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Twisted Intestine

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Everything posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Twisted Intestine

    What would you buy?

    You can also share your ideas for movies in this thread.
  2. Twisted Intestine

    Movie Tournament 2009 Round 1

    Action & Adventure: The Terminator -vs- Indiana Jones: The last Crusade Die Hard -vs- Kill Bill Hard-Boiled -vs- Robocop Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark -vs- Batman Begins Aliens -vs- T-2: Judgment Day T-3: Rise of the Machines -vs- The Seven Samurai The Dark Knight -vs- Sweet Movie Total Recall -vs- Predator Comedy: Ghostbusters -vs- There's Something about Mary Wristcutters: A Love Story -vs- What About Bob? UHF -vs- Kingpin National Lampoons Vacation -vs- Mallrats Chasing Amy -vs- Hannah and Her Sisters The Big Lebowski -vs- Forgetting Sarah Marshall Office Space -vs- Clerks Salo -vs- The 40 Year Old Virgin Crime & Gangster: Goodfellas -vs- Casino Eastern Promises -vs- Carlito's Way The Godfather II -vs- The Departed Scarface -vs- Reservior Dogs LA Confidential -vs- Gran Torino Dirty Harry -vs- Anatomy of Hell Pulp Fiction -vs- The Godfather The Godfather III -vs- Vertigo Drama: The World According to Garp -vs- The Shawshank Redemption Taxi Driver -vs- La Dolce Vita Fight Club -vs- History of Violence American History X -vs- Viridiana Pink Flamingos -vs- Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Momento -vs- Rocky Casablanca -vs- Silence of the Lambs The Towering Inferno -vs- The Dark Knight Epics & Historical: Ben-Hur -vs- Malcolm X Casablanca -vs- 300 Schindler's List -vs- The Opening of Misty Beethoven Gladiator -vs- Jurassic Park Gangs of New York -vs- The Best Years of Our Life Forrest Gump -vs- Titanic All the President's Men -vs- Lawrence of Arabia Braveheart -vs- The Seventh Seal Horror Silence of the Lambs -vs- Halloween Nightmare on Elm Street 3 -vs- Candy Man The Wickerman -vs- Friday the 13th Child's Play -vs- The Brown Bunny Dawn of the Dead -vs- Psycho A Nightmare on Elm Street -vs- 28 Days Later M -vs- Texas Chainsaw Massacre Saw -vs- Night of the Living Dead Sci-Fi: 2001 a Space Odyssey -vs- Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Harry Potter -vs- Children of Men ET: the Textaterrerstrial -vs- Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Blade Runner -vs- Robocop Independence Day -vs- She Wolf of the SS Aliens -vs- Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Close Encounters -vs- Star Wars Starship Troopers -vs- Alien War & Westerns: Unforgiven -vs- Saving Private Ryan Lawrence of Arabia -vs- The Big Country Black Hawk Down -vs- Roma Apocalypse Now -vs- Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid G.I. Jane -vs- Good, Bad, and the Ugly Full Metal Jacket -vs- Wild Wild West Hotel Rwanda -vs- Fistful of Dollars Shane -vs- I Spit on your Grave
  3. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    Okay, we got 'em all. Tourny will be starting later tonight/tomorrow. Any repeats I will replace with (in my view) similar movies. Unless the poster changes their picks by start time.
  4. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    To make things even, You need to nominate one movie from each given genre in order for your nominations to count. Once we have a winner in each genre we will randomly match them to decide what is the BEST MOVIE EVER! We will have 16 movies in 8 genres for 128 movies total (Open to change). Each round will last 24 hours. Sound good? Questions? If 16 people don't nominate movies, we can have repeat customers.You can choose a musical for whichever category you feel it would fall under. People's picks will be open for debate as to weather they fall under the chosen category or not. Genres and my selections: Action & Adventure: The Terminator Comedy: Chasing Amy Crime & Gangster: Carlito's Way Drama: Fight Club Epics & Historical: Jurassic Park Horror: A Nightmare On Elm Street Sci-Fi: Star Wars War & Westerns: Lawrence of Arabia
  5. Twisted Intestine


    I used to hate EHME, but now I liked him because I have been talking to him in the chat in the last little while. Shame he had to go and get himself banned now.
  6. Twisted Intestine

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    I'm in the chatroom and now I'm drunk. Oh how I wish EHME was in there to share it with me. Hey CWM? Did you come in to ban him from the chat?
  7. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    Just John nominated Saving Private Ryan, you can nominate another War or Western in it's spot. Pulp Fiction also.
  8. Twisted Intestine


  9. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    Just 4 more people need to make nominations. The same movie can be nominated for different categories like what happened with Lawrence of Arabia. If a movie wins in two genres it will go up against itself in round five.
  10. Twisted Intestine

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    That was a funny one.
  11. Twisted Intestine


    Mike will return to let him back in.
  12. Twisted Intestine

    So, it's time for Princess Leena to come clean.

    Leena will be upset to see how poorly this thread did. I guess she can't claim to be a draw anymore.
  13. Twisted Intestine


    Just suspend him from NHB if anything. If he doesn't bother people in other folders, there's no reason to completely ban him.
  14. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    Why is everyone so worried about it? It's just a bit of fun.
  15. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    Damn, I searched and didn't see a movie tourny. I will take just one of the War Movies or Western from Zoidberg depending on which genre has less entries... Or, if somebody wants to nominate one of them in the category, I will take the other from Zoidberg.
  16. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    Yeah, like when you guys picked Jackie as the hottest girl in the world. Ha!
  17. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    I nominated Star Wars Episode IV. I should have specified. You can a replacement nomination for Sci-Fi.
  18. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    Obviously some movies fall under more than one category. I would put Eternal Sunshine under drama, though I guess it could fit in Sci-Fi. The categories shouldn't be taken too strictly so it will give people some space to move (If there's another sci-fi you wanted you could put it under drama to keep your sci-fi pick open etc.) I thought Jurassic Park would fall under epic as it was a big budget movie with huge sets and special effects/robotics. (Movies can be an epic and/or historical, they don't have to be both to be in this category.) I had to fit all the categories into 8 to make even numbers... I stuck War and Westerns together because I thought they are semi related and around 8 of each would be enough. There's no spot for cartoons, but you can pick a cartoon for whatever other category it'd fall under (Comedy, drama or whatever) if you want. I will keep it how it is since a few people have already picked. It won't be perfect but at least we should end up with 128 good movies in 8 categories to choose from.
  19. Twisted Intestine

    Movie tournament anyone?

    I was thinking of putting it there, but didn't know. Don't matter to me.
  20. Twisted Intestine

    Hey Everybody... Got beef? Come to the chat!

    I'm in the chat with somebody named Agent_Bond34... HELLLP!
  21. Retard Girl should take it.
  22. Twisted Intestine

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    When the video goes to the wide shot, is she the girl in the Can't C Me shirt still going after him? If that's her he must not have hit her, cause that punch would have knocked her out. I was thinking maybe he faked it just to give her a scare?
  23. Twisted Intestine

    Jericho mobbed by fans, hits woman

    Ouch! It looks like he really clocks her in that second video. She hit him in the head first though... is it still self defense if it's against a woman?
  24. Twisted Intestine

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    If you win, you need to keep finding new challengers and see how long of a winning streak you can go on then retire on your first loss. Even if you have to go pick a fight with randoms just to have new challengers. We'll start a Brodyberg count.
  25. Twisted Intestine

    The Bruiser Brody Thread

    Its art --- Also the match will be youtubed pronto after it takes place. It has been post poned once.