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Everything posted by foleyfanforever88
Idk if it's been posted before, but it's the first I've seen of it since the actual night: HBK's Montreal Promo in 05: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=buPuPzJJtU8...ted&search=
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
foleyfanforever88 replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
Oh my, what have I done... Perhaps it was best not to "impugn" such an intellectual giant of 15. L-O-L FYI, Prowrestling.com, one of the "credible" sites you listed as a source...gets their news from Meltzer too. Tool. Add about a decade on to the 15 and you'd be right about my age. Add 100 points to your IQ and you'd be near mine. By the way, nice logic. Your tacit acceptance of Meltzer without outside sources thereby necessitates that you believe what he says in other publications, if properly attributed. Since PW.com is one of those, it should be credible to you. If not, then you are undermining your own argument. Furthermore, my stat was provided by 3 references, not one. If you know anything about peer-review, you would know that 3 sources agreeing is far more credible than 1. I didn't say I believed PW.com by itself, but if that stat is quoted in several other documents and there are no discrepancies, then it is far more likely to be valid than the reportings of just one person. PW.com also uses sources I don't take seriously, like The Torch. And according to your failed attempt at logic, I could start a website, get two others to start their own, and we can all report that robrabies is a moron. And of course, it would be fact, because three different sources agree that you are indeed, a moron. Meltzer is probably the credible independent news source in all of wrestling, hence why he was interviewed on shows like Donahue during the steroid scandal and appeared on the A&E special on wrestling, so I'll take his word over countless "newz" sites that are probably run by kids in your grade 10 class. Idk where I stand on the credibility argument, but Jericho, stop implying that rob is a young kid when he isn't. It makes you look like even more of an idiot. -
In about 2 years, if WWE were to buy out TNA and run a TNA invasion angle, could it be as huge as the WCW invasion was? Think about this kind of card: Angle vs HBK Edge vs Christian John Cena vs Jeff Jarrett Undertaker/Kane vs Sting/Abyss LAX vs Hardys AJ Styles vs CM Punk Umaga vs Samoa Joe Benoit vs Daniels RVD vs Lynn etc, etc.
Wow. At first I wasn't too excited about the PPVs going back to all three brands, but Backlash is already a pretty solid card. If they just add L/K vs D/D and a CM Punk match, it could end up being a great show.
does that apron say WCW.com... I'd imagine it says ECW..since that's the company/brand that's still around..
Shelton over HHH on Shelton's first RAW was shocking to me at the time..too bad it did very little for his career.
Wanna know if anyone saw this yet. its really a very good interview. I watched it. Very good stuff.
Comments that which don't warrant a thread
foleyfanforever88 replied to a topic in Television & Film
I watched Shrek 2 for the first time tonight..what an awesome movie. I had so much fun counting all the movie/pop culture references. The white bronco and "it's a thong!" had me laughing out loud. -
Top Ten Draws In U.S. Wrestling
foleyfanforever88 replied to EVIL~! alkeiper's topic in The WWE Folder
Replace Orton with Jeff Hardy and that's my list. -
oAo Monday Night Raw thread- 4/16/07
foleyfanforever88 replied to Matt Young's topic in The WWE Folder
kinda doubly sad since Cena is of Italian descent. why is he so hated? I mean hes getting HHH level smarky hatred here (I guess he is like the new version of HHH, beats everyone and stays champ, only difference here is, its not family politics.) Obviously I only speak for myself, but my dislike of Cena isn't "smarky." I don't dwell on him selling or not selling. I don't like him because I feel his character is patronizing. I can't stand the way he comes stomping out and yelling to the crowd, I hate the whole Marine salute jingoistic crap. His finishing move looks like shit -- I mean, it's a fireman's carry, devolved from a pretty good looking Death Valley Driver he used to do back in '03. His other finisher is beyond awful looking -- the "headgrab and scream of doom." That's gotta be the shittiest looking STF I've ever seen. Maybe my criticism of his signature finishers is smarky, I dunno. But that bugs me. I also hate that it's considered "smarky" to not like