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Twisted Intestine

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Everything posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Twisted Intestine

    Final Resolution

    This will probably be TNAs last hope before they fold... It seems that everyone thought Turning Point was good to great, so that should generate some more interest and buys for this PPV.. If they book it smart, they may actually.... MAKE A PROFIT! But then, maybe not.
  2. Twisted Intestine


    I liked the match and didn't think Lita did bad in it.. Her botched spot was a plus for me, because, if no one gets seriously hurt, I think botched spots are exciting and make wrestling look more dangerous. It was one of the best Womans matches I've seen (grant it, I don't order PPVs), and giving it the main event made it seem more important as they hardly ever give women's matches the main event.. or make them seem important. If they had a division to work with, I'd say they were trying to make the woman's division take off.
  3. Twisted Intestine


    When someone threatens your, or a loved ones life, if you don't have sex with them and you know damn well they'll do it (Kane set JR on fire bah gawd!), I consider it rape. It's as if a gun was to her (Matt Hardy's) head.
  4. Twisted Intestine

    TNA Notes from PWInsider

    Take the millions your paying Nash, Hall, and Savage, and buy the Goldust character from Vince. (I know, he wouldn't sell it.)
  5. Twisted Intestine

    Randy Savage last night

    I think Hogan looks just as old... he's just still all roided up.
  6. Twisted Intestine

    TNA Notes from Meltz

    This is just a thought... But maybe Jarrett is purposely booked against worse wrestlers than himself, so that people will be happy when he wins
  7. Twisted Intestine

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    The WWE skits make me laugh... ...who says Vince sues?
  8. Twisted Intestine

    Its time for a VELOCITY (12-04-04) THREAD

    If that's true... ..... That's all I have to say.
  9. Twisted Intestine

    With the WM Angles starting now...

    lol, I've always noticed that black people tend to feud with black people very often... Maybe Vince is scared it'll be a hate crime otherwise.
  10. Twisted Intestine

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    Is Devine set to appear on the PPV? Damn John Cena for recovering so much faster than him!
  11. Twisted Intestine

    Tna Turning Point Thread

    *Waits for the bashing...*
  12. Twisted Intestine

    First review of the Chyna/X-Pac sex tape

    except for the fact that car crashes are funny... Hell I wish there was a car crash outside my house right now. There's still no chance in hell I'm clicking on any of those links.
  13. Twisted Intestine

    Predictions for TNA Turning Point

    No one cares. Kid Kash, Michael Shane, and Kazarian vs. Hector Garza, Sonjay Dutt and Sonny Siaki Prediction: Kid Kash, Michael Shane, and Kazarian ..I like them better Raven vs. Diamond Dallas Page Prediction: DDP Seems like he's being built strong... plus who cares if Raven has to job another one? Might as well. Serengeti Survival Match: Abyss vs. Monty Brown Prediction: Monty Brown He's heading for the main event 6 Sides of Steel Match: America's Most Wanted vs. Triple X Prediction: AMW Held down. TNA X-Division Championship: Petey Williams vs. Chris Sabin Prediction: Petey Williams ...yep... NWA Tag-Team Championship: 3 Live Kru vs. Team Canada Prediction: Team Canada Only if "Team Canada" includes Johnny Devine.... he needs his push, damn it! Randy Savage, AJ Styles, and Jeff Hardy vs. The Kings of Wrestling Prediction: Kings of Wrestling Politics... They didn't come here to job.
  14. Twisted Intestine

    First review of the Chyna/X-Pac sex tape

    Wait... and CHINA is the one who put this on the market to get at PAC?? ...I now understand why he didn't care. She's only embarassing herself.
  15. Twisted Intestine

    NYRevolution, Royal Rumble posters inside

    Maybe that means a return for Brock Lesnar! Nice! I've always associated D'Lo Brown with Donkey Kong... Tell me he doesn't walk like him.
  16. Twisted Intestine

    more rumors on USA bid for Raw

    *Pees himself*
  17. Twisted Intestine

    Let's talk about Trish

    Don't Forget super hero Molly!
  18. Twisted Intestine

    WWE Phone?

    Your ring tone can be Chris Benoit saying "I am the best technical wrestler ever!" ...that's all I know.
  19. Twisted Intestine

    New RVD Interview

    Not to mention that Triple H will probably have control of the company... So, yeah.. they'll even keep their mouths shut more about him.
  20. Twisted Intestine

    How will Ric Flair be remembered

    No... No I don't think anyone remembers him that way. NOT ANYONE? I just mentioned it. Most fans won't remember it would be accurate, but people will remember Flar doing jobs to everyone on the roster. If that is the way you REMEMBER Flair (Note: This is different from actually remembering an event), than you have no business calling yourself an educated wrestling fan. Remembering Flair for that implies it will be a major part of his legacy. Again, no one looks at Flair and says "Hey, there's the guy who lost to Rico." Maybe by someone who watched wrestling for the first and last time during that event.. How else are they suppose to remember him? Then again, I doubt they'd remember at all.
  21. Twisted Intestine

    Greatest American

    George W. Bush Edit: Vince McMahon too! Edit Again: Oh, and while we're on the topic, Charles Manson! Relax guys, it was a joke. I personally have nothing against Bush, McMahon, or your country.
  22. Twisted Intestine

    Greatest Canadian?

    Terry Fox is the greatest Canadian by far on that list.. Though maybe I have a biase towards him since he stopped his run where I live, and I see a monument of him every time I go in and out of the city..
  23. Twisted Intestine

    Jarrett out as TNA Booker

    Raven SHOULD win the world title. Raven IS their biggest wrestler. Raven CAN give someone the rub. Raven looking horrible lately isn't his fault. I think with proper booking, they could get everyone back onto the Raven bandwagon. ..they can at least fake that he's still got it long enough to give someone a proper rub.
  24. Twisted Intestine

    WWE looking for Canadian university students

    I'd do it just to get my foot in the door with them, because I've always had a dream to be a pro wrestler... and it's hard to make it in the business now days, so the closer you get with the WWE the better
  25. Twisted Intestine

    Thanksgiving Smackdown spoilers

    I hope all this indian bashing leads to somewhere (If he is bashing Native Americans and not Indians?), like the entrance of the first Nation Sensation WAVEL STAR! (Who did have a dark match a while back..)