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Twisted Intestine

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Everything posted by Twisted Intestine

  1. Twisted Intestine

    Deities Draft

    Pfft, what do I care about your ballot, I'm GOD!
  2. Twisted Intestine

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Your pick was already chosen, you need to pick again.
  3. Twisted Intestine

    Movie Character Draft Pt. II

  4. Twisted Intestine

    Cartoon Character Draft

    That was alot of updating.
  5. Twisted Intestine


    Since Someone Great and I are beefin', and I get to send him two thing at once, he gets... Taiga Star and a broken condom
  6. Twisted Intestine

    Stand up Comic Draft

    Ralphie May
  7. Twisted Intestine

    Deities Draft

    Many people/religious concepts believe the basic concept that we are all one god/that we are all our own god... Again, I'll leave this pick up to the rest of your judgement as to weather it counts or not. Myself.
  8. Twisted Intestine

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    The "Czech lives here" is hilarious.
  9. Twisted Intestine

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    I'm climbin this bitch.
  10. Twisted Intestine

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Yep, it's Scroby's turn until 2:48AM
  11. Twisted Intestine

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    Okay, you got my vote back.
  12. Twisted Intestine

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    Oh, I didn't even know you were gone. Did anybody else notice? If you didn't, he's probably not worth voting for in the tournament.
  13. Twisted Intestine

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    I'm surprised you didn't move that entire discussion out of there. Do your job!
  14. Twisted Intestine

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    I'm so rallying against you.
  15. Twisted Intestine


    The first couple Eliminators were just threads saying a game of sorts was going to begin, which would test your skills as a poster, but nothing ever came from them. I got an idea from the poster testing skills bit and was going to create an eliminator where nobody that signed up would know when it began, and in round one I would eliminate the person who made the least amount of posts in a day, round two I'd post in a random thread on the board telling people who read it to PM me and the last person to read it would be eliminated, round three I'd eliminate the last person to create a thread since the eliminator began etc. and I'd only tell the contestants why they were eliminated at the end of each round. I never got around to it though. Now The Eliminator was brought back as a reverse draft.
  16. Twisted Intestine

    Poster Tournament Pregame

    No organs?
  17. Twisted Intestine


    Awww man, I wish I got the balloons! So, I take it we can be specific or non specific as we like? Example, Milky gave out porn mags so all the porn mags are gone, but he could have given out playboy issue #23 and only that one mag would be gone?
  18. Twisted Intestine

    TV Character Draft

    Bob Barker
  19. Twisted Intestine

    Stand up Comic Draft

    Harland Williams
  20. Twisted Intestine

    TV Character Draft

    Tom Green No, I'm not trolling.
  21. Twisted Intestine

    Movie Character Draft Pt. II

    John Hammond
  22. Twisted Intestine

    Rock Band Draft

    I'm just gunna take them now cause I'll regret if they don't come back to me, even though everyone will probably still be picking older bands. Well, I guess they are kind of old now. Don't I feel old. Nirvana
  23. Twisted Intestine

    The TSM Fantasy Wrestling Game.

    Are you going to post everyone's teams for this month?
  24. Twisted Intestine

    Rock Band Draft

    Oh God, I guess I'll take The Doors.
  25. Twisted Intestine

    Deities Draft