Cena. If he gets booed on Raw, it's not because he's been booked terribly, it's 'cause the fans are a bunch of smarks! Gimme a break. More people on the Net like him than don't, so I don't really think it's some IWC trend to hate on Cena. I've actually seen other message boards that consider Cena-Umaga the frontrunner for Match of the Year. He's booed because a large portion of the crowd is men over the age of 17 who feel his gimmick is lame and are sick of seeing, every month, JOHN CENA OVERCOMES THE ODDS THE CHAMP IS STILL HERE BUH GAWD! His promos drive me nuts. I'm not kidding when I say one of his promos in the fall kept me from watching until after the Royal Rumble. It was some shit about "up is down black is white east is west," and then to show how anti-authority he was, he uses his move on Tod Grisham. OH MY, he's the new Stone Cold 'cause he took out the announcer for no reason! That promo was so god awful, so condescending, it kept me from watching Raw for like three months. I'll give him credit for improving in the ring by leaps and bounds since 2003, 2004. He still needs to be booked in brawls to look really great, but he holds his own well enough in straight-up matches. But while his ringwork is better, his character and promos are exponentially shittier. I look at the decision to turn him face like I do Austin. Fans cheered Austin despite the fact he cussed and stun everyone, heel or face. Fans cheered Cena for his freestyles and attitude. Now imagine if Austin had been turned from the DTA, Austin 3:16 character to 1987 Hulk Hogan. That's essentially what was done with Cena. None of this is to say I want to see the title hotshotted around the roster, as anytime someone suggests Cena lose that's the conclusion most people seem to jump to. I'd like to see a heel get a decent reign with the belt, and the build with a face chasing the title. I was going to eventually post more about my thoughts on Cena, but ya. You basically covered it. -
The Undertaker on the final SD before GAB in 2004. Great match too, probably the best out of their matches IMO. I could have sworn Booker pinned him cleanly in an 8 Man elimination match for the U.S. title on SD in July 04. Why do people always respond to questions without looking to see if they've already been answered? Perhaps because incorrect answers should be ignored. Funny that you didn't look to see the response to that question. Ahh Irony. No, I did read it. I just consider the victory to be "clean" because it didnt involve cheating, ref bumps, etc. Funny (or sad) thing is, I honestly didn't think Edge would win the title. After Cena kicked out of the first spear I figured he would stop the second one, FU, and keep the title. That's how ridiculously Cena has been booked.
The Undertaker on the final SD before GAB in 2004. Great match too, probably the best out of their matches IMO. I could have sworn Booker pinned him cleanly in an 8 Man elimination match for the U.S. title on SD in July 04. Why do people always respond to questions without looking to see if they've already been answered?
Booker taking some time off for injuries
foleyfanforever88 replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in The WWE Folder
Because he didn't recognize the sarcasm, which was already mentioned earlier in the thread, and because he still thinks Benoit is going to RAW after he kept the US title at Mania, which was also already discussed in the thread. Oh and because his posts always suck and mostly consist of completely retarded rumors that he most likely made up. No it wasn't. It was a best of 7. Booker had a best of 5 with Cena. -
Jeff Hardy isn't main event material. And Cena/HBK already buried MNM, and Mercury isn't with the company no more. A. Mercury not being with the company has already been brought to my attention, and I've already stated that I know he is gone, but I expect him to be back relatively soon. B. Cena and HBK did not bury MNM. C. My idea for the Edge/Jeff match would be Edge retaining against all the other main eventers in the PPVs following Backlash, and then making a challenge to anybody he hasn't faced one on one for the title, in any match of their choice. Jeff comes out, says lets do it, one more ladder match. (I got the idea from the ladder match DVD talk). People would love to see Edge vs Jeff, and its not like non-main eventers havent gotten title matches before..I'd say Jericho wasn't really seen as a main eventer anymore until two months before his match with Cena at Summerslam. A) Mercury isn't expected to be back that soon, he has alot of personal demons