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Twisted Intestine

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Everything posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Twisted Intestine

    Top 5 favorite...

    Taker vs Jeff Hardy WWE championship match. I don't care what anyone says. I was a Hardy mark, and that is the match I've gotten most emotionally into while watching wrestling. I was pissed as fuck when he had the title within his grasp and had to sit there for 2 minutes, waiting for slow ass Taker to come knock him down, because I knew he wasn't winning after that. Edit: Well, I knew he wasn't winning anyways.. but I had a small hope in me.
  2. Twisted Intestine

    Top 5-10 favorite...

    I think Bret vs Owen, Summerslam 94, is one of my favourite matches of all time. I'm more of a "hardcore, high flying, spot fest, flashy" fan, but that is one technical match that I can repeatedly watch and enjoy.
  3. Twisted Intestine

    the wrestling thread

    SO SEZ YOU! Just wondering... Do people really not know how to spell "says", or has "sez" become the cool internet thing to say that I missed out on. Or is it just "says" in another language?
  4. Twisted Intestine

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    I don't understand.. So it's against the law for the government to support a religion? Wouldn't Bush saying "God bless America" constitute supporting religion?
  5. Twisted Intestine

    A Few Good Men WM Promo

    Same here. It was funny exposing Flair as his only ally/fan.
  6. Twisted Intestine

    the wrestling thread

    Edit: Whoosh.
  7. Twisted Intestine

    Talk about people you've met

    I'm a dick. I'm addicted to you. Lord, I love my pop-punk music!
  8. Twisted Intestine

    Cena or JBL?

    Cena should lose, because Batista will steal his heat. Cena has the kind of push going for him that he won't lose popularity by losing the match. If Batista loses at WM, might as well put him in a midcard tag team, because his whole push up till now will be ruined.
  9. Twisted Intestine

    The Following People are Terrible

    Is this list limited to 11? If so, you two are just trying to bump me off and steal my thunder!
  10. Twisted Intestine

    The days of Honkeytonk Man are dead

    HHH is played off as "cowerdly" most of the time, and when presented with a "monster" like Batista, it gets an awesome reaction. Fans couldn't wait to see Batista turn on HHH, and the rating + crowd reaction proved it. Now fans want to see the cowerdly champion token down by the monster at WM.
  11. Twisted Intestine

    Matt and Lita

    SHE said that? Ha.. someone bought it up. I don't see anything wrong with fucking someone shortly after meeting them... especially when it develops into a long term relationship.
  12. Twisted Intestine

    Matt and Lita

    Someone plz delete this thread! Canadianchick? Loss? plz!! Disrespectful. Someone plz delete.
  13. Twisted Intestine

    VELOCITY TIME - 02-26-05

    Has Haas always used that music, or is he a one man WGTT now?
  14. Twisted Intestine

    VELOCITY TIME - 02-26-05

    I think London's trying to be a cave man.
  15. Twisted Intestine

    02/25 - Friday news update from Dave Meltzer

    Do you think Austin is really returning to wrestling, or will he just appear at WM to promote his movies?
  16. Twisted Intestine

    Matt and Lita

    It's people like that who make wrestlers hate the internet.
  17. Twisted Intestine

    RAW Rating

    And Triple H deserves the praise for this. He pushed for Batista and this whole story line, and Batista would still be nothing if not for him. If things work out, Triple H will actually have made a star. Who would have thought? Edit: Not to take any credit away from Batista, as he's certainly done his part. Triple H got him noticed though... and gave him the rub with this angle. (Assuming he loses at WM).
  18. Twisted Intestine

    The Following People are Terrible

    I haven't posted here in a while, and thus have never seen you before. Nevertheless, I am inclined to agree with your placement on this list based on the two posts I have read. They were quite bad. *Shrugs* I enjoy Slapnuts! reviews on TNA, even though he is a little biased towards them. Without him that folder would be next to dead, since it's already pretty close.
  19. Twisted Intestine

    The Following People are Terrible

    No, I just really don't care. I come here to entertain myself, fuck what a bunch of internet wrestling geeks will think of me. Edit: And I'll always mark for my name on a list. Disclaimer: It is not my intention to insult any internet wrestling geek, or any internet wrestling geek in denial. Second disclaimer: Nor is it my inent to come off as witty or funny with previous disclaimer.
  20. Twisted Intestine

    The Following People are Terrible

    Personally, I'm honored to have caught your attention, for good or bad. Edit: and I assume you had a meeting with the board to come to the conclusion that we aren't entertaining to anyone?
  21. Twisted Intestine

    Ask IDrinkRatsMilk

    1) Am I established in your eyes? 2) Do you, like me, find all these people talking about/asking if they're established lately annoy you? 3) How many hours a day (on average) do you spend on message boards? And how many at the computer?
  22. Twisted Intestine

    I'm about to hit a million posts.

    and take "#1 good charlotte fan" from my member title while you're at it
  23. Twisted Intestine

    A Gimmick for Maven...

    I thought this thread should have never existed when I wrote my first reply... ...But instead I'll bump it up!
  24. Twisted Intestine

    I'm about to hit a million posts.

    Yes... it says that Kotz is a mod. Oh, what a threat! I put down his favorite band and he threatens me with someone else. Way to go Juggalo. What in the world are you on about?
  25. Twisted Intestine

    I'm about to hit a million posts.

    Yes... it says that Kotz is a mod.