in-ring debut. Dreamer and Delaney - Another team made up of two guys not doing anything. I'm enjoying the Colin storyline though, and it's on ECW..so whatever. Miz and Morrison - The WWE tag team champs. Very entertaining on the microphone and better than average in the ring (Morrison, atleast). Even though they were put together randomly after a feud, I feel like they fit together well enough that nobody remembers that. Jesse and Festus - A good comedy act, and a real tag team by my definition. Deuce and Domino - A terrible, annoying team that is only ever used in handicap matches against Batista or to job to another team. Wouldn't mind seeing them gone. Yang and Moore - An interesting team with an interesting moveset. Enjoyable to watch (Yang especially). Probably only put together because they are cruiserweights. Hawkins and Ryder - Debuted as a tag team but now are Edge's lackies. Haven't had a tag team match in months, to my knowledge. So basically, we have Cade and Murdoch, Jesse and Festus, Miz and Morrison, Yang and Moore, and the now split-up London and Kendrick as legit, entertaining tag teams. I really think that the WWE needs to start making the tag team titles mean something and look for a few new teams (developmental teams, not random matches of current superstars) to spice up the division. I enjoyed Cade and Murdoch vs. The Hardys from last year a lot but since then the Raw tag team division has been completely forgettable. The Smackdown division has been much more entertaining, but still lackluster. What do you think needs to be done in order to put value back into the tag team championships? I still think that there should only be one tag team title and that it should float between brands. This would allow for a lot more matches and excuses for moving mid-card wrestlers to other brands without having to be drafted. i.e., if London and Kendrick defended the championship against Miz and Morrison on Smackdown and lost, they would become Smackdown superstars. Miz and Morrison would then be able to defend against both Jesse and Festus on Smackdown and Holly/Rhodes on Raw. Inter-brand tag teams could also be made this way, though again, I'd rather the WWE bring in tag teams rather then make them from current singles guys. Thoughts?
  23. foleyfanforever88

    Wrestlemania XXIV Discussion Thread

  24. foleyfanforever88

    The WWE Tag Team Division

    I thought Burchill and Drew McIntyre would make a good team.
  25. foleyfanforever88

    The ECW Title

    It is the main championship of a show, and used to be the main championship of an entire company. It is a world title.