to take care of, if he comes back it will most likely be next year. This case is similar to Eddie Guerrero. B) Yes they did. Didn't you see RAW weeks before Wrestlemania, in that lame Tag Team Tourmil match where Cena/HBK wrestled and beat two tag teams prior to facing MNM, and MNM still couldn't beat them? How about Hardyz and London & Kendrick, constantly defeating MNM every week prior to WM? B) Chris Jericho was a much more established superstar then Jeff Hardy ever was and ever will be, bad comparison. If this was some PPV like Judgment Day, Great American Bash, etc. then maybe this will work. But for Jeff Hardy to be headlining, let alone main event the 2nd biggest PPV in the WWE just wont work. Jeff Hardy is good in the role he is in now, he isn't ever going to be a main eventer, but will be a good upper midcard superstar. Matt Hardy has much more potential to become a main eventer then Jeff ever will. A. Ok..I guess you're right. But I was just fantasy booking so whatever. B. The casual fan probably doesn't even remember Cena/HBK ever wrestling MNM. And besides, it's Cena. He beats EVERYBODY. The Hardys are the most popular team going, and L/K were the champions. Now if the Highlanders beat MNM, that would be a different story. C. Yes Jericho was more established but he was also treated as a joke for the last two years of his run. Jeff came back after a couple years, won the IC title, now he's won the tag titles again..he could certainly get a WWE title shot this year. And to say Matt has a better shot than Jeff at being a main eventer is ridiculous. Matt stayed around the whole time Jeff was in TNA and people still don't give a shit about him. Jeff is much more popular and most marks atleast would much rather see him near the ME than Matt. B) They werent booked to look like a legit threat, they haven't beat anyone meaningful in years that would make them look like a threat to DX. C) Are you watching the same WWE program I'm watching? Because Matt Hardy gets as big if not bigger reactions then Jeff. To say Jeff Hardy is more popular is ridiculous. Matt Hardy can cut a better promo, and is a better singles worker then Jeff Hardy. WWE Title Shot? Sure, I don't complain. Main Eventing the 2nd biggest PPV of the year? No. Matt gets big reactions when he's with Jeff and/or in opposition to Edge. Jeff gets big pops on his own.
Who are you talking about that you don't know? I'll run down every one I don't know as I scan the WWE homepage. Keep in mind I stopped watching regularly about 3-4 years ago Bobby Lashley Elijah Burke Kevin Thorn Matt Striker Mike Knox Armando Estrada Chris Masters JTG Kenny Dykstra Robbie McAllister Rory McAllister Santino Marella Shad The Great Khali Trevor Murdoch Boogeyman Daivari Dave Taylor Deuce Domino Hornswoggle (Looking at the photo did they copy the lame-ass WCW version of a rabid Irish midget? Good god!) Montel Vontavious Porter The Miz All of the Women that aren't Lilian Garcia, Torrie Wilson, Victoria, and Trinity. I also know Eddie Guerrero's widow by name alone and I'm curious as to what she is doing on TV. Umaga would have made my list if I didn't recognise him as a previous member of 3 Minute Warning. Ok, well if you stopped watching 3 years ago, what point were you trying to make by saying you dont know most of the roster?
Who are you talking about that you don't know? The only guys that really look like steroid laced failed Mr. Universe contestants are Batista, Lashley, and Masters..everyone else pretty much has their own look.
oAo Monday Night Raw thread- 4/16/07
foleyfanforever88 replied to Matt Young's topic in The WWE Folder
But while Cena is bringing in a ton of women and children, many guys in the main WWE demographic are being turned off by his superman gimmick. I have quite a few friends who were hardcore fans for years but have stopped watching almost completely. They stuck around through Katie Vick and other ridiculously stupid stuff yet Cena is finally the one thing to push them away. He seriously, SERIOUSLY, needs to drop the belt and chase for a good 6-8 months if the WWE doesn't want to lose a good amount of fans. -
