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Twisted Intestine

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Everything posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Twisted Intestine

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    Right.. so you're saying the original version of the scripture was written in English? 1. Ever hear of the "A Spot"? That pleasure source has to be back there for something. 2. Logical or illogical, for many it is not a choice which sex they are attracted to. Should they be punished because of a chemical inbalance causing them to like the same sex? I don't see why God would care who we fuck. It's not hurting anyone.. The important thing should be that we're happy. This has been a message from the Christian Children's fund.
  2. Twisted Intestine

    Look what book is stocked at Wal-Mart!

    Oh the irony
  3. Twisted Intestine

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    Christ doesn't welcome non-believers into Heaven. That's pointed out very clearly in the Bible. And when he did dine with sinners, he didn't sit down and say "It's OK everyone, keep living in sin." He told them how live rightious, and he would tell Gays their lifestyles is wrong, plain and simple. I hate it when people try to say that God accepts sin. First of all... Why do you have to believe Christ is the messiah to get into heaven? That's the biggest lump of shit I've ever heard. WHY ARE YOU FORCED TO BELIEVE A STORY OF A MAN THAT OTHER MEN HAVE TOLD YOU!? Don't give me the "faith" argument either. Why would God expect you to have faith in what we are taught by man, when man is so currupt. If Hitler *cough* won WWII and made it scripture that Jews are evil, I guess we'd be expected to believe that.. or we wouldn't go to heaven. Secondly, why is being gay wrong? You don't choose to be gay. Yes, there are some people who it is a choice for I'm sure. But what are you suppose to do if guys give you erections and girls don't? You can't change that. I'll stop here, because I just think religion is all a load of horse shit, and I'm sure there are plenty on this board who will take offense to it and prosicute me. After all, it's the way Jesus would have wanted it.
  4. Twisted Intestine

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    You see bigotry because you twist scripture to your worldview. I have nothing to prove to you, Eric. I'm educated in Hermeneutical investigation. If I do pull on scripture to explain something, you can bet I've got at least a basic understanding of what was going on around it. Scripture is not open to your personal interpretation. It is only open to what it says within its own context. I'm not going to be pulled into an argument with you, because that's all you really want out of this confrontation: an argument. You don't really want to prove anything, you just want to show how wonderful your open interpretive bullshit skills are. Since I already know how good those are, I'll avoid giving you an exercise in them this time. Thanks. Scripture was written by man. Then translated by another man. And another. And another. You can't twist what's already been twisted.
  5. Hey, yo, 4th paragraph. Oh, my bad. Sorry.
  6. Twisted Intestine

    An open question

    It's true that he's gotten lazy these days... but back when he was with the WWE I think he could have been a legit threat. He wasn't over, because they didn't give him a chance to be. If they would have given him promo time and exposure, I think the fans would have took on to his character. He's one of the more popular guysin TNA, even in his current shape. But WWE didn't give him a legit chance, so I guess it'll always just be speculation as to weather or not he could have gotten over with the general audience.
  7. This news says nothing about Lesnar! Lies!
  8. Twisted Intestine

    An open question

    Oh, so he can already do more than half of WWEs uppercard? If they allowed him to cut the proper promos, people would care more about seeing Raven come after HHH for his title than they would about Michaels or Orton.
  9. They should dress him up as a clown and send him to the ring to job. At least then he'll be semi-entertaining
  10. Twisted Intestine

    An open question

    They had the greatest promo man in the business. With one of the most unique characters in the business. He helped revolutionize sports entertainment. They give him a "goth hardcore" character, a few runs with the hardcore title, job him to Tommy Dreamer in a "loser leaves RAW" match, and job him on heat for the rest of his contract. Damn them..
  11. Twisted Intestine

    Muhammad Hussan

    They are coming here to Toronto on the 15th of Jan I believe, I predict Hassan will be the biggest babyface on the show. Unless they do something weak like have him insult the Leafs before he cuts a promo. I like the gimmick because it exposes the ignorance of the average American. The fact that the fans chanted "USA" was priceless to me. Hopefully they use that for future promos for the guy. Face facts, most Americans, or at least a lot of them are racist towards anyone that looks like they are from the Middle East. Hell they attacked another country in the Middle East just because they are in the Middle East, instead of attacking the country that funded 9/11. So if he wrestled in any other country, Hassan would be a huge baby, but he's in America, so he's gotta play heel. To me that in itself is very relevant and a commentray on American society. He'll probably say something like... "You lazy Canadians sit idly by, and allow the Americans to do what they're doing to my people"
  12. Twisted Intestine

    Muhammad Hussan

    Have they been to Canada yet? How do Canadian crowds react to them?
  13. Twisted Intestine

    Yah, so what will HBK do....

    I knew the spec ref would be HBK, or someone equally as unimpressive.. I was really holding on to my string of hope that it'd actually be someone suprising like... Steve Austin, though.
  14. Twisted Intestine

    Raw 12.27.04 Dicussion and Reactions

    I was rooting for Eugene
  15. Twisted Intestine

    Raw 12.27.04 Dicussion and Reactions

    That guy was hilarious!
  16. Twisted Intestine

    Raw 12.27.04 Dicussion and Reactions

    This will be the first RAW I've watched since... Maven was GM. Let's hope for something good! I'm interested in seeing how Batista/HHH interact. Also interested in seeing if anything is done with Kane. ...Has Matt Hardy returned yet!? I'd be interested in watching him as well.
  17. Twisted Intestine

    Your wrestler biases

    Lance Storm has no chirisma and is the boringest wrestler to watch ever. Jeff Hardy is an awesome risk taker. His matches are always fun to watch. Raven is a legend.
  18. Twisted Intestine

    Kevin Nash vs. DDP vs. Monty Brown booked

    If Brown wins clean, and goes on to beat Jarrett clean, I say congrats on the booking. But he won't.
  19. Twisted Intestine

    What Happened to A-train?

    I loved Albo!
  20. Twisted Intestine

    Brock Calls Vince

    Only difference is.. Austin was a proven draw, Lesnar is not.
  21. Twisted Intestine

    Brock Calls Vince

    Oh, is that what Trolling is? Okay, sorry... I never understood that term. I don't think Brock will draw because, well Jesus himself couldn't draw these days. (pun intended) I don't think Brock was around for a long enough time, or even built up enough, for him to still be an appealing name for the average viewer. So they'd basically have to start from scratch. WWE creative team starting from scratch, even if they don't hold a grudge against Lesnar, isn't a good thing. Despite his obvious talent, I don't think they could turn him into a draw... not in the short term anyways.. So I don't think Vince trying to teach him a lesson hurts business, as it probably won't pick up with or with out Brock there. He'll most likely just become another name like JBL, Benoit, HHH etc.. While they aren't bad for business, they don't draw. Edit: It would improve the product, yes. But it probably won't attract casual fans,so won't effect business. Utalizing the CWs, and getting rid of the worthless hosses and women would improve the product, but not business.
  22. Twisted Intestine

    Brock Calls Vince

    Hogan doesn't draw like Hogan used to. And thanks for trolling. Have a nice day. Right... saying Brock won't draw is "Trolling". I don't think he will draw, and we'll see if I'm right when he returns. I mean.. if I'm not a Troll by then and can still work the TV set.
  23. Twisted Intestine

    Brock Calls Vince

    Lesnar doesn't draw like Hogan use to... I don't see why everyone thinks he'll save the company.. He won't do much for business at all.
  24. Twisted Intestine

    to Real reason heyman was released

    It's Kane... You think he really doesn't care about being misused all these years? Oh.. he's paying them back.. now the whole IWC will know what's going to happen next week on RAW! Diobolical mastermind.