I think you're all just proving what Matt said in his article.
All he was basically saying is that instead of bashing everything the WWE does and saying it sucks, we should give constructive critisism on how to make it better. He wasn't saying "You must think everything is good, and if you say otherwise you're stupid". He even said the WWE aren't perfect. He said you can think something is no good, but look for the positives and think of ways to improve on it instead of just saying "That sucks" and leaving it at that. I totally agree with him.
Now, not everyone, but by alot of you just bashing what he had to say and calling him another one of Vince McMahon's goons, you're proving what he said about the internet fanbase being negative. He didn't bash internet fans, he simply asked us to try and make it a more positive environment. So how do we respond? With a bunch of negative feedback to what he said. Oye.