Jeff Hardy isn't main event material. And Cena/HBK already buried MNM, and Mercury isn't with the company no more. A. Mercury not being with the company has already been brought to my attention, and I've already stated that I know he is gone, but I expect him to be back relatively soon. B. Cena and HBK did not bury MNM. C. My idea for the Edge/Jeff match would be Edge retaining against all the other main eventers in the PPVs following Backlash, and then making a challenge to anybody he hasn't faced one on one for the title, in any match of their choice. Jeff comes out, says lets do it, one more ladder match. (I got the idea from the ladder match DVD talk). People would love to see Edge vs Jeff, and its not like non-main eventers havent gotten title matches before..I'd say Jericho wasn't really seen as a main eventer anymore until two months before his match with Cena at Summerslam. A) Mercury isn't expected to be back that soon, he has alot of personal demons to take care of, if he comes back it will most likely be next year. This case is similar to Eddie Guerrero. B) Yes they did. Didn't you see RAW weeks before Wrestlemania, in that lame Tag Team Tourmil match where Cena/HBK wrestled and beat two tag teams prior to facing MNM, and MNM still couldn't beat them? How about Hardyz and London & Kendrick, constantly defeating MNM every week prior to WM? B) Chris Jericho was a much more established superstar then Jeff Hardy ever was and ever will be, bad comparison. If this was some PPV like Judgment Day, Great American Bash, etc. then maybe this will work. But for Jeff Hardy to be headlining, let alone main event the 2nd biggest PPV in the WWE just wont work. Jeff Hardy is good in the role he is in now, he isn't ever going to be a main eventer, but will be a good upper midcard superstar. Matt Hardy has much more potential to become a main eventer then Jeff ever will. A. Ok..I guess you're right. But I was just fantasy booking so whatever. B. The casual fan probably doesn't even remember Cena/HBK ever wrestling MNM. And besides, it's Cena. He beats EVERYBODY. The Hardys are the most popular team going, and L/K were the champions. Now if the Highlanders beat MNM, that would be a different story. C. Yes Jericho was more established but he was also treated as a joke for the last two years of his run. Jeff came back after a couple years, won the IC title, now he's won the tag titles again..he could certainly get a WWE title shot this year. And to say Matt has a better shot than Jeff at being a main eventer is ridiculous. Matt stayed around the whole time Jeff was in TNA and people still don't give a shit about him. Jeff is much more popular and most marks atleast would much rather see him near the ME than Matt.
Jeff Hardy isn't main event material. And Cena/HBK already buried MNM, and Mercury isn't with the company no more. A. Mercury not being with the company has already been brought to my attention, and I've already stated that I know he is gone, but I expect him to be back relatively soon. B. Cena and HBK did not bury MNM. C. My idea for the Edge/Jeff match would be Edge retaining against all the other main eventers in the PPVs following Backlash, and then making a challenge to anybody he hasn't faced one on one for the title, in any match of their choice. Jeff comes out, says lets do it, one more ladder match. (I got the idea from the ladder match DVD talk). People would love to see Edge vs Jeff, and its not like non-main eventers havent gotten title matches before..I'd say Jericho wasn't really seen as a main eventer anymore until two months before his match with Cena at Summerslam.
I loved the TNA reference.
Ongoing ECW and Smackdown spoilers
foleyfanforever88 replied to Hunter's Torn Quad's topic in The WWE Folder
Yes, I know that. But I'm fairly confident he'll be back soon enough. As a side note, I would book that card with Taker retaining in the middle of the card, and Punk taking the title from Lashley. Then at the end of the ladder match main event, Jeff goes for a swanton bomb off an "OMG 60 FOOT LADDER" but Edge moves, spear, Edge retains the title. Then, Kennedy hits the ring and nails Edge with a chair. Throws his briefcase to the ref, bell rings, Kennedy climbs to the top of the ladder and hits the Kenton Bomb (looking at Jeff like 'this is how its done') on Edge. Kennedy wins the title. EDIT: Triple H's return match would probably end up being the ME. The WWE title match would go on 2nd to last.
My proposed Summerslam main events: Edge © vs Jeff Hardy- WWE Championship, Ladder Match Undertaker © vs Kennedy- World Heavyweight Championship Lashley © vs CM Punk DX vs MNM John Cena vs Randy Orton
I hoping to see: Razor Ramon vs HBK (WMX) Razor Ramon vs HBK (SS) Rock vs Triple H (SS) Hardyz vs E&C (No Mercy 99) E&C vs Hardyz vs Dudleys (WM 2000) Jericho vs Benoit (RR 01) RVD vs Jeff Hardy (SS) RVD vs Eddie (RAW) Undertaker vs Jeff Hardy (RAW) RVD vs Jeff Hardy (RAW) Christian vs RVD (RAW) Rey vs Eddie (SS) L/K vs MNM vs Hardys vs Regal/Taylor Money in the Bank 1 TLC II and III