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Twisted Intestine

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Everything posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Twisted Intestine

    RAW house show results from 7-30-04

    he'll face.... The Undertaker
  2. Twisted Intestine

    Trivia news of weak sources

    Am I the only person who thinks this would make a really good sitcom? Wow! That would be an awesome show! Austin and DDP living together looking for work.. I'd watch it. And as for Flair's comments being a work.. the only way I see that, is if Hart is in on it all along, and agreed to go through this whole fake drama as an angle for his return.. which I highly highly doubt, seeing as he said if he returns he just wants it to be to say goodbye to the fans and not in an angle.. although, if this was all a work on both sides, it would be the greatest angle ever. It would be pure genious.
  3. Twisted Intestine

    Future WWE plans

    1) Orton will be winning it for the first-time. 2) Orton will be emotional about it. Obviously not on Benoit's levels, but that's something totally different. 3) It shouldn't be rule that someone has to wrestle for 18 years and around the world before they become World Champion. I just think the WWE title should only be held by the best of the best of the best. Obviously that won't happen, as it already has a history to it but.. In my ideal world anyways, the IC title would be what the World title is now.. and the world title would only be held by the few outstanding wrestlers who have worked hard to earn it. Think of how much of an honor winning the belt would be... Of course, this is just my opinion. Edit: I know it's unrealistic as there aren't that many "great" wrestlers, but it's just a thought.
  4. Twisted Intestine

    Future WWE plans

    The WWE championship should have more meaning. You see when some people win it for the first time (like Chris Benoit), and how emotional they get, because they've actually worked their ass off to get it and it finally payed off. Then they hand it to fairly new-comers like Lesnar and Orton, and they don't really give a shit... I forget what I was trying to say, but I'm sure you get the idea.
  5. Twisted Intestine

    The OaO 7/28 PPV thread

    That match looked pretty good. I loved the double DDT(reverse/normal), maybe just because I haven't seen it happen before.. it looked sweet.
  6. Twisted Intestine

    Impact spoilers

    Did I mention that HJD is the most talented member of team Canada? Stop under-using him!
  7. Twisted Intestine

    Why I respect Jim Cornette

    Exactly! I've always hated when wrestlers have booking powers.. how biased is that? If you're going to be booking, you should stay off TV, or if you must be on TV, let someone book who won't biasedly give you the title, and will actually book on what the fans want. (having no other insentives)
  8. Twisted Intestine

    Your Wrestling Memorabilia

    I have a RAW magazene that was given to me and a blood bath DVD that I bought for $10... That is all.. So yes, I'd sell it all for $20 Edit: Oh wait, I have an autographed Raven T-shirt, and an autographed skirt, which I wouldn't sell. *marks for Raven*
  9. Twisted Intestine

    Irony on WWE.com

    I'll answer this since everyone else will probably just ignore it WWF(World Wild Life Foundation?) sued the WWE for using the "WWF" initials, which is why they changed to WWE. Now the WWF are paying the WWE for an advertisement on their website. ironic, eh?
  10. Twisted Intestine

    I need a pic of Brock wearing the sombrero...

    If that's what the whole story was then.. I don't think it necesaarly makes him homophobic.. He could have just meant "I don't like gays" as in, he himself isn't gay.. not necessarly that he hates people who are.. But I guess I'm going off topic and this is a subject meant for the Lesnar is a homophobe thread wherever that is, eh?
  11. Twisted Intestine

    I need a pic of Brock wearing the sombrero...

