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Twisted Intestine

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Everything posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Twisted Intestine

    Will you order TNA Final Resolution?

    It's all to do with money. Unless you have an abundance of it, who would drop $30-40 on a wrestling show? To go see it live, yes, but to watch 3 hours of TV? There's much better things to do with your money. You'd have to be a pretty hardcore fan to drop money for every PPV when you don't have alot of it.
  2. Twisted Intestine

    Will you order TNA Final Resolution?

    The scissors kick exposes the business.... Who would sand slouched over for 5 seconds when wrestling Booker T!? I voted no, because I don't have the money... not that I ever have money to spend on wrestling PPVs. The last PPV I actally payed to see was the Invasion..
  3. Twisted Intestine

    Talk me down from the ledge

    You can believe in God without believening in all the bullshit church teaches you.
  4. Twisted Intestine

    Talk me down from the ledge

    The organization is really what hurts it. They have to be organized to fly a plane into a building, or drive thousands of homosexuals to suicide.
  5. Twisted Intestine

    Talk me down from the ledge

    ...Now I just have a white mess on my hands.
  6. Twisted Intestine

    Talk me down from the ledge

    I've got a boner.
  7. Twisted Intestine

    Chris Masters

    Shouldn't have fired Albo.
  8. Twisted Intestine

    Raw 1.10.05 Speculation, Reaction and Complaints

    Best. Chant. EVER. I think one guy even started a "I screwed Chyna" chant. Yeah, once the "You screwed Chyna" chant ended you could clearly hear one or more people say "I screwed Chyna" ... for a second I Thought it was HHH yelling at the crowd.
  9. Twisted Intestine

    The Triple H Celebration Thread

    Here's some google results: There are two imposters! Can you guess which are them?
  10. Twisted Intestine

    The Triple H Celebration Thread

    Triple H is one of the most entertaining superstars on RAW for me.. Can't complain about his ring work, I like his sagments.. I can live with him as champ.
  11. Twisted Intestine

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    Well that was... gay.
  12. Twisted Intestine

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    I wouldn't be surprised if Batista somehow screws HHH and Orton wins..
  13. Twisted Intestine

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    The crowd popped for Batista pinning Benoit
  14. Twisted Intestine

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    Now maybe Kane can move onto something useful.. Wait, he hasn't been put in a useful feud since his debut! Of course it won't happen now. I won't be surprised if he goes on to job to Matt Hardy in another feud over Lita.
  15. Twisted Intestine

    Who doesn't love Fred Phelps?

    If I ever saw this guy I'd hit on him.
  16. Twisted Intestine

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    ...This match should be over by now!
  17. Twisted Intestine

    Feud based DVDs

    I just watched the Bret vs. Owen cage match for the WWF title, and was wondering why they haven't come out with DVDs directed towards certain feuds. Like the Owen vs Bret feud DVD. All the interviews, angles and matches in order. (Well, maybe the main feature will have cut versions, and there'll be a few full matches on the extras) They could have people talking about the feuds and some backstage events surrounding them. Austin vs McMahon, Raven vs Dreamer... I'd buy them. Does anyone know of any plans the WWE has to release DVDs like these, or have they already and I've just missed them? I think it's a good idea anyways..
  18. Twisted Intestine

    OAO New Years Revolution Thread

    Jericho's winning. So says an inside source.... I know a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who's uncle's cousin once got an autograph from Jericho and he told him.
  19. Twisted Intestine

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    You're right! I must have missed the gospel of Einstein. Oh all the proof we have that the gospel writers were smarter than the average human. Edit: Yes, undoubtably some did have a higher IQ than Smith, and I'm sure many didn't. It doesn't make their word gospel.
  20. Twisted Intestine

