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Twisted Intestine

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Everything posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Twisted Intestine

    Official Survivor Series Poster

    It looks cool at first glance but once you stare at it for a while you can pick out it's many flaws. And I thought Taker was Rhyno
  2. Twisted Intestine

    Fight Club

    How long was the DVD? Because they have two movies of "Fighting Mad" in that thread, one of which is I believe 14:30, while the other is slightly over 16:00. Watched it last night, not too bad. And yeah, the woman versus the crackhead was golden. He was way too fucked up to do much of anything other than get his ass kicked.
  3. Twisted Intestine

    RAW Rating

    Ya, it's okay to argue against him.. I just don't like when people say "He sucks and any one who says other wise is stupid"
  4. Twisted Intestine

    RAW Rating

    If you don't like Orton, good. Jebus, "People with cocks can't like Orton", "The sheep like Orton" Orton does have talent and it's just up to taste if you like him or not. I hate how people always think that if they dislike somebody everyone else has to dislike them too otherwise they're wrong stupid marks who like guys. Maybe it's just me, but that annoys the shit out of me. *Goes to get some sleep*
  5. Twisted Intestine

    The Kane angle

    I see a Kane face turn for sure. He's devistated that he lost his baby, and he "sees the light", so to speak. ...Come on. He didn't even hit the doctor.
  6. Twisted Intestine

    My breakdown of the TNA roster

    *Soaks in all the Devine love* He's like a home town hero to me.. although he isn't from my home town. *Bashes Vampiro for deciding to suck and make his town look bad*
  7. Twisted Intestine

    Mean Gene needs help

    Yes, and alot of people when Mr. Dress up died, and alot of people were sad about all the victims of the 9/11 incident.. but I wasn't. It's just the way I am.. I understand why others would be sad, I jsut personally don't get sad. Thanks for correcting me, I get "affect" and "effect" confused a lot. Hopefully from now on I remember. I also get "alot" and "a lot" confused.
  8. Twisted Intestine

    Best crimson mask

    I'll just use this thread as an excuse to plug Johnny Devine! From NHB Wrestling: Edit: Sorry about the overly large pic .. looks like a double blade job on the top right corner of his forehead.
  9. Twisted Intestine

    Mean Gene needs help

    I think I'd be pretty down about it for a while, as the guy is a legend of wrestling, he goes back to at least 1970s AWA, I think. The guy's got a great voice, and it's one that I'm sure we all remember and associate with our childhood days of watching the WWF, or old WWF tapes, whichever the case may be. Here's hoping he can get a transplant and recover. I think a lot of us would do more than shrug it off and say "too bad just some old dude," especially if a video montage were to get us all worked up and such. Yeah, it's definatly sad, but I just don't get beat up over people I don't personally know dying.. just the way I am I guess.
  10. Twisted Intestine

    Mean Gene needs help

    I'd be like, "Oh, that's too bad" and move on with my life, as it won't effect any aspect of it.
  11. Twisted Intestine

    ahhh the blood thirsty crowds

    It's a work. Carmella will win.. Christy will get pissed.. Christy will come back for a grudge feud with Carmella.. I thought this when it came down to the final six, and everytime someone got eliminated who wasn't Carmella or Christy, I believed it more and more.
  12. Famous players runs WWE PPVs on the big screen for around $10
  13. Twisted Intestine

    Stumbled Upon Smackdown!

    Martin Luther King is obviously his hero, and he obviously sucks up to Vinnie which is why he got the GM role in the first place... So he has posters of both of 'em.
  14. Twisted Intestine

    Hypothetically speaking....

    Erm... I'd rather watch Hogan than Goldberg, Steiner, Sting, Jarrett, and O'Haire.. and possibly Booker T, as he hasn't been that great recently either.
  15. Twisted Intestine

    Main event tryouts

    The Hurricane got a singles win over The Rock.. that match made me respect The Rock because he really (tried to) put Helms over with thier hilarious backstage skits, and jobbing the match to him..
  16. Twisted Intestine

    Dress code continues to be annoying

    What a huge waste of money... What? Just saying. During Chris Jericho's Highlight Reel... You know he'd say something.. no way he'dbe able to keep his mouth shut!
  17. Twisted Intestine

    9-8-04 FINAL WEEKLY TNA PPV Preview

    Every title match is "the most anticipated title match in TNA history".. same goes for WWE title matches... jeeez
  18. Twisted Intestine

    Dress code continues to be annoying

    If you're on the road with the same people for the majority of the year, they're going to start to tick you off.. If you are now being forced to dress in a suit for this time, you'll get more ticked. If you are now in the hall and you see a higher up walk past Taker (Who isn't dressed according to code), and he says nothing to him, then he walks past you and tells you to tuck in your shirt, you're going to flip. At least I would.
  19. Twisted Intestine


    Well the replica belt IS a pretty cool prize.. it's like entering any contest to win a prize. *Watches as WWE steals people's story lines*
  20. Twisted Intestine

    WWE News: RAW Ratings, WM21 Tickets, Bad Divas

    I would if I had that kind of money to spend on a ticket.. but I don't.
  21. Twisted Intestine

    The Stevie in drag storyline

    It's Shawn Michaels. Period.
  22. Twisted Intestine

    WWF/E Theme Songs

    I always thought Rollin' suited him.. as he came " rollin' " down to the ring on a mortorcycle.. "Beautiful Day" suited HHH because he was just coming off of injury.. That was a beautiful day indeed.
  23. Twisted Intestine

    The Stevie in drag storyline

    Didn't Stevie (Not in drags) show up when Victoria was doing a backstage interview (Either at a PPV, RAW, or HEAT), and they kinda shared || a moment? I don't think this is going anywhere besides Stevie and Victoria re-uniting, and now Stevie likes to dress in drags like Goldust.
  24. Twisted Intestine

    Why Hardy v. Jarrett is the worst title feud ever

    The reason Jarrett's losses mean nothing, is because you know even if he does lose, he's winning it back within the next month
  25. Twisted Intestine

    Is Carmella a marked woman?

    Is playboy really bigger and better?