    Anyone think there might be something more to the story of Brock saying he hates gays.. like he was joking or something? I don't know.. I just don't see how someone open enough to kiss a guy on national TV can be a homophobe... he probably lost his whole homophobe fanbase after kissing Kurt
  12. Twisted Intestine

    The Official What I think You Look Like

    I'm not AoO, but given that limited information I'll assume you're either a 14 year old girl with too much eyeliner. either a 14 year old girl with too much eyeliner, or what? Or maybe you didn't mean to say either... Well EITHER way, next time you want to blindly zing someone, make sure your sentence makes sense.
  13. Twisted Intestine

    TNA's money match

    If your Junior high science teacher can put on a ***** match, I'll pay to see him. If only there were enough of you who could make a workrate based fed profitable. Not every wrestler needs "THE LOOK" And as for Siaki, I completely agree that he would do a great job as a uppercard wrestler. He's actually the reason I think TNA needs a mid-card belt. What's wrong with Daniel's look? I think he has it..
  14. Twisted Intestine

    The Official What I think You Look Like

    I'm new on the boards and for the most part don't post unless it's to mark out for Jeff Hardy.. I'm in.. if you're still doing these.
  15. Twisted Intestine

    Official TNA Preview for 7/28

    Jeff Hardy probably is gay.. ..Not that there's anything wrong with that.
  16. Twisted Intestine

    Coming Soon?

    Cyrus!#@$@ lol. That'd be such a letdown.
  17. Twisted Intestine

    WWE News & Notes

    I don't know, because I didn't watch the PPV nor read about it.. because it looked so shitty.. But.. Didn't Taker no sell the dudleys, thus defying Heyman and killing Bearer? If that is how the story went, then I think by doing that he showed that Heyman, Bearer, nor the Urn have any power over him anymore. But.. maybe that didn't happen at all. All I heard is he "Killed" bearer.
  18. Twisted Intestine

    Official TNA Preview for 7/28

    Monty Brown has the best promos ever. He's also not as horrible in the ring as he's being made out to be. I've been a huge hardy mark since I started to consistantly watch WWE. (During the WCW Invasion) He *is* able to work wonders in the ring, although it hasn't shown in his TNA debut, or his last leg in the WWE. I still have faith for him though.. a push in the title picture might be what he needs to get motivated and start working. So..Yeah.. This is pretty much a dream match for me... as shitty as everyone thinks it will be
  19. Twisted Intestine

    Smackdown (*Spoilers*) for 07/15/04

    I wouldn't mind if the Divas show up on RAW... The womans title doesn't have much for contenders.. and although I'm not a big womans wrestling fan, I do respect them and think they diserve a decent push. I wouldn't mind if all the divas were on one show and had some heated feuds for the title.. as long as they didn't get TOO much air time. Besides.. this is a good way to keep them away from the cruiserweight title
  20. Twisted Intestine

    Edge Webcast

    2 words:WWE Style. Yeah but when he was on Smackdown he did a lot more than punches and his arsenal was more varied. Maybe it's because HHH would like to face a younger version of himself? Isn't he using less moves/less high risk moves, because of his neck injury? I thought he said somewhere in an interview that he cut back on his move arsenal because he doesn't want to risk another major injury..
  21. Twisted Intestine

    wwe signs new talent

    Or the first nation sensation, Wavel(sp) Star? He jobbed to Raven when they came here
  22. Twisted Intestine

    Best comedy segment ever?

    I've always found Booket T/Goldust to be most entertaining.
  23. Twisted Intestine

    Sunday Night Heat quote

    lol.. it didn't offend me.. I can care less. I was just wondering if it really was directed at internet fans, since I've never heard any comments on live TV before.. seemed kinda stupid of him.
  24. Twisted Intestine

    Sunday Night Heat quote

    This won't be the exact words, as it was a couple hours ago I watched the show.. but it went something like this; King: "Did you know I go out with Trish every night JR?" JR: "No I didn't know that. That hasn't been around on the internet" I don't know.. it kind of sounded like another shot at internet fans to me.. Anyone else hear it?
  25. Twisted Intestine

    WWE News & Notes from the 7/12 Observer

    Maybe he just wants his own look, and not what's "in". Personally, I like to have my own look, and if someone told me to change something about it because it's the style, I'd tell them to fuck themselves. There's nothing wrong with individuality.. Edge looks fine the way he is.. I don't see why he needs to cut his hair against his will. Besides.. I don't like hair vs hair matches Also besides.. Personally, I don't want every wrestler in the WWE to look identicle... it's alright for a tag team to both have uniform short blonde hair, but once everyone starts getting it people lose track of who's who.