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    Um, bullshit. Christ CLEARLY said that it is not necessary to believe in him but to be rightous(which translates to being a good person) He also never said, "Hey, gay lifestyle...why don't we cut that out, huh?" I mean, dude, he commented on EVERY fucking thing from what you can eat, to what the literal meaning of born again was, to what constitutes work on the sabbath...i mean he commented on everything. you would think he wouldn't have missed that whole "GAY" thing if he had a opinion on it. I mean that, "I give to you this final commandment" thing about loving one another being most important, that helps eradicate that. Bottomline, dude came out said ignore the old testament, did things that directly went against the old law, and some people are taught to this day to still support the old laws while some chose to live through the new testament. Don't start speaking for what Jesus would have done or said because of what you were taught his traits might have been. And dude...didnt you start the hitler thread? Oh man, there are too many verses to list that say this: No man will enter Heaven unless they are Saved. Not by works, not by baptism, not by living good, not even by being straight or gay. Salvation and salvation only. It is really very simple when you think about. I believe I am a sinner. I believe Christ died for my sins. Therefore faith in Christ is what gets me into heaven, not how I live my life. It isn't anything that I did on my own, but rather is a free gift from God. And 'Dude' didn't come out say ingore the old testament. But the fact that Christ did come to Earth and fullfilling the plan of Salvation did change things. Christ was fullfilling the law for them, so yes he did change things. Like no need for animal sacrafices. And Christ started the church which also changed things. If you read much of the quotes of Christ you would realize that the majority of what he taught were actuall Old testament Quotes. So he did preach the Old Testament most of his life. I don't speak for Jesus, he speaks for himself. If I post something, you can go look it up in the Bible. I know what he did and did not say because unlike 99% of the people here who talk about the Bible, I have actually read it. Seriously people, if you take the time to look up stuff before you post it, you would save yourselves alot of typing, and you may actually learn something. Christ did preach to Love one another. And that means to love Gays. That does not mean love their lifestyle. Read further on in your Bible and you will see that we are to 'Love the sinner, hate the sin'. Yet nobody ever wants to bring that up because it would go against there very own arguement. And if you want to know where God stands on Homosexuallity just read up on Sodom and Gommorah. God destroyed those cities because of their wicked lifestyle. Wiped them off the face of the Earth. Sounds to me like he has clearly stated what he thinks about Homosexuallity. Plain and simple. Don't take my word for it, go read it yourself. It isn't a trait I picked up and formed on my own. It is a record passage. And his final commandment was to go and preach the Gospel. That's another fact for you. He said the greatestest of the commandments was to Love God and one another. That's another Old Testament quote right there. Wait.. he destroyed the cities because of their wicked ways, and "wicked" means they were all gay? Does it actually say the reason he destroyed them are because they were homosexuals, or do you just assume this? You really come off as an arragont prick saying that being gay is a sin. I feel sorry for you, and your type, who follow all these laws of God. Every religion has their own, what makes yours right? Nothing. Just arragonce. From everyone. Live a good life, and God, or Budah, or whatever you want to call the creator will have no beef with you. Don't bother pulling out verses that state otherwise either, because "THE GOSPEL IS 90% BULLSHIT" counter acts any of those. If you were born and raised in India, do you think you'd still be a Christian? Does that make you any less of a person? No.. you'd probably think the Christians were the ones who are wrong. "It doesn't matter what you have faith in, just as long as you have faith" -Dogma And yes.. Kevin Smith is probably smarter than the PEOPLE who wrote the scriptures. Yes, they were people, even if they claim to have been "Filled with the Holy Spirit".. what makes their word any better than anyone elses? You just choose what you want to believe in and live it as fact.. I don't know, I don't even want to argue anymore. You're making my head hurt. And you're just oging to come back with a bunch of Bible versus which mean nothing to me because I choose not to believe in what some dude wrote, and some other dude decided to make devine law.
  21. Twisted Intestine

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    Why is Jesus white in every image I see of him? Considering where he was born wouldn't he be Arab? Of course not! Arabic people are evil!
  22. Twisted Intestine

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    I agree with you that being gay by choice is an exception to the rule, and that for most it's not a choice and they're just gay by nature. I was just thinking of possible reasons it'd be a choice for someone. You may have already known this, but if not, just making sure that we're on the same page.
  23. Twisted Intestine

    What keeps you tuning in?

    It entertains me. It's the only professional wrestling company I get on my cable.
  24. Twisted Intestine

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    Pop culture may be making being gay "cool". If you are a bi-sexual, you may choose to be gay, just because you have more fun with guys. Maybe to make a statement.. like you've grown up with a gay bashing father, so you engage in sexual activity with a gay partner just to tell your father to fuck off. You might just be curious and try that side of the fence. Or maybe... "Everyone else is doing it!"
  25. Twisted Intestine